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Tableau Mastery: Complete Data Visualization and Analysis

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Unlock the power of data with Tableau Mastery: Complete Data Visualization and Analysis

1. Tableau Desktop Training 2024
  • 1. Introduction to Course
  • 2. File and Data Menu
  • 3. File and Data Menu Continue
  • 4. Worksheet and Dashboard Menu
  • 5. Story and Analysis Menu
  • 6. Tableau - Analysis Menu
  • 7. Tableau - Maps and Format Menu
  • 8. Tableau Menu - Server Window Menu
  • 9. Tableau menu - Help Menu
  • 10. Connecting to file Types and Servers
  • 11. Creation and Refining of Views
  • 12. Analytics for Views
  • 13. Charts for Data Visualizations
  • 14. Charts for Data Visualizations Continued
  • 15. Creation of Dashboard
  • 16. Creation of Dashboard Continued
  • 17. Addition of multiple worksheets
  • 18. Interactivity
  • 19. Creation of Iphone Dashboard
  • 20. Creation of Iphone Dashboard Continued
  • 21. Creation of Story
  • 22. Usage of Story Features
  • 23. Example - Diabetics Medical Parameters
  • 24. Example - Home loan EMI Parameters
  • 25. Example - Home loan EMI Parameters Continued

  • 2. Tableau Project-Creating Dashboard and Stories For Financial Markets
  • 1. Introduction to Project
  • 2. Creation of NAV Price Worksheet
  • 3. Creation of Dashboard
  • 4. Index and Price Movement
  • 5. Addition of Filters to Worksheets
  • 6. Creation of Price Volatility Dashboard and Project Tasks
  • 7. Create Median Worksheet
  • 8. Create Story of Index and Price Movements
  • 9. Add Analytics on Median Comparison Worksheet
  • 10. Tasks Update
  • 11. Best practices for Creating Professional Worksheets
  • 12. Creating Professional Dashboards
  • 13. Creating Professional Dashboards and Stories

  • 3. Tableau Project - Russo-Ukraine War A Data Analytical Review
  • 1. Introduction to Project
  • 2. Worksheets on Land and Airborne Equipment
  • 3. Personnel Worksheet Analysis
  • 4. Creating Dashboards
  • 5. Creating Storyboard

  • 4. Tableau Certification Desktop Specialist
  • 1. Connecting to Various File Types
  • 2. How to Create Dataset
  • 3. Organizing Data Pane
  • 4. Cardinality Set bu Tableau
  • 5. Graphical User Interface
  • 6. Data Source
  • 7. Create a Dash Board
  • 8. New Story Board
  • 9. Data Analytics
  • 10. Understanding Row
  • 11. Measure (sum)
  • 12. Table Calculation
  • 13. Input Energy Data
  • 14. Credit Utilized Ratio
  • 15. Credit Analytics
  • 16. Pie Chart
  • 17. Create Dashboard
  • 18. Packed Bubbles Chart
  • 19. Created Dashboard Worksheet
  • 20. Side by Side Bar chart
  • 21. Create a Pie Chart

  • 5. Tableau Desktop Data Management
  • 1. Introduction to Course Description
  • 2. Copy Data from Clipboard
  • 3. Splits Pivots and Joins
  • 4. Relationships and Unions
  • 5. Relationships and Unions Continued
  • 6. Understanding Dimensions and Measures
  • 7. Changing Data Types for Measures and Dimensions
  • 8. Understanding Measures Calculated Field and Groups
  • 9. Creating Bins
  • 10. Creating Parameter
  • 11. Converting Discrete to Continuous
  • 12. Edit and Refresh Data
  • 13. Export to CSV and Paste External Data

