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Flutter Multi Vendor App [2024] Edition

سرفصل های دوره

Flutter Multi Vendor Grocery | Shop | Food | Store App

1. Introduction
  • 1. Introduction

  • 2. Creating the project and Introducing GetX
  • 1.1 Foodly Flutter Starter Files.zip
  • 1. Creating a flutter project, installing dependencies and importing constants
  • 2.1 0001 - 0002.zip
  • 2. Hooking Screen Utils, GetX and creating a defaultHome widget

  • 3. Bottom Navigation Bar and GetX
  • 1. BottomNavigationbar
  • 2. TabIndex GetXController and Obx
  • 3. Importing Flutter vector icons
  • 4.1 0003 - 0006.zip
  • 4. Bottom Navigation baricon variations
  • 5. Entrypoint pagesList
  • 6. Creating CustomContainer
  • 7.1 0007 - 0009.zip
  • 7. CustomContainer

  • 4. Creating a CustomAppBar
  • 1. CustomAppBar
  • 2. CustomAppBar Error Fixes
  • 3. Custom AppBar Time Function
  • 4.1 0010 - 0013.zip
  • 4. Custom AppBar Dynamic Emojis

  • 5. Category List & Controller
  • 1. CategoryList
  • 2. Category Controller
  • 3. CategoryWidget onTap Logic
  • 4.1 0014 - 0017.zip
  • 4. CategoryWidget code refactoring

  • 6. All Categories Page and Category Tile
  • 1. All Categories Page and Category Tile
  • 2. BackGroundContainer
  • 3.1 0018 - 0020.zip
  • 3. Refactoring Category Tile

  • 7. Heading Widget
  • 1. Heading Widget
  • 2.1 0020 - 0022.zip
  • 2. HeaderWidget attached pages

  • 8. Nearby Restaurants
  • 1. NearByRestaurantsList and FoodsList
  • 2. Restuarant Widget Design
  • 3. Restaurant Widget Title and rating
  • 4.1 0023 - 0026.zip
  • 4. FoodWidget
  • 5. NearBy Restaurant Tile
  • 6. NearBy RestaurantList
  • 7. NearBy Restaurant tile and Restaurant List
  • 8.1 0027 - 0030.zip
  • 8. FoodTile and FoodsList inside Recommendation page

  • 9. Backend architecture and controllers and schemas
  • 1. Introducting the Backend Basic Architecture
  • 2. Initializing a fresh server and installing dependencies
  • 3. Configure Dotenv and Database Connection
  • 4. Creating DB Cluster and Extraction the URI
  • 5.1 0031 - 0035.zip
  • 5. Create Category Schema and CategotyController
  • 6.1 0036.zip
  • 6. GetAll Categories and GetRandom Categories Function
  • 7. Category router-Postman Test

  • 10. System design resources
  • 1. System design resources.html

  • 11. Restaurant and schemas and test
  • 1.1 0037 - 0038.zip
  • 1. Restuarant DataBase Design and relationships
  • 2. Restaurant Schema
  • 3. Add Restaurant & Get Restaurant
  • 4.1 0039 - 0041.zip
  • 4. Restaurant Functions
  • 5.1 0042.zip
  • 5. Restaurant Postman Test and Error Fixing

  • 12. Food schema, category and test
  • 1. Food Schema
  • 2. AddFood and GetFoodById Functions
  • 3. Get Random Foods and FoodsByCategory
  • 4. Search and Foods By Category and Code
  • 5.1 0043 - 0047.zip
  • 5. Food Routes Postman Test and Bug Indentification
  • 6. Bug Fixing

  • 13. Rating schema and functions
  • 1. Rating Schema
  • 2. Add Rating Function
  • 3.1 0048 - 0051.zip
  • 3. Check Rating existence

  • 14. User schema, address, login and OTP
  • 1. User Schema
  • 2.1 0052- 0053.zip
  • 2. Address Schema
  • 3. GenerateOtp
  • 4. Create User
  • 5.1 0054 - 0056.zip
  • 5. Login Function
  • 6. Smtp Server
  • 7. Testing Otp and sending mail
  • 8.1 0057 - 0059.zip
  • 8. GetUser Function
  • 9. VerifyAccount & VerifyPhone
  • 10. Auth Router and User Router
  • 11.1 0060 - 0062.zip
  • 11. User Router
  • 12.1 0063.zip
  • 12. Token Middlewares
  • 13. User and Auth Routes Postman Test

  • 15. Address section schema, controller and CRUD
  • 1.1 0064 - 0065.zip
  • 1. Add Address, Get Address , Delete Address
  • 2. Get Default Address, SetDefault Address
  • 3.1 0066 - 0067.zip
  • 3. Addresses Postman Test

  • 16. Cart schema
  • 1. Cart schema
  • 2. Cart functions
  • 3. Cart decrement function
  • 4.1 0068 - 0071.zip
  • 4. Cart route and postman test

  • 17. Order schema
  • 1. OrderSchema
  • 2. Place Order
  • 3.1 0072 - 0074.zip
  • 3. Order Route

  • 18. Fetch Food and Hooks
  • 1. Creating FetchhHook, Restaurants , Foods, ApiError models
  • 2. Differences and similarities between react custom hooks and flutter custo
  • 3.1 0075 - 0077.zip
  • 3. Creating first custom hook with flutter hooks
  • 4. Consuming hook data inside of a widget
  • 5.1 0078 - 0079.zip
  • 5. useFetchAllCatgories Hook and serving data in All CatgoriesPage
  • 6. useFetchRestaurants Hook and serving data in Nearby Restaurants
  • 7. Consuming useFetchAllRestaurants in AllNerByRestaurantsPage
  • 8. Consuming useFetchAllFoods in FoodList
  • 9. Refactoring and attaching recommendations to fetchAllFoods Kook
  • 10. Refactoring useFetchAllFood to return FoodsModel
  • 11.1 0080 - 0085.zip
  • 11.2 0085 - Backend.zip
  • 11. Get AllFoods by Code

  • 19. Search bar and controller
  • 1.1 0080 - 0085.zip
  • 1. SearchBar and CutomTextField
  • 2. LoadingWidget
  • 3. SearchController
  • 4.1 0086 - 0089.zip
  • 4. Search Results

  • 20. Food Category
  • 1. Dynamic HomePage
  • 2. Create Hook for Getting Foods By Category and Code
  • 3.1 0090 - 0092.zip
  • 3. Category Page
  • 4. FoodPage Multiple Images Layout
  • 5. Food Image List With PageView and Indicators
  • 6. FoodController and Image Index Indicators
  • 7. FoodPage BackButton on top of a StackWidget
  • 8. Custom Buttom and Open Restaurant Page
  • 9. Restaurant Page Placeholder
  • 10. Fetch Restaurant by Id Hook
  • 11. Get Restaurant Data and Hook Restaurant Page to Relevant Widgets
  • 12. Title Text and Description
  • 13. ListView and Food Tags
  • 14. Additives, Counter, and CounterController
  • 15. Counter Functions and Dynamic Prices
  • 16. Preference Text
  • 17. Order and Cart Buttons

  • 21. Phone verification and UI
  • 1. Phone Verification Modal Bottom Sheet
  • 2. Phone Verification Page UI

  • 22. Additives and model with observables
  • 1. Additives observable model
  • 2. LoadAdditves Function and Changing List within FoodsPage
  • 3. LoadAdditves Function and Changing List within FoodsPage
  • 4.1 0109 - 0112.zip
  • 4. Dynamic Pricing With Additives and Quantity Count

  • 23. Restaurant tabController and top and bottom bar
  • 1. Restaurant Page DefaultTabController and Cover
  • 2. Restaurant Bottom bar
  • 3.1 0113 - 0115.zip
  • 3. RestaurantTop Bar
  • 4. Distance and Estimation Text
  • 5.1 0116 - 0117.zip
  • 5. Row Text Widget
  • 6. RestaurantPage TabBar
  • 7. TabBar Style

  • 24. Restaurant Hooks and Recommendation
  • 1. RestaurantMenuWidget and Related Custom Hook
  • 2.1 0118 - 0121.zip
  • 2. Restaurant Recommendations

  • 25. Profile Page & Login & Registration & Password
  • 1. Profile Page
  • 2. UserInfo Widget
  • 3. Profile Tile Widget
  • 4. Profile Tiles Layout, Titles and Icons
  • 5.1 0122 - 0126.zip
  • 5. Profile Tiles and Log out Button
  • 6. Login Redirect
  • 7. Email TextField
  • 8.1 0127 - 0129.zip
  • 8. Login Page
  • 9. PasswordTextField
  • 10.1 0130 -0131.zip
  • 10. Registration Page
  • 11. Login , Registerration Model
  • 12. Adding fcm field in the user model and creating login controller
  • 13. Converting model data to string
  • 14. Login Function
  • 15. Storing User data in local storage with GetStorage
  • 16.1 0132 - 0137.zip
  • 16. RegistrationController
  • 17. Login Function and test logging in
  • 18. GetUserInfo Function
  • 19. Login Redirect in Profile Page
  • 20. Redirect to Verification Page
  • 21. Verification Page
  • 22.1 0138 - 0143.zip
  • 22. OtpTextField

  • 26. Verification module
  • 1. VerificationPage and Functions
  • 2. Phone Verification UI
  • 3.1 0144 - 0146.zip
  • 3. Setting Firebase Phone Verification
  • 4. Verification Services
  • 5. Testing phone verification
  • 6. Phone Verification with Loading Screen
  • 7. Testing and Updating Phone Number in the backend
  • 53,700 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 36612
    حجم: 14561 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1313 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 25 اردیبهشت 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    53,700 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید