وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

JavaScript & jQuery: From Zero to Hero

سرفصل های دوره

Learn to build engaging websites, components and interfaces for real world applications.

1. Introduction
  • 1. Course Introduction
  • 2. What are HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • 3. How are Web Pages Served
  • 4. Installing Visual Studio Code

  • 2. JavaScript Basics
  • 1.1 JavaScriptBasics.pdf
  • 1. JavaScript Intro
  • 2.1 01 JavaScriptIntro.pptx
  • 2.2 index.html
  • 2. JavaScript Basics
  • 3.1 02 JavaScript Variables.pptx
  • 3. Variables Intro
  • 4.1 variables.html
  • 4. Variables Practice
  • 5. Variables Exercise.html
  • 6. Variables Quiz.html

  • 3. JavaScript Data Types
  • 1.1 03 JavaScript DataTypes PrimitiveSpecial.pptx
  • 1. Data Types Intro
  • 2.1 primitive-data-types.html
  • 2. Data Types Basics
  • 3.1 strings.html
  • 3. String Data Type
  • 4.1 numbers.html
  • 4. Number Data Type
  • 5.1 booleans.html
  • 5. Boolean Data Type
  • 6.1 special-data-types.html
  • 6. Special Data Types
  • 7.1 04 JavaScript DataTypes Conversion.pptx
  • 7.2 data-types-conversion.html
  • 7. Data Type Conversion Intro
  • 8.1 strings-to-numbers.html
  • 8. Converting Strings to Numbers
  • 9.1 numbers-to-strings.html
  • 9. Converting Numbers to Strings
  • 10. Data Types Exercise.html
  • 11. Data Types Quiz.html

  • 4. JavaScript Operators
  • 1.1 05 JavaScript Operators.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Operators Intro
  • 2.1 arithmetic.html
  • 2. Arithmetic Operators
  • 3.1 assignment.html
  • 3. Assignment Operators
  • 4.1 comparison.html
  • 4. Comparison Operators
  • 5.1 logical.html
  • 5. Logical Operators
  • 6. Operators Exercise.html
  • 7. Operators Quiz.html

  • 5. JavaScript Conditional Statements
  • 1.1 06 JavaScript ConditionalStatements.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Conditional Statements Intro
  • 2.1 if-statement.html
  • 2. If Statement
  • 3.1 switch-statement.html
  • 3. Switch Statement
  • 4.1 ternary-operator.html
  • 4. Ternary Operator
  • 5. Conditional Statements Exercise.html
  • 6. Conditional Statements Quiz.html

  • 6. JavaScript Functions
  • 1.1 07 JavaScript Functions.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Functions Intro
  • 2.1 functions.html
  • 2. Functions
  • 3.1 arrow-functions.html
  • 3. Arrow Functions
  • 4. Functions Exercise.html
  • 5. Functions Quiz.html

  • 7. JavaScript Events
  • 1.1 08 JavaScript Events.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Events Intro
  • 2.1 events.html
  • 2. Working with Events
  • 3.1 custom-events.html
  • 3. Custom Events
  • 4. Events Quiz.html

  • 8. JavaScript Objects
  • 1.1 09 JavaScript Objects.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Objects Intro
  • 2.1 objects.html
  • 2. Working with Objects
  • 3.1 object-contructors.html
  • 3. Object Constructors
  • 4. Objects Exercise.html
  • 5. Objects Quiz.html

  • 9. JavaScript Arrays
  • 1.1 10 JavaScript DataTypes Complex Arrays.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Arrays Intro
  • 2.1 arrays.html
  • 2. Working with Arrays
  • 3.1 array-functions.html
  • 3. Array Functions
  • 4. Arrays Exercise.html
  • 5. Arrays Quiz.html

  • 10. JavaScript Loops
  • 1.1 11 JavaScript Loops.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Loops Intro
  • 2.1 loops.html
  • 2. Working with Loops
  • 3.1 break-continue.html
  • 3. Break and Continue Statements
  • 4. Loops Exercise.html
  • 5. Loops Quiz.html

  • 11. JavaScript Dates
  • 1.1 12 JavaScript Dates.pptx
  • 1. Dates Intro
  • 2.1 create-get-set.html
  • 2. Creating, getting and setting Dates
  • 3.1 formatting-dates.html
  • 3. Formatting Dates
  • 4.1 comparing-dates.html
  • 4. Comparing Dates
  • 5.1 date-arithmetic.html
  • 5. Dates Arithmetic
  • 6. Dates Exercise.html
  • 7. Dates Quiz.html

  • 12. JavaScript Math Object
  • 1.1 15 JavaScript Math Object.pptx
  • 1. Math Object Intro
  • 2.1 math-properties.html
  • 2. Math Object Properties
  • 3.1 math-methods.html
  • 3. Math Object Methods
  • 4. Math Object Exercise.html
  • 5. Math Object Quiz.html

  • 13. JavaScript This Keyword
  • 1.1 12 JavaScript ThisKeyword.pptx
  • 1. This Keyword Intro
  • 2.1 this-keyword.html
  • 2. This Keyword Practice
  • 3. This Keyword Quiz.html

  • 14. JavaScript Error Handling
  • 1.1 13 JavaScript ErrorHandling TryCatchFinally.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Error Handling Intro
  • 2.1 try-catch.html
  • 2. Try, catch finally statement
  • 3. Error Handling Quiz.html

  • 15. JavaScript Fetch API
  • 1.1 14 JavaScript FetchAPI.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript Fetch API Intro
  • 2.1 15 JS FetchAPI.zip
  • 2. Get Requests
  • 3.1 15 JS FetchAPI.zip
  • 3. Post Requests
  • 4. Fetch API Quiz.html

  • 16. JavaScript Fundamentals Exercises
  • 1. JavaScript Fundamentals Exercises Intro
  • 2.1 01 JS Exercise Arrays Loops.pptx
  • 2. Arrays and Loops Exercise
  • 3.1 03 JS Exercise Events FetchAPI.pptx
  • 3. Events and Fetch API Exercise
  • 4.1 02 JS Exercise Objects.pptx
  • 4. Objects Exercise
  • 5.1 04 JS Exercise SimpleCalculator.pptx
  • 5. Calculator Exercise
  • 6. Best Practices for Writing JavaScript

  • 17. Working with JavaScript in Internet Browsers
  • 1.1 01 02 WorkingWithJSinBrowsers.pptx
  • 1. JavaScript in Internet Browsers
  • 2. Selecting Elements
  • 3. Working with HTML
  • 4. Working with CSS
  • 5. Built-in Events
  • 6.1 01 JS UICalculator.pptx
  • 6.2 18 JS UICalculator.zip
  • 6. Building a UI Calculator
  • 7. JavaScript in Browsers Quiz.html

  • 18. JQuery
  • 1.1 JavaScriptBasics.pdf
  • 1. JQuery Intro
  • 2.1 01 JQuery.pptx
  • 2. JQuery Basics
  • 3.1 index.html
  • 3. JQuery Implementation
  • 4.1 02 JQuery Selectors.pptx
  • 4. JQuery Selectors
  • 5.1 index.html
  • 5. JQuery Selectors Implementation
  • 6.1 03 JQuery HTML.pptx
  • 6. JQuery HTML
  • 7.1 dom-manipulation.html
  • 7. JQuery HTML Implementation
  • 8.1 dom-navigation.html
  • 8. JQuery DOM Navigation
  • 9.1 04 JQuery CSS.pptx
  • 9. JQuery CSS Intro
  • 10.1 jquery-css.html
  • 10. JQuery CSS Implementation
  • 11.1 jquery-dimensions-positions.html
  • 11. JQuery CSS Positioning
  • 12.1 05 JQuery Events.pptx
  • 12. JQuery Events
  • 13.1 index.html
  • 13. JQuery Events Implementation
  • 14.1 05 JQuery Events.pptx
  • 14. JQuery Effects and Animations
  • 15.1 jquery-effects.html
  • 15. JQuery Effects and Animations Implementation
  • 16.1 07 JQuery AJAX.pptx
  • 16. JQuery AJAX
  • 17.1 07 JQuery AJAX.zip
  • 17. JQuery AJAX Implementation
  • 18.1 07 JQuery AJAX.zip
  • 18. JQuery AJAX Methods
  • 19.1 07 JQuery AJAX.zip
  • 19. JQuery AJAX Forms
  • 20.1 09 JQuery ClientSideValidation.zip
  • 20. JQuery Validation
  • 21.1 01 JQuery Dynamic Person Entry System with jQuery.pptx
  • 21. Person Records Exercise Intro
  • 22.1 10 JQuery PersonalRecordsProject.zip
  • 22. Person Records Exercise Solution
  • 23.1 01 JQuery BestPractices.pptx
  • 23. Best Practices for Writing JQuery
  • 24. JQuery Quiz.html

  • 19. Building Reusable Components with JS and jQuery
  • 1.1 JQueryDropdowns.zip
  • 1. Building a Multi-Level Dropdown HTML
  • 2.1 JQueryDropdowns.zip
  • 2. Building a Multi-Level Dropdown CSS
  • 3.1 JQueryDropdowns.zip
  • 3. Building a Multi-Level Dropdown JS
  • 4.1 JQueryAccordion.zip
  • 4. Building an Accordion HTML
  • 5.1 JQueryAccordion.zip
  • 5. Building an Accordion CSS
  • 6.1 JQueryAccordion.zip
  • 6. Building an Accordion JS
  • 7. Building an Image Slider HTML
  • 8. Building an Image Slider CSS
  • 9.1 JQuerySlider.zip
  • 9. Building an Image Slider JS
  • 10.1 JQueryLightbox.zip
  • 10. Building an Interactive Gallery HTML
  • 11.1 JQueryLightbox.zip
  • 11. Building an Interactive Gallery CSS
  • 12.1 JQueryLightbox.zip
  • 12. Building an Interactive Gallery JS
  • 13.1 JQueryDynamicTables.zip
  • 13. Building Interactive Tables HTML
  • 14.1 JQueryDynamicTables.zip
  • 14. Building Interactive Tables CSS
  • 15.1 JQueryDynamicTables.zip
  • 15. Building Interactive Tables JS

  • 20. Summary
  • 1. Final Words
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