  • 6. Tableau Desktop Training
  • 1. Tableau Introduction and Significance
  • 2. File Imports
  • 3. Menus GUI
  • 4. Importing Data Sources
  • 5. Dashboards Features
  • 6. Dashboards
  • 7. Storyboards
  • 8. Filters
  • 9. Panes - Marks
  • 10. Creating Views Using Graphs and Charts
  • 11. Reference Band for Analytics
  • 12. Worksheets
  • 13. Interactivity Management Between Worksheets
  • 14. Storyboard - Features
  • 15. Adding Text
  • 16. Formatting Story
  • 17. Entire Tableau Workbook
  • 18. Importing Data File
  • 19. Listing Worksheets
  • 20. Modelling and Applying Analytics on Worksheets
  • 21. Worksheets Continued
  • 22. Creating Dashboards
  • 23. Creating Dashboards Continued
  • 24. Creating Storyboard
  • 25. Creating Storyboard Continued

  • 7. Tableau
  • 1. Overview of Tableau
  • 2. Introduction to Visulazation and Tableau
  • 3. Installation of Tableu
  • 4. Data Sources
  • 5. Data Connection
  • 6. Understanding the Tools
  • 7. Using Tool for Data Exploration
  • 8. Exploration of Features Part 1
  • 9. Exploration of Features Part 2
  • 10. Exploration of Features Part 3
  • 11. Exploration of Features Part 4
  • 12. Advanced Learning Introduction
  • 13. Example Understanding
  • 14. Average Usage of Bus by User Daily and Monthly
  • 15. Weekly and Creating Sets
  • 16. Hourly Travel
  • 17. Creating Groups
  • 18. Creating Groups Continue
  • 19. Bus Station to Bus Station Mapping
  • 20. Basic Understanding of Forecasting Terms
  • 21. Understanding the Trend
  • 22. Forecasting Basic in Tableau
  • 23. Bus Transport Updated
  • 24. Revenue Stationwise and Days the Week
  • 25. Dashboard Title
  • 26. Dashboard Title Continue
  • 27. Ticket Type
  • 28. Dashboard for Revenue and Ridership
  • 29. Revenue and Riderhsip Detailing
  • 30. Filters in Data Preparation
  • 31. Split Function
  • 32. Split Function Continue
  • 33. More on Split Function
  • 34. Connecting R and Tableau
  • 35. R Scripts and Tableau
  • 36. R Scripts and Tableau Continue

  • 8. BI Tools and Tableau Analytics
  • 1. Introduction to Tableau
  • 2. Tableau Benefits and Installation
  • 3. Connecting Data with Tableau
  • 4. Tableau Layout
  • 5. Tableau Layout Continue
  • 6. Sales and Profit
  • 7. Profit Ratio Calculation
  • 8. Sorting
  • 9. Filtering Products
  • 10. Context Filtering on Product Names
  • 11. Nested Filters
  • 12. Intro to Dates
  • 13. Sales and Profit Over Time
  • 14. Dual Axis
  • 15. Introduction to Maps
  • 16. Met Target or Budget Sales
  • 17. Sales and Budget Per Area Code
  • 18. Custom Images
  • 19. Sales and Goal Per Budget
  • 20. Introduction to Dashboards
  • 21. Creating Dashboard
  • 22. Stories in Tableau
  • 23. Making Worksheet
  • 24. Adding Image
  • 25. Adding Buttons to Dashboard
  • 26. Finishing Touch to Final Dashboard
  • 27. Introduction to Market Basket Analysis
  • 28. Market Basket Analysis Implementation
  • 29. Pie Charts
  • 30. Donut Chart
  • 31. Tree Maps and Highlight Table
  • 32. Bubble Chart and Word Cloud
  • 33. Waterfall Charts
  • 34. Stacked Bar Charts and Heat Maps
  • 35. Distribution of Discounts
  • 36. Distribution of Orders
  • 37. Cleaning Visualization
  • 38. Distribution of Sales
  • 39. Distribution of Customers
  • 40. Uploading File on Tableau Public

