وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
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Acing the System Design Interiew, Video Edition

سرفصل های دوره
  • Appendix A. Adantages of serices
  • Appendix A. Disadantages of monoliths
  • Appendix A. Disadantages of serices
  • Appendix A. Monoliths s. microserices
  • Appendix A. References
  • Appendix B. Disadantages of simple login
  • Appendix B. OAuth 2.0 authorization and OpenID Connect authentication
  • Appendix B. OAuth 2.0 flow
  • Appendix B. OpenID Connect authentication
  • Appendix B. Other OAuth 2.0 flows
  • Appendix B. Prelude Simple login, cookie-based authentication
  • Appendix B. Single sign-on
  • Appendix C. C4 Model
  • Appendix D. Two-phase commit (2PC)
  • Chapter 1. A walkthrough of system design concepts
  • Chapter 1. Oeriew of this book
  • Chapter 1. Prelude A brief discussion of scaling the arious serices of a system
  • Chapter 1. Should you read this book
  • Chapter 1. Summary
  • Chapter 2. A typical system design interiew flow
  • Chapter 2. Connections and processing between users and data
  • Chapter 2. Design the data model
  • Chapter 2. Draft the API specification
  • Chapter 2. Interiewing the company
  • Chapter 2. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 2. Other discussions
  • Chapter 2. Post-interiew reflection and assessment
  • Chapter 2. Search bar
  • Chapter 2. Summary
  • Chapter 3. Aailability
  • Chapter 3. Accuracy
  • Chapter 3. Cloud natie
  • Chapter 3. Complexity and maintainability
  • Chapter 3. Consistency
  • Chapter 3. Cost
  • Chapter 3. Fault-tolerance
  • Chapter 3. Further reading
  • Chapter 3. Non-functional requirements
  • Chapter 3. Performancelatency and throughput
  • Chapter 3. Priacy
  • Chapter 3. Security
  • Chapter 3. Summary
  • Chapter 4. Aggregating eents
  • Chapter 4. Batch and streaming ETL
  • Chapter 4. Cache inalidation
  • Chapter 4. Cache warming
  • Chapter 4. Caching
  • Chapter 4. Caching as a separate serice
  • Chapter 4. Denormalization
  • Chapter 4. Examples of different kinds of data to cache and how to cache them
  • Chapter 4. Further reading
  • Chapter 4. Replication
  • Chapter 4. Scaling databases
  • Chapter 4. Scaling storage capacity with sharded databases
  • Chapter 4. Summary
  • Chapter 4. When to use s. aoid databases
  • Chapter 5. Change Data Capture (CDC)
  • Chapter 5. Comparison of eent sourcing and CDC
  • Chapter 5. Distributed transactions
  • Chapter 5. Eent sourcing
  • Chapter 5. Further reading
  • Chapter 5. Other transaction types
  • Chapter 5. Saga
  • Chapter 5. Summary
  • Chapter 5. Transaction superisor
  • Chapter 6. Common API paradigms
  • Chapter 6. Common serices for functional partitioning
  • Chapter 6. Functional partitioning and arious frameworks
  • Chapter 6. Library s. serice
  • Chapter 6. Metadata serice
  • Chapter 6. Serice discoery
  • Chapter 6. Serice meshsidecar pattern
  • Chapter 6. Summary
  • Chapter 7. API
  • Chapter 7. A monolith architecture
  • Chapter 7. CDN
  • Chapter 7. Caching
  • Chapter 7. Design Craigslist
  • Chapter 7. Email serice
  • Chapter 7. Functional partitioning
  • Chapter 7. Initial high-leel architecture
  • Chapter 7. Migrations are troublesome
  • Chapter 7. Monitoring and alerting
  • Chapter 7. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 7. Remoing old posts
  • Chapter 7. SQL database schema
  • Chapter 7. Scaling reads with a SQL cluster
  • Chapter 7. Scaling write throughput
  • Chapter 7. Search
  • Chapter 7. Summary
  • Chapter 7. Summary of our architecture discussion so far
  • Chapter 7. Using an SQL database and object store
  • Chapter 7. Writing and reading posts
  • Chapter 8. Design a rate-limiting serice
  • Chapter 8. Discuss user stories and required serice components
  • Chapter 8. Employing a sidecar pattern
  • Chapter 8. Functional requirements
  • Chapter 8. Further reading
  • Chapter 8. High-leel architecture
  • Chapter 8. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 8. Non-functional requirements
  • Chapter 8. Proiding functionality in a client library
  • Chapter 8. Rate-limiting algorithms
  • Chapter 8. Stateful approachsharding
  • Chapter 8. Storing all counts in eery host
  • Chapter 8. Summary
  • Chapter 8. When not to do rate limiting
  • Chapter 9. Aailability monitoring and alerting on the notificationalerting serice
  • Chapter 9. Client-side considerations regarding duplicate notifications
  • Chapter 9. Design a notificationalerting serice
  • Chapter 9. Final notes
  • Chapter 9. Handling failed delieries
  • Chapter 9. Initial high-leel architecture
  • Chapter 9. Monitoring and alerting
  • Chapter 9. Non-functional requirements
  • Chapter 9. Notification addressee groups
  • Chapter 9. Notification templates
  • Chapter 9. Object store Configuring and sending notifications
  • Chapter 9. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 9. Priority
  • Chapter 9. Scheduled notifications
  • Chapter 9. Search
  • Chapter 9. Summary
  • Chapter 9. Unsubscribe requests
  • Chapter 10. Auditing a data pipeline
  • Chapter 10. A simple SQL batch auditing serice
  • Chapter 10. Constraints on database queries
  • Chapter 10. Defining a alidation with a conditional statement on a SQL query s result
  • Chapter 10. Design a database batch auditing serice
  • Chapter 10. High-leel architecture
  • Chapter 10. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 10. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 10. Other possible types of audits
  • Chapter 10. Other users of database schema metadata
  • Chapter 10. Preent too many simultaneous queries
  • Chapter 10. References
  • Chapter 10. Requirements
  • Chapter 10. Summary
  • Chapter 11. Autocompletetypeahead
  • Chapter 11. Detailed implementation
  • Chapter 11. Functional requirements
  • Chapter 11. Handling phrases instead of single words
  • Chapter 11. Handling storage requirements
  • Chapter 11. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 11. Non-functional requirements
  • Chapter 11. Other considerations and further discussion
  • Chapter 11. Planning the high-leel architecture
  • Chapter 11. Sampling approach
  • Chapter 11. Search s. autocomplete
  • Chapter 11. Summary
  • Chapter 11. Weighted trie approach and initial high-leel architecture
  • Chapter 12. Design Flickr
  • Chapter 12. Downloading images and data
  • Chapter 12. High-leel architecture
  • Chapter 12. Monitoring and alerting
  • Chapter 12. Non-functional requirements
  • Chapter 12. Organizing directories and files on the CDN
  • Chapter 12. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 12. SQL schema
  • Chapter 12. Some other serices
  • Chapter 12. Summary
  • Chapter 12. Uploading a photo
  • Chapter 13. CDN authentication and authorization
  • Chapter 13. Cache inalidation
  • Chapter 13. Common operations
  • Chapter 13. Design a Content Distribution Network
  • Chapter 13. High-leel architecture
  • Chapter 13. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 13. Other possible discussions on downloading media files
  • Chapter 13. Requirements
  • Chapter 13. Storage serice
  • Chapter 13. Summary
  • Chapter 14. Connection serice
  • Chapter 14. Design a text messaging app
  • Chapter 14. Initial high-leel design
  • Chapter 14. Initial thoughts
  • Chapter 14. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 14. Message serice
  • Chapter 14. Message-sending serice
  • Chapter 14. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 14. Search
  • Chapter 14. Sender serice
  • Chapter 14. Summary
  • Chapter 15. Aailability serice
  • Chapter 15. Approal serice
  • Chapter 15. Booking serice
  • Chapter 15. Create or update a listing
  • Chapter 15. Design Airbnb
  • Chapter 15. Design decisions
  • Chapter 15. Functional partitioning
  • Chapter 15. High-leel architecture
  • Chapter 15. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 15. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 15. Summary
  • Chapter 16. Design a news feed
  • Chapter 16. High-leel architecture
  • Chapter 16. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 16. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 16. Prepare feed in adance
  • Chapter 16. Summary
  • Chapter 16. Validation and content moderation
  • Chapter 17. Aggregation serice
  • Chapter 17. Approximation
  • Chapter 17. Batch pipeline
  • Chapter 17. Dashboard with Lambda architecture
  • Chapter 17. Design a dashboard of top 10 products on Amazon by sales olume
  • Chapter 17. Initial high-leel architecture
  • Chapter 17. Initial thoughts
  • Chapter 17. Kappa architecture approach
  • Chapter 17. Logging, monitoring, and alerting
  • Chapter 17. Other possible discussion topics
  • Chapter 17. References
  • Chapter 17. Streaming pipeline
  • Chapter 17. Summary
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
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