1. What is an API.html
2. What is an API Client.html
3. Installing Flask
4. Creating a minimal flask app
5. How to run a flask app
6. Session Cookies.html
7. Making an API Call
8. Adding a secret key to flask app
9. Environment Variables
10. Creating the logic part 1
11. Creating the logic part 2
12. Creating the logic part 3
13. Creating templates
14. Testing the app
15. What is Firebase.html
16. Setting up firebase for authentication
17. Firebase Integration
18. Form integration
19. Implementing the registration form logic
20. Implementing the login form logic
21. Implementing the logout logic
22. Implementing password reset logic
23. Creating a home route
24. Creating an authentication function
25. Creating a base template
26. Refactoring existing templates
27. Creating the home template
28. Creating the registration template
29. Creating the login template
30. Creating a Password reset template
31. Protecting Routes
32. Firebase configuration checks
33. Testing app authentication process
34. Using Git for version control.html
35. Git installation
36. Git configuration
37. Git Terminology.html
38. Initialize app with git repository
39. Creating a gitignore file
40. Adding files to local repository
41. What is Github.html
42. Create a Github account
43. Creating a personal access token for Github
44. Backing up local repository to Github
45. Exploring deployment and hosting options.html
46. Preparing app for cloud deployment
47. Create a new account on pythonanywhere
48. Creating a new web app in Pythonanywhere
49. Uploading project files to Pythonanywhere
50. Creating and activating a virtual environment on Pythonanywhere
51. What is a WSGI File.html
52. Configuring WSGI File
53. Running your app in a cloud hosting environment
54.1 trivia-quiz-main.zip
54. Project Code project code.html