1. Introduction to Machine learning
2. What is Hierarchical Clustering
3. Hierarchical Clustering Implementation Part 1
4. Hierarchical Clustering Implementation Final Part
5. What is K-means Clustering
6. K-means Clustering Implementation
7. What is supervised learning
8. What is classification
9. What is logistic regression
10. What is Naive Bayes Classifiers
11. What is K-Nearest Neighbors
12. Text Classification implementation
13. What is regression
14. Regression Implementation
15. What is tree methods
16. What is Random Forest
17. What is GBM and XGBoost
18. Implementation of tree methods
19. What is Sampling
20. Sampling implementation
21. What is Removing Correlated Features
22. Removing Highly Correlated Feature Implementation
23. what is Dimensionality Reduction
24. Dimensionality Reduction Implementation
25. introduction to evaluating the Performance of a Model
26. How to calculate the RMSE and MAPE