1.1 Kakfa in general.pptx
1. Kafka Simplified
2.1 Cluster and Brokers.pptx
2. Cluster and Brokers
3.1 docker-compose.zip
3.2 Running multiple brokers.pptx
3. Running multiple brokers
4.1 topics.pptx
4. Kafka Topics
5.1 partitions.pptx
5. Kafka partitions
6.1 real world simulation.pptx
6. Real-world simulation of Kafka Topics
7. Kafka Broker discovery
8. Introduction to Kafka CLI
9. Introduction to Kafka-topics CLI
10. Kafka Partitions in Practice with CLI
11. Other operations with Kafka-topics CLI
12. Topic Replication Factor
13. The concept of Leader Partition
14. Kafka consumers replica fetching
15. Topic replication factor in practice
16. Section Summary