  • 9. Business Intelligence with Tableau
  • 1. Overview of Tableau
  • 2. Introduction to Business Intelligence with Tableau
  • 3. Business Intelligence
  • 4. More on Tableau
  • 5. Evaluation of Tableau
  • 6. Tableau Architecture
  • 7. Tableau Architecture Continues
  • 8. Installation Steps of Tableau
  • 9. Steps for Tableau Project Reports
  • 10. Steps for Tableau Report Example
  • 11. Navigation in Tableau
  • 12. Navigation in Tableau Example
  • 13. Navigation in Tableau Example Continues
  • 14. More on Navigation of Tableau
  • 15. Design Flow of Tableau
  • 16. Type of Files in Tableau
  • 17. Type of Files in Tableau Continues
  • 18. Data Types in Tableau
  • 19. Data Terminology
  • 20. More on Data Terminology
  • 21. Input Data Sources and Connection in Tableau
  • 22. Extracting Data Using Tableau
  • 23. Example of Fields in Tableau
  • 24. Tableau Metadata
  • 25. Types of Joins in Tableau
  • 26. Worksheet Options in Tableau
  • 27. Types of Operator in Tableau
  • 28. Functions in Tableau
  • 29. Sorting in Tableau
  • 30. Filters in Tableau
  • 31. Filters in Tableau Continues
  • 32. More on Filters in Tableau
  • 33. Bar Chart in Tableau
  • 34. Line Chart in in Tableau
  • 35. Pie Chart in in Tableau
  • 36. Crosstab Chart
  • 37. Scatter Plot Chart
  • 38. Box Plot and Tree Map Chart
  • 39. Gantt Chart and Histogram
  • 40. Dashboard Features in Tableau
  • 41. Forecasting and Formatting in Tableau

  • 10. Tableau Features Hands-on!
  • 1. Introduction to Tableau
  • 2. Navigation
  • 3. First Report
  • 4. Data Types in Tableau
  • 5. Data Joining
  • 6. Data Blending
  • 7. Show Me
  • 8. Dimension Filter
  • 9. Measures Filter
  • 10. Date Filter
  • 11. Quick Filter
  • 12. Conditional Filter
  • 13. Wildcard and Top Filter
  • 14. Data Source Filter
  • 15. Context Filter
  • 16. Filter Using Formula
  • 17. Numeric Function
  • 18. String Functions
  • 19. Date Function
  • 20. Quick Table Calculation
  • 21. Mark Shelf
  • 22. Page Shelf
  • 23. Hierarchy
  • 24. Sorting
  • 25. Fixed LOD
  • 26. Include LOD
  • 27. Exclude LOD
  • 28. Bar Chart
  • 29. Line Chart
  • 30. Pie Chart
  • 31. Cross Tab Chart
  • 32. Scatter Plot Chart
  • 33. Bubble Chart
  • 34. Bullet Chart
  • 35. Box and Whisker Plot Chart
  • 36. TreeMap Chart
  • 37. Gantt Chart
  • 38. Histogram Chart
  • 39. Motion Chart
  • 40. Waterfall Chart
  • 41. Bump Chart
  • 42. Donut Chart
  • 43. Creating Map Chart
  • 44. Dashboard
  • 45. Dashboard Continue
  • 46. Action Filter
  • 47. Action Filter Continue
  • 48. Story
  • 49. Forecasting
  • 50. Trend Lines

  • 11. Analytics using Tableau
  • 1. Introduction and Key Features
  • 2. Architecture
  • 3. Course Introduction and Objectives
  • 4. Course views calculations and dashboard
  • 5. Start Page and how to pin a workbook
  • 6. Workspace Basics
  • 7. Difference between Dimensions and Measures in Tableau
  • 8. Tableau Toolbar
  • 9. Tableau Toolbar continued
  • 10. Tool Tips and Shelves
  • 11. Card and Shelves in Tableau
  • 12. Work book and work sheets creation and changes Part-1
  • 13. Work book and work sheets creation and changes Part-2
  • 14. Different type of Tableau Files
  • 15. Different type of Tableau Files continued
  • 16. Creating Views in Tableau
  • 17. Creating Views in Tableau Continue
  • 18. Nested Table and Small Multiples in Tableau
  • 19. Creating Filter and Color Schemes
  • 20. Building Views Automatically with Two Fields and Many Fields
  • 21. Parts of views Headers Axes Panes and Cells
  • 22. Parts of views Headers Axes Panes and Cells Continue.mp
  • 23. Marks and its Properties
  • 24. Building Views Bar Graph and Text Table
  • 25. Building Views Bar Graph and Text Table Continue
  • 26. Line Charts and Forecasting
  • 27. Building Scatter Plots and Heat Map
  • 28. Building Scatter Plots and Heat Map Continue
  • 29. Building Gantt Charts in Tableau
  • 30. Building Pie Charts and Tree Maps
  • 31. Building Pie Charts and Tree Maps Continue
  • 32. Building Box Plot and Packed Bubble Charts
  • 33. Building Box Plot and Packed Bubble Charts Continue
  • 34. Building Map Views and Map View with Pie Marks
  • 35. Building Pivot Data in Tableau
  • 36. Building Data Splits in Tableau
  • 37. Creating Filters in Tableau
  • 38. Creating Filters in Tableau Continue
  • 39. Creating Wild Cards and Limits in Filter
  • 40. Creating Wild Cards and Limits in Filter Continue
  • 41. Creating Filters for Measures
  • 42. Creating Filters for Measures Continue
  • 43. Creating Date Filters in Tableau and Related Exercise
  • 44. Creating Date Filters in Tableau and Related Exercise Continue
  • 45. Sorting Data in Tableau
  • 46. Sorting Data in Tableau Continue
  • 47. Sorting Text Table and Multidimensional Hierarchy in Tableau
  • 48. Manual Sorting and Drag and Drop Sorting
  • 49. Groups in Tableau
  • 50. Groups in Tableau Continue
  • 51. Groups Creation, Editing and Finding Members in Group Part 1
  • 52. Groups Creation, Editing and Finding Members in Group Part 2
  • 53. Groups Creation, Editing and Finding Members in Group Part 3
  • 54. Sets in Tableau
  • 55. Sets in Tableau Continue
  • 56. Using Sets in Tableau
  • 57. Using Sets in Tableau Continue
  • 58. Working with Aggregation
  • 59. Working with Aggregation Continue
  • 60. Introductions to Actions in Tableau
  • 61. Introduction to Date and Time in Tableau

  • 12. Case Study - Customer Analytics using Tableau and R
  • 1. Introduction to Customer Analytics using R and Tableau
  • 2. Market Research NPS of Banks
  • 3. Exception Vs Perception
  • 4. Market Segmentation for Airlines
  • 5. Summary of Each Cluster Group
  • 6. Descriptive Analytics
  • 7. Company Performance - Key Matrices
  • 8. Predictive Analytics
  • 9. Telecom Churn
  • 10. Telecom Churn Continues
  • 11. Sensitivity and Specificity
  • 12. Prescriptive Analytics
  • 13. Case Studies

  • 13. Case Study - Pricing Analytics using Tableau and R
  • 1. Introduction to Pricing Analytics Using R and Tableau
  • 2. What is Pricing Analytics
  • 3. Pricing Strategy in Business
  • 4. Different Pricing Strategies
  • 5. Understanding Cost
  • 6. Elasticity
  • 7. Calculating Elasticity from Regression Model
  • 8. Pricing Strategy of Ratio Taxis and Toll Booths
  • 9. Snapshot of Dataset
  • 10. Toll Gate 1 Results
  • 11. Descriptive Analytics
  • 12. Predictive Analytics
  • 13. Descriptive Analytics - Graph
  • 14. Predictive Analytics - Understanding the Future
  • 15. Prescriptive Analytics - Advice on Possible Outcomes
  • 74,300 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 39624
    حجم: 23695 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 3102 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 22 مرداد 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    74,300 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید