1. Introduction
2. EEK LEDs - Basic blink
3. EEK LEDs - ESP32 GPIOs and Pin Number Variations
4. Adapting sketch to support different ESP32 models
5. Mini-Project Blink all EEK LEDs sequentially
6. Intro to OLED Displays with I2C
7. LED Status OLED example
8. Mini-Project Serial Monitor Echo
9. EEK and Buttons Simple Examples
10. EasyButton Library Exploration Why a library
11. Mini-Project Button control of EEK LEDs and Display
12. EEK and PWM
13. Mini-Project button actuation of PWM effects
14. Intro to MPU6050 Simple example
15. MPU6050 Library Candidates
16. Mini-Project Gesture Tester
17. EEK Basics Capstone Mini-Project