وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Unity Editor Scripting – Beginner to Expert

سرفصل های دوره

Use C# to customize and extend the Unity Editor to make it easier to use for your projects

1. Introduction
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What is Editor Scripting
  • 3. What will we build in this course

  • 2. Unity Editor Scripting Strategies
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2.1 Comparison of UI systems in Unity.html
  • 2. Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI) vs. UI Toolkit
  • 3. Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI)
  • 4. UI Toolkit - UI Builder
  • 5. UI Toolkit - UXML
  • 6. UI Toolkit - C#
  • 7. Section Summary

  • 3. Custom Hierarchy Tools
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3. Creating the Editor Script
  • 4. Editor Script Lifecycle
  • 5. Adding the active toggle
  • 6.1 icon.zip
  • 6. Adding the info icon
  • 7.1 zoom in.zip
  • 7. Adding the zoom-in button
  • 8.1 prefab.zip
  • 8. Adding the create prefab button
  • 9.1 delete.zip
  • 9. Adding the delete button
  • 10. Using the final tool
  • 11. Section Summary

  • 4. Batch Rename Tool
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3. Creating a custom Editor Window
  • 4.1 EditorGUILayout class documentation.html
  • 4. EditorGUILayout class
  • 5. Adding the Label Fields
  • 6. Adding the Text Fields
  • 7. Adding a Foldout
  • 8. Coding the rename logic
  • 9. Using the final tool
  • 10. Section Summary

  • 5. Missing References Detector
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3. Creating the Editor Window
  • 4.1 Unity Documentation - SerializedObject.html
  • 4.2 Unity Documentation - SerializedProperty.html
  • 4. SerializedObjects and SerializedProperties
  • 5. Rich Text
  • 6. Coding the logic to detect missing references
  • 7. Using the final tool
  • 8. Section Summary

  • 6. Auto-linking GameObjects to Inspector Fields
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3. InitializeOnLoad and InitializeOnLoadMethod
  • 4. Iterating over each gameObject in the hierarchy
  • 5. Iterating over each component in the inspector
  • 6. Coding the auto-linking logic
  • 7. Using the final tool
  • 8. Section Summary

  • 7. Automatic File Organizer
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3. Creating the Editor Window
  • 4. Adding a Toolbar
  • 5.1 Unity Documentation - Editor GUI Layout Popup.html
  • 5. EditorGUILayout Popup
  • 6.1 Unity Documentation - Editor GUI Layout Object Field.html
  • 6. EditorGUILayout ObjectField
  • 7. Creating an Asset Type Row
  • 8. Building an Organizer Row
  • 9. Add and Remove Row Logic
  • 10. Coding the organization logic
  • 11. Using the final tool
  • 12. Section Summary

  • 8. Autosave Logic
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3.1 Unity Documentation - EditorPrefs class.html
  • 3. EditorPrefs class
  • 4. Creating a Toggleable Menu Option
  • 5. Creating the Editor Window
  • 6. Laying out the GUI
  • 7.1 Unity Documentation - EditorSceneManager.html
  • 7. EditorSceneManager class
  • 8. Coding the Autosave Logic
  • 9. Using the final tool
  • 10. Section Summary

  • 9. Favorites System
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3.1 favorite filled.zip
  • 3.2 favorite outline.zip
  • 3. Adding a favorite button to the hierarchy
  • 4. Save logic for favorited game objects
  • 5. Displaying a favorites menu
  • 6. Coding the logic
  • 7. Using the final tool
  • 8. Section Summary

  • 10. Creating a Custom Tool Menu
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this menu do
  • 3. Adding the Batch Rename Tool
  • 4. Adding the Missing References Detector Tool
  • 5. Adding the Automatic File Organizer Tool
  • 6. Adding the Favorites Menu Options
  • 7. Using the final menu
  • 8. Section Summary

  • 11. Art Asset Optimizer
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3. OnInspectorGUI
  • 4. Adding a button
  • 5. Coding the logic
  • 6. Using the final tool
  • 7. Section Summary

  • 12. Aspect Ratio Tester
  • 1. Section Introduction
  • 2. What will this tool do
  • 3. Coding the logic
  • 4. Using the final tool
  • 5. Section Summary

  • 13. Course Summary & Wrap-Up
  • 1. Course Summary & Wrap-Up
  • 2. Bonus Lecture
  • 54,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 37969
    حجم: 1920 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 184 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 6 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید