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دسته بندی دوره ها

Python 3 Programming: Beginner to Pro Masterclass

سرفصل های دوره

Learn Python 3 with more than 100 Practical Exercises and 20 Hands-on Practical Projects

  • 1 - Introduction and Welcome Message
  • 1 - Python-Beg-to-Pro-Jan2019.zip
  • 2 - Environment Setup.html
  • 3 - BONUS Learning Paths.html
  • 4 - Updates on Udemy Reviews
  • 5 - Environment Setup
  • 6 - Basic Mathematical Operations
  • 7 - Precedence order of operation
  • 8 - Variable Assignment
  • 9 - Math operations precedence variables assignment Exercises Questions
  • 9 - Variables-Precedence-math-operations-Question-Answers.zip
  • 10 - Math operations precedence variables assignment Exercises Solutions 1
  • 11 - Math operations precedence variables assignment Exercises Solutions 2
  • 12 - Print Operation
  • 13 - Get User Input
  • 14 - Print and Get User input Exercises Questions
  • 14 - Print-and-Get-User-Input-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 15 - Print and Get User input Exercises Solutions Part 1
  • 16 - Print and Get User input Exercises Solutions Part 2
  • 17 - Strings Concept
  • 18 - Strings Exercises Questions
  • 18 - Strings-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 19 - Strings Exercises Solutions Part 1
  • 20 - Strings Exercises Solutions Part 2
  • 21 - Lists Concept
  • 22 - Lists Exercises Questions
  • 22 - Lists-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 23 - Lists Exercises Solutions Part 1
  • 24 - Lists Exercises Solutions Part 2
  • 25 - Dictionaries and Booleans Concept
  • 26 - Dictionaries and Booleans Exercises Questions
  • 26 - Dictionaries-and-Booleans-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 27 - Dictionaries and Booleans Exercises Solutions Part 1
  • 28 - Dictionaries and Booleans Exercises Solutions Part 2
  • 29 - Dictionaries and Booleans Exercises Solutions Part 3
  • 30 - Tuples and Sets Concept
  • 31 - Tuples and Sets Exercises Questions
  • 31 - Tuples-and-Sets-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 32 - Tuples and Sets Exercises Solutions
  • 33 - Get the Materials.html

  • 34 - Comparison Operators Concept
  • 34 - Conditional-Statements-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 35 - Logical Operators Concept
  • 36 - Conditional Statements Concept
  • 37 - Conditional Statements logical and Comparison Operators Exercises Overview
  • 38 - Conditional Statements logical and Comparison Operators Exercises Solutions1
  • 39 - Conditional Statements logical and Comparison Operators Exercises Solutions2
  • 40 - Conditional Statements logical and Comparison Operators Exercises Solutions3
  • 41 - Conditional Statements logical and Comparison Operators Exercises Solutions4
  • 42 - Loops For Loops Concept
  • 42 - Loops-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 43 - Loops enumerate
  • 44 - Loops range
  • 45 - Loops Break and Continue
  • 46 - Loops Nested Loops
  • 47 - Loops List Comprehension
  • 48 - Loops While Loops
  • 49 - Loops Exercises Questions Overview
  • 50 - Loops Exercises Solutions part 1
  • 51 - Loops Exercises Solutions part 2
  • 52 - Loops Exercises Solutions part 3
  • 53 - Loops Exercises Solutions part 4
  • 54 - Loops Exercises Solutions part 5
  • 55 - Functions Concept
  • 55 - Functions-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 56 - Functions Built in functions
  • 57 - Functions lambda Expressions
  • 58 - Functions Map
  • 59 - Functions Filter
  • 60 - Functions Exercises Questions Overview
  • 61 - Functions Exercises Solutions Part 1
  • 62 - Functions Exercises Solutions Part 2
  • 63 - Functions Exercises Solutions Part 3
  • 64 - Functions Exercises Solutions Part 4
  • 65 - Files Concept Part 1
  • 65 - Files-Questions-Answers.zip
  • 66 - Files Concept Part 2
  • 67 - Files Concept Part 3
  • 68 - Files Exercises Questions Overview
  • 69 - Files Exercises Solutions Part 1
  • 70 - Files Exercises Solutions Part 2
  • 71 - Files Exercises Solutions Part 3

  • 72 - Numpy Basics Part 1
  • 72 - Topic-1-Numpy.zip
  • 73 - Numpy Basics Part 2
  • 74 - Pandas Part 1
  • 74 - Topic-2-Pandas.zip
  • 75 - Pandas Part 2
  • 76 - Matplotlib Part 1
  • 76 - Topic-3-Matplotlib.zip
  • 77 - Matplotlib Part 2
  • 78 - Matplotlib Part 3
  • 79 - Seaborn
  • 79 - Topic-4-Seaborn.zip

  • 80 - 1.Guessing-Game.zip
  • 80 - Project 1 Build a Guessing Game
  • 81 - 2.Cartoon-Effect.zip
  • 81 - Project 2 Draw Cartoon of Images Using OpenCV Part A
  • 82 - Project 2 Draw Cartoon of Images Using OpenCV Part B
  • 83 - 3.Fortune-Teller-Game.zip
  • 83 - Project 3 Build a Fortune Teller Game
  • 84 - 4.Detect-lane-lines-in-camera-images.zip
  • 84 - Project 4 Detect Lane Lines for Selfdriving Cars Part A
  • 85 - Project 4 Detect Lane Lines for Selfdriving Cars Part B
  • 86 - 5.Get-your-Zodiac-Sign.zip
  • 86 - Project 5 Build your Zodiac Sign Application
  • 87 - 6.Tic-Tac-Toe-Game.zip
  • 87 - Project 6 Build a TicTacToe Game
  • 88 - 7.Create-a-sketch-of-you-Using-webcam.zip
  • 88 - Project 7 Draw a Sketch of your Face Using the WebCam
  • 89 - 8.Analyzing-Amazon-Reviews.zip
  • 89 - Project 8 Amazon Alexa Reviews Analysis Part 1 Project Overview
  • 90 - Project 8 Amazon Alexa Reviews Analysis Part 2 Importing data
  • 91 - Project 8 Amazon Alexa Reviews Analysis Part 3 Data Visualization
  • 92 - Project 8 Amazon Alexa Reviews Analysis Part 4 Word Cloud
  • 93 - Project 8 Amazon Alexa Reviews Analysis Part 5 Feature Engineering
  • 94 - 9.Develop-a-Daily-Planner.zip
  • 94 - Project 9 Build a Daily Planner Part 1
  • 95 - Project 9 Build a Daily Planner Part 2
  • 96 - Project 9 Build a Daily Planner Part 3
  • 97 - 10.Predict-Avocado-Prices.zip
  • 97 - Project 10 Predict Future Avocado Prices Using Facebook Prophet Part 1
  • 98 - Project 10 Predict Future Avocado Prices Using Facebook Prophet Part 2
  • 99 - Project 10 Predict Future Avocado Prices Using Facebook Prophet Part 3
  • 100 - Project 10 Predict Future Avocado Prices Using Facebook Prophet Part 4
  • 101 - Project 10 Predict Future Avocado Prices Using Facebook Prophet Part 5
  • 102 - 11.Manipulate-PDF-Files.zip
  • 102 - Project 11 Manipulate PDF Files Part 1
  • 103 - Project 11 Manipulate PDF Files Part 2
  • 104 - Project 11 Manipulate PDF Files Part 3
  • 105 - Project 11 Manipulate PDF Files Part 4
  • 106 - Project 11 Manipulate PDF Files Part 5
  • 107 - 12.Detect-Faces-and-Eyes.zip
  • 107 - Project 12 Detect Faces and Eyes in Images Part 1
  • 108 - Project 12 Detect Faces and Eyes in Images Part 2
  • 109 - Project 12 Detect Faces and Eyes in Images Part 3
  • 110 - Project 12 Detect Faces and Eyes in Images Part 4

  • 111 - 5.Machine-Learning-in-Python.zip
  • 111 - Download Machine Learning Course Package.html
  • 112 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • 113 - Supervised Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning
  • 114 - Deep Learning and Big Picture
  • 115 - Case Study 1 Introduction to Linear Regression
  • 116 - Case Study 1 Least Sum of Squares
  • 117 - Case Study 1 Problem Statement and Data Importing
  • 118 - Case Study 1 Data Visualization and Data Splitting
  • 119 - Case Study 1 Model Training
  • 120 - Case Study 1 Model Testing and Evaluation
  • 121 - Case Study 2 Business Case and Problem Statement
  • 122 - Case Study 2 Problem in Machine Learning Vocabulary
  • 123 - Case Study 2 Data Visualization
  • 124 - Case Study 2 Model Training
  • 125 - Case Study 2 Model Evaluation
  • 126 - Case Study 2 Improving the Model
  • 127 - Case Study 2 Conclusion
  • 128 - Case Study 3 Introduction
  • 129 - Case Study 3 Artificial Neural Networks Basics
  • 130 - Case Study 3 Convolution Neural Network CNN Overview
  • 131 - Case study 3 Convolution Operation in Action
  • 132 - Case Study 3 Rectified Linear Units RELU
  • 133 - Case Study 3 Max Pooling and Downsampling
  • 134 - Case Study 3 Regularization and Dropouts
  • 135 - Case Study 3 Coding Part 1 Problem Statement and Data Import
  • 136 - Case Study 3 Data Visualization
  • 137 - Case Study 3 CNN Model Building
  • 138 - Case Study 3 CNN Model Training
  • 139 - Case Study 3 CNN Model Evaluation Part 1
  • 140 - Case Study 3 CNN Model Evaluation Part 2

  • 6 - Bonus Lectures
  • 141 - YOUR SPECIAL BONUS.html
  • 53,700 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 1311
    حجم: 13163 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1357 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 26 دی 1401
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    53,700 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید