1. Introduction to Azure App Service
2. Deploy Azure Website
3. Make Changes and Redeploy
4. Dot Net Core Web App
5. Create the Resource Group
6. Other Azure Services
7. created the Sequel server
8. App Service Plan
9. Function of Database Migrate
10. Azure Remote
11. Index
12. Introduction to CORS
13. Deploying a REST API to App Service
14. Enabling CORS
15. Introduction to CDN
16. Introduction to CDN Continue
17. Implementing Azure CDN
18. Caching Every Unique URL
19. Authentication
20. Authorization
21. Accessing from Server Code
22. Accessing from Client Code
23. Backup App Service
24. Scheduling Backup
25. Partial Backups
26. Creating a Simple Logic App
27. Creating a Simple Logic App Continue
28. Logic Calculate Travel
29. Logic Time Travel
30. Variable to Store Travel Time
31. Create a Virtual Machine
32. Create a Virtual Machine Continue
33. Availability Zone
34. Regions
35. Deploying the Virtual Machine
36. Installing the IIS in VM
37. Creating a Virtual Network
38. Creating a Virtual Network Cotinue
39. Peering Virtual Networks
40. Network Appliances and Application Servers
41. DMG
42. Add Subnet
43. Creating a Route Table
44. IP Configurations
45. Network Interface
46. Traceroute Command
47. Introduction to Service Bus
48. Setting up Queue
49. Creating a Queue
50. Creating Topic and Subscription
51. Creating a Basic Function App
52. Trigger Function when Blob is Uploaded
53. Create Timer Functions
54. Create Generic WebHooks
55. Adding messages to a Storage Queue
56. Creating a Serverless API
57. Introduction to Azure Event Grid
58. Create and Route Events with Azure Event Grid
59. Create and Route Events with Azure Event Grid Continue