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Hands-On CI/CD Pipeline With Python-Docker-DockerHub-GitHub-Maven-Java | Learn with Actual Examples and Projects

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Intro
  • 2 - CourseOverview
  • 3 - Prerequisites.html
  • 4 - Continuous Integration
  • 5 - Continuous Delivery
  • 6 - Continuous Deployment
  • 7 - Please Readtime 1min.html

  • 2 - Jenkins Install Familiarize
  • 8 - Section Overview.html
  • 9 - About Jenkins
  • 10 - Installing Ubuntu LinuxVirtualBox
  • 11 - Set Static IPUbuntu
  • 12 - Changing TZoptional
  • 13 - Note Jenkins Installation.html
  • 14 - JenkinsInstallUbuntu.txt
  • 14 - Jenkins Installation
  • 15 - Familiarize Jenkins Console
  • 16 - Jenkins Job Types
  • 17 - Job Create Execute Trigger
  • 18 - Note For Beginners.html
  • 19 - FirstJob-Cmds.txt
  • 19 - First Jenkins JobFreestyle
  • 20 - Jenkins Console ListView JobConsole
  • 21 - Note.html
  • 22 - Jenkins Plugin Demo
  • 23 - Build Executors and Parameterized Job
  • 24 - PyEnv Multiple Python versions12
  • 24 - PyenvInstall.txt
  • 25 - PyEnv Multiple Python versions22
  • 26 - Info for Next Session.html
  • 27 - FreestyleUnitTestAndCoverage.txt
  • 27 - Freestyle Unittests JobIntegrate GitHub
  • 28 - Note.html
  • 29 - Post Build Cobertura Coverage
  • 30 - Pls Read.html

  • 3 - Jenkins CICD Pipeline 101
  • 31 - Section Overview.html
  • 32 - First Jenkins JobPipeline
  • 33 - Pipeline Scripted vs Declarative
  • 34 - Why Declarative PipelineExplain Demo1
  • 35 - Why Declarative PipelineDemo2
  • 36 - Why Declarative PipelineDemo3

  • 4 - Git Intro
  • 37 - Intro Git GitHub
  • 38 - GitBasics.pdf
  • 38 - Git Basics
  • 39 - About GitHub Desktop

  • 5 - Jenkins Docker Application
  • 40 - Section Overview.html
  • 41 - GitHub URL.txt
  • 41 - Python Application Demo
  • 42 - Application in Github
  • 43 - PIPELINE1 PipelineAsCode11
  • 44 - PIPELINE1 PipelineAsCode23
  • 45 - PIPELINE1 PipelineAsCode33
  • 45 - Pipeline file link.txt
  • 46 - Dockerizing Application
  • 47 - DockerInstallUbuntu.txt
  • 47 - Docker InstallationLinux
  • 48 - Jenkins Docker Plugins Demo
  • 49 - Pipeline file link.txt
  • 49 - Post Build Section
  • 50 - PIPELINE2 Dockerize and deployrun12
  • 51 - PIPELINE2 Dockerize and deployrun22
  • 51 - Pipeline File link in github.txt

  • 6 - Jenkins IntegrationsGitHub DockerHub Agents
  • 52 - Section Overview.html
  • 53 - GitHub Webhook12
  • 54 - GitHub Webhook22
  • 55 - SSH Protocol and SSHKeys
  • 56 - SSH Integration with Github
  • 57 - Credentials and Credential Binding12
  • 58 - Credentials and Credential Binding22
  • 59 - Jenkins DockerHub Integration
  • 60 - Pipeline Release To DockerHub
  • 61 - Jenkins SlaveAgent integration12
  • 62 - Jenkins SlaveAgent integration22
  • 63 - Pipeline Docker Cmds12
  • 64 - Pipeline Docker Cmds22

  • 7 - CICD Pipeline Test Package Release and Deploy
  • 65 - Section Overview.html
  • 66 - PIPELINE3 Define Stages
  • 67 - PIPELINE3 Walkthru Demo
  • 68 - PIPELINE3 Walkthru new Stage
  • 69 - Link to Pipeline.txt
  • 69 - PIPELINE3 Full Pipeline Demo

  • 8 - Continuous Testing Reporting Notifications
  • 70 - Section Overview.html
  • 71 - Demo Our Testsin local system
  • 72 - Pipeline Continuous Testing and Reporting
  • 72 - Pipeline file link.txt
  • 73 - Job ChainingTrigger a Job from Another12
  • 73 - Pipeline Link.txt
  • 74 - Job ChainingTrigger a Job from Another22
  • 75 - Jenkins Email NotificationConfiguration
  • 76 - Jenkins Email NotificationDemo

  • 9 - Jenkins Adv Docker Agents
  • 77 - GitHub fork project
  • 78 - OnDemand Agents With Docker
  • 79 - Docker Cloud AgentDockerfile Image
  • 80 - Docker Cloud AgentConfigurations 12
  • 81 - Docker Cloud AgentConfigurations 22
  • 82 - Docker Cloud Agent Demo13
  • 83 - Docker Cloud Agent Demo23
  • 84 - Docker Cloud Agent Demo33
  • 85 - Project files Info.html
  • 86 - DockerImage Agent
  • 87 - DockerImage AgentWhere it runs
  • 88 - DockerImage Agent Demo12
  • 89 - DockerImage Agent Demo22
  • 90 - Dockerfile as Agent
  • 91 - Pipeline files info.html
  • 92 - Link to Pipeline.txt
  • 92 - Pipeline4QA Deploy Test Report
  • 93 - Pipeline4QA Deploy Test ReportParameterized

  • 10 - Jenkins Parallel Stages Static Analysis
  • 94 - Parallel Stages
  • 95 - ParallelSequential Stages
  • 96 - Parallel Stages FailFast Option
  • 97 - Static Code AnalysisPython Code
  • 98 - Pipeline5 Define Stages
  • 99 - Pipeline5 Code Walkthru
  • 100 - Pipeline5 Demo

  • 11 - Jenkins Deployment
  • 101 - SSHAgent PluginIntroConfigure
  • 102 - SSHAgent ExamplesOptional
  • 103 - SSHAgent MultiCommandsOptional
  • 104 - SSHAgent DeployToTomcat
  • 105 - SSHSteps Plugin

  • 12 - Extra Learning Git GitHub Basics
  • 106 - Section Notes.html
  • 107 - Git Installation GitHub Acct Create
  • 108 - Git Bash Cmd12
  • 109 - Git Bash Cmd22
  • 110 - Git Working Locally
  • 111 - Git Working Remote RepoGitHub
  • 112 - GitHub Create Repo PushCode12
  • 113 - GitHub Create Repo PushCode22

  • 13 - Extra Learning CICD net Application
  • 114 - Intro Application
  • 115 - Dockerize Run net app
  • 116 - Pipeline Dockerize Run net project
  • 117 - Pipeline in GitHub

  • 14 - Appendix
  • 118 - Tomcat Installation
  • 118 - tomcatInstall.txt
  • 119 - Pipeline Editor AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.html
  • 120 - Bonus.html
  • 54,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 37210
    حجم: 6972 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 702 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 16 خرداد 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید