001 Testing Flow
002 Testing Challenges
003 Commands Around Testing
004 First Jest Test
005 Launching Chromium Instances
006 Chromium Navigation
007 Extracting Page Content
008 Puppeteer - Behind the Scenes
009 DRY Tests
010 Browser Termination
011 Asserting OAuth Flow
012 Asserting URL Domain
013 Issues with OAuth
014 Solving Authentication Issues with Automation Testing
015 The Google OAuth Flow
016 Inner Workings of Sessions
017 Sessions From Another Angle
018 Session Signatures
019 Generating Sessions and Signatures
020 Assembling the Pieces
021 WaitFor Statements
022 Factory Functions
023 The Session Factory
024 Assembling the Session Factory
025 Code Separation
026 Required Update to Global Jest setup.js.html
027 Global Jest Setup
028 Testing Factory Tests!
029 Adding a Login Method
030 Extending Page
031 Introduction to Proxies
032 Proxies in Action
033 Combining Object Property Access
034 Combining the Page and Browser
035 Custom Page Implementation
036 Function Lookup Priority
037 Gee, I Hope This Works!
038 Reusable Functions on Page
039 Testing Blog Creation
040 Default Navigation
041 Asserting Form Display
042 Test Timeout
043 Common Test Setup
044 Nested Describes for Structure
045 Asserting Validation Errors
046 Asserting Form Confirmation
047 Asserting Blog Creation
048 Options for Testing Prohibited Actions
049 Direct API Requests
050 Executed Arbitrary JS in Chromium
051 Asserting Page Response
052 Get Restrictions
053 A Final GET Test
054 Super Advanced Test Helpers
055 Completed Code Checkpoint.html
055 testing-checkpoint.zip