وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

The Complete Erlang Course: From Zero to Expert!

سرفصل های دوره

The modern Erlang course for everyone! Master Erlang with projects, challenges and theory. Many courses in one!

1. Course Introduction
  • 1.1 Introduction to Erlang.pdf
  • 1. Introduction to Erlang
  • 2.1 How to Install Erlang on Linux.pdf
  • 2. Installing Erlang on Linux
  • 3.1 How to Install Erlang on Windows.pdf
  • 3. Installing Erlang on Windows
  • 4.1 How to Install Erlang on MacOS.pdf
  • 4. Installing Erlang on MacOS
  • 5.1 Compiling in Erlang.pdf
  • 5.2 hello.zip
  • 5. Compiling in Erlang

  • 2. Basic Fundamentals
  • 1.1 Numbers.pdf
  • 1. Numbers
  • 2.1 Immutable Variables.pdf
  • 2. Inmutable Variables
  • 3.1 Atoms.pdf
  • 3. Atoms
  • 4.1 Tuples.pdf
  • 4. Tuples
  • 5.1 Lists.pdf
  • 5. Lists
  • 6.1 Lists Comprehensions.pdf
  • 6. List Comprehensions

  • 3. Modules
  • 1.1 Introduction to Modules.pdf
  • 1. Introduction to Modules
  • 2. Creating Modules

  • 4. Functions
  • 1.1 example.zip
  • 1.2 Pattern Matching.pdf
  • 1. Pattern Matching
  • 2.1 Conditional Statements.pdf
  • 2. Conditional Statements
  • 3.1 Recursion.pdf
  • 3. Recursion

  • 5. Solved Problems - Functions
  • 1.1 Problem 1 - Functions.pdf
  • 1.2 problem1.zip
  • 1. Problem 1 - Square Roots and Squares
  • 2.1 Problem 2 - Functions.pdf
  • 2.2 problem2.zip
  • 2. Problem 2 - Special Prime Number
  • 3.1 Problem 3 - Functions.pdf
  • 3.2 problem3.zip
  • 3. Problem 3 - Stamps
  • 4.1 Problem 4 - Functions.pdf
  • 4.2 problem4.zip
  • 4. Problem 4 - Related Sum
  • 5.1 Problem 5 - Functions.pdf
  • 5.2 problem5.zip
  • 5. Problem 5 - Polynomial Evaluation

  • 6. Solved Problems - Lists
  • 1.1 last elem.zip
  • 1.2 Problem 1 - Lists.pdf
  • 1. Problem 1 - Last Element of a List
  • 2.1 before last.zip
  • 2.2 Problem 2 - Lists.pdf
  • 2. Problem 2 - Penultime Object
  • 3.1 duplicate.zip
  • 3. Problem 3 - Duplicate Elements

  • 7. Higher Order Functions
  • 1.1 Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 1. Introduction to Higher Order Functions
  • 2.1 Anonymous Functions.pdf
  • 2. Anonymous Functions

  • 8. Solved Problems - Higher Order Functions
  • 1.1 eql.zip
  • 1.2 Problem 1 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 1. Problem 1 - Equality Problem
  • 2.1 Problem 2 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 2.2 prod.zip
  • 2. Problem 2 - Product of Elements
  • 3.1 Problem 3 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 3.2 prodevens.zip
  • 3. Problem 3 - Even Result
  • 4.1 powersof2.zip
  • 4.2 Problem 4 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 4. Problem 4 - Infinite Powers of Two
  • 5.1 Problem 5 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 5.2 scalarproduct.zip
  • 5. Problem 5 - Scalar Product
  • 6.1 flatten.zip
  • 6.2 Problem 6 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 6. Problem 6 - Flattening of Lists
  • 7.1 my length.zip
  • 7.2 Problem 7 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 7. Problem 7 - Length
  • 8.1 Problem 8 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 8.2 reverse.zip
  • 8. Problem 8 - Reverse
  • 9.1 countin.zip
  • 9.2 Problem 9 - Higher Order Functions.pdf
  • 9. Problem 9 - Occurrences

  • 9. Concurrent Programming
  • 1.1 Introduction to Concurrency.pdf
  • 1. Introduction to Concurrency
  • 2.1 area server.zip
  • 2.2 The Area Server Process.pdf
  • 2. The Area Server Process
  • 3.1 area server2.zip
  • 3.2 Client-Server Architecture.pdf
  • 3. Client-Server Architecture

  • 10. Dependencies between Modules
  • 1.1 bank account.zip
  • 1.2 bank system.zip
  • 1.3 customer info.zip
  • 1.4 Dependencies between Modules.pdf
  • 1. Dependencies between Modules
  • 54,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 27816
    حجم: 2553 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 422 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 29 آذر 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید