1. What is Power Apps & how can it help us
2. When to consider Power Apps!
3. Power Apps Canvas.
4. Power Apps Templates - The Dos & Donts!
5. Building out our first App & first screen the Welcome Screen!
6. Adding controlsfeatures to our Welcome Screen!
7. Utilizing ChatGPT with PowerApps for the formula!
8. Connecting to our first Data Source - ProjectsList on SharePoint!
9. Adding our first Button to Power Apps!
10. Building out the main screen within our App, the UpdateTasks screen
11. Connecting our second Data Source!
12. Filtering within Power Apps!
13. Using a Gallery within Power Apps for the first time.
14. Creating our first variable in Power Apps!
15. Adding our Third & Final Data Source!
16. Filtering our Gallery!
17. Adding more controls to our gallery.
18. Applying one last filter to our gallery!
19. Using Patch for the first time to save the data back to SharePoint.
20. Checking our results after Submitting the Tasks!
21. Adding a Hidden Toggle which we will use to Filter the Patch Function!
22. Using Patch with a conditionfilter applied!
23. Checking our results after applying the filter to the Patch Function!
24. Creating our Final Screen - The Success Screen!
25. Publishing your App!