1 -Lesson 2 Data Transformation and Modeling
2 -AG 2-1.pdf
2 -Practice 2-1.zip
2 -Practice 2-1 Cleaning and Transforming data using Power Query Editor
3 -Practice 2-1-1 Text Functions in Power Query - Merge Columns, Split & Trim Text
4 -Practice 2-1-2 Text Funtions in Power Query Left, Right, and Mid Functions
5 -Practice 2-1-3 Text FunctionsUppercase, lowercase, Propercase, Prefix & Suffix
6 -Practice 2-1-4 Number Functions in Power Query
7 -AG 2-2.pdf
7 -Practice 2-2.zip
7 -Practice 2-2 Date Functions using Power Query Editor
8 -AG 2-3.pdf
8 -Practice 2-3.zip
8 -Practice 2-3 Append data from multiple sources into a single table
9 -Practice 2-3-1 Appending Multiple CSV files in a folder
10 -Practice 2-3-2 Appending multiple Excel files from a folder
11 -Practice 2-3-3 Appending Multiple sheets & with different numbers of columns
12 -Practice 2-3-4 Appending different data sources
13 -AG 2-4.pdf
13 -Practice 2-4.zip
13 -Practice 2-4 Merge data from multiple sources
14 -Practice 2-4-1 Merging Data from sheets or tables
15 -Practice 2-4-2 Merging Data from Multiple Excel Files & Multiple Matching Colum
16 -Practice 2-4-3 Merging Data with Multiple Data Sources (Excel & MySQL Database)
17 -AG 2-5.pdf
17 -Practice 2-5.zip
17 -Practice 2-5 Build a data model and create relationships between tables