وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Code Reviews for Secure, Clean, and Scalable Code

سرفصل های دوره

Enhancing Code Quality: Effective Reviews, Tools, and Collaborative Practices for Secure, Clean, and Scalable Software

1. Introduction
  • 1.1 All resources and links for the lesson.html
  • 1. Communication plan

  • 2. Code Review Fundamentals
  • 1. Introduction to Code Reviews
  • 2. Basics of Code Review Process

  • 3. Tools, Automation, and Industry Best Practices
  • 1. Tools for Code Review and Code Analysis
  • 2. Important Note before the Next Lesson.html
  • 3.1 Three methods of merging PRs.html
  • 3. Overview of Pull Requests and Code Review Interface in GitHub
  • 4. Important to read before the next lesson.html
  • 5.1 All resources and links for the lesson.html
  • 5. Part 1 - Checkstyle Adhering Coding Standards
  • 6.1 All resources and links for the lesson.html
  • 6. Part 2 - Checkstyle Adhering Coding Standards

  • 4. Advanced Code Review Strategies
  • 1.1 All documents shared in the lesson.html
  • 1. Code Review Guidelines & Contribution Policy
  • 2.1 Coding Standards and Guidelines.html
  • 2. Coding Standards, Code Quality & Consistency
  • 3. Provide Feedback like a Pro
  • 4. Security Considerations During Code Review
  • 5. Scalability Principles in Code

  • 5. PRACTICE Coding exercises to practice Code Review & Refactoring Skills
  • 1. Why this section is important for this course.html
  • 2. Single Responsibility Principle User Registration and Authentication Refactoring Exercise.html
  • 3. Open Closed Principle Shape Refactoring Challenge.html
  • 4. Liskov Substitution Principle Square and Rectangle Refactoring Challenge.html
  • 5. Interface Segregation Principle Worker Refactoring Challenge.html
  • 6. Dependency Inversion Principle Car-Engine Refactoring Challenge.html

  • 6. Development Metrics & KPIs to Verify During the Code Review and Merge Requests
  • 1. Why this section is important for this course.html
  • 2. Metric, KPI & OKR
  • 3. RAG Status to Present KPI.html
  • 4. Introduction to Engineering Excellence Metrics & KPIs
  • 5. Development Metrics & KPIs Tech Debt Ratio & Index, Cyclomatic Complexity
  • 6. Development Metrics & KPIs Unit Test Related Metrics - Part 1
  • 7. Development Metrics & KPIs Unit Test Related Metrics - Part 2
  • 8. Development Metrics & KPIs Duplicate Code & Commented Code Index
  • 9. Development Metrics & KPIs Code Review Feedback Loop Time & Code Reviews
  • 10. Development Metrics & KPIs Rules Compliance Index (RCI) & Violations
  • 11. Development Metrics & KPIs Integration Test Coverage & End-to-End Test Coverage

  • 7. Bonus section
  • 1.1 All resources and links for the lesson.html
  • 1. Bonus lesson
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    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38278
    حجم: 3547 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 404 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 19 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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