41 - What is Newsy App
42 - App Architecture overview
43 - Project walkthough
44 - Article Mapping Unit Test
45 - Article Mapping Exception Test
46 - Headline Mapper test
47 - Intro Testing Room db
48 - What is Robolectric
49 - Setting Dao Tests with Robolectric
50 - Coroutines In testing
51 - Paging Source Test Util
52 - First Dao Test
53 - Testing Deleting All in db
54 - Testing Delete of Favourite Articles
55 - Intro Testing Network layer
56 - What to test
57 - What is a Test Double
58 - Setting Dependency for MockWebServer
59 - Setting HeadlineApi Test
60 - Setting Json Response Mock Data
60 - get-article-invalid-api-key.zip
60 - get-article-success.zip
61 - Mock Response File Reader
62 - Testing Network Api with Retrofit
63 - RemoteMediator Test Intro
64 - Setting Remote Mediator Test with Local and Network Data Source
65 - Testing Cache in RemoteMediator
66 - Testing data Laoding in RemoteMediator
67 - Making Repository Testable
68 - Understanding Mockito
69 - Setting Mockito in Repository Test
70 - First Test for Repository with Mockito
71 - Testing Parameter assignment in Repository
72 - Setting Usecase Test
73 - Testing Usecase with Fake repository
74 - Setting Viewmodel test
75 - Fake Repository Setup in Viewmodel Test
76 - Testing Viewmodel
77 - Intro to Instrumented Test
78 - Why use Dagger Hilt in Testing
79 - Setting Dagger Hilt in Test
80 - Setting HiltTestRunner
81 - Dagger Hilt Module for Testing
82 - Removing Production Modules in Test
83 - UninstallModule in a single Test
84 - Setting Json Data in Andorid Test
85 - Setting Mockwebserver
86 - SetActivityContent Jetpack Compose
87 - Testing Headline Screen
88 - Setting Network Configuration
89 - Instant Task Executor in Testing Android Architecture Components
90 - Unit Testing Home Screen UI
91 - Testing HeadlineScreen State Append Data
92 - Error Handling UI Test
93 - Running All instrumented test
94 - Setting NewsyApp Tests
95 - App launch Test
96 - Navigation Drawer Test
97 - UI test Running Local
98 - Running All Unit Test