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React 18 Course 2024 – Learn React JS the fast way

سرفصل های دوره

Develop React JS web applications including components, state, effect, hooks, React router, reducer, context, etc.

1. React Fundamentals
  • 1. Project Moviedux Introduction
  • 2. Sourcecode Moviedux.html
  • 3. React 101 React itself
  • 4. Installing Visual Studio
  • 5. Installing NodeJS
  • 6. React extensions that make our life easier
  • 7. Creating a React project und handling package versions
  • 8. Exploring our ReactJS project
  • 9.1 resources.zip
  • 9. Download Moviedux Project Resources (Images, Logos, Css, etc.).html
  • 10. Importing the Moviedux project resources
  • 11. Modifying the app component
  • 12. React 101 - Components
  • 13. Creating the Header component
  • 14. Footer component with dynamic date and JSX
  • 15. Quiz Components.html

  • 2. Handling state with React
  • 1. Creating the MoviesGrid component
  • 2. React 101 - State
  • 3. Creating the movies state with UseState
  • 4. Setting the movies state with UseEffect
  • 5. Using the react developer tools
  • 6. Loading movies from JSON
  • 7. Rendering the movies in cards
  • 8. A small request.html
  • 9. Quiz State.html

  • 3. Events, Searching, Refactoring and Domain Logic
  • 1. React 101 - Props
  • 2. Refactoring to a MovieCard and component properties
  • 3. Error handler for image loading
  • 4. Dynamic rating color
  • 5. Search state and search bar
  • 6. Search bar logic
  • 7. Quiz Props.html

  • 4. Filtering with advanced UI and events
  • 1. Filter bar
  • 2. Filter event handling
  • 3. Filter logic

  • 5. React Router, Watchlisting, Lifting State and Props
  • 1. React 101 Router
  • 2. Installing React Router
  • 3. Configuring the router
  • 4. Lifting the movie state
  • 5. Watchlist state
  • 6. Watchlist component props
  • 7. Watchlist UI toggle
  • 8. Quiz Router.html

  • 6. Building a web application with React Reducers
  • 1. Project Bug Blaster Introduction
  • 2. Source Code Bug Blaster.html
  • 3.1 styles.zip
  • 3. Resources for Bug Blaster Project.html
  • 4. Setting up the bug blaster project
  • 5. Creating the ticket form logic
  • 6. Building the ticket form
  • 7. Building the priority selection
  • 8. Building a ticket from the form
  • 9. React 101 - Reducer
  • 10. Creating the ticket reducer
  • 11. Quiz Reducer.html
  • 12. Implementing the ticket reducer actions
  • 13. Dispatching the ADD_TICKET action using the useReducer hook
  • 14. Creating the TicketItem component
  • 15. Creating the TicketList component and conditional rendering
  • 16. Deleting tickets
  • 17. Editing Tickets
  • 18. Deleting an under-edit ticket
  • 19. Canceling an edit procedure
  • 20. Sorting tickets by priority

  • 7. Completing the course
  • 1. Congrats.html
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38455
    حجم: 3542 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 286 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 22 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
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