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Advanced TypeScript – A Production-grade TypeScript Course

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Become the TypeScript guru at your company with this comprehensive production-grade advanced TypeScript course.

1. Introduction
  • 1.1 final-codes.rar
  • 1. Course Walk-through
  • 2.1 final-codes.rar
  • 2. Project Setup

  • 2. Basic Types in Typescript
  • 1.1 final-codes.rar
  • 1. Primitive Types
  • 2. Literal types
  • 3. Data structures
  • 4. Unions and Intersections
  • 5. Types and Sets
  • 6. unknown Type
  • 7. Intersections
  • 8. never Type
  • 9. any Type
  • 10. Challenge #1
  • 11. Challenge #2
  • 12. Challenge #3
  • 13. Challenge #4
  • 14. Challenge #5
  • 15. Challenge #6

  • 3. Records
  • 1. Object Types
  • 2. Assignability of Objects
  • 3. Reading Properties
  • 4. keyof
  • 5. Optional Properties
  • 6. Merging object types with intersections
  • 7. Intersections of objects and unions of keys
  • 8. Caveats of intersections of objects
  • 9. Records
  • 10. Helper Functions
  • 11. Challenge #1
  • 12. Challenge #2
  • 13. Challenge #3
  • 14. Challenge #4
  • 15. Challenge #5

  • 4. Arrays and Tuples
  • 1. Tuples
  • 2. Arrays
  • 3. Mixing Arrays and Tuples
  • 4. Tuples and Function Arguments
  • 5. Challenge #1
  • 6. Challenge #2
  • 7. Challenge #3
  • 8. Challenge #4
  • 9. Challenge #5
  • 10. Challenge #6
  • 11. Challenge #7

  • 5. Conditional Types
  • 1. Anatomy of a Conditional Type
  • 2. The extends keyword
  • 3. Type constraints
  • 4. Nesting conditions
  • 5. Pattern Matching with Conditional Types
  • 6. The infer keyword
  • 7. infer with Tuples
  • 8. infer with function types
  • 9. infer with custom generics
  • 10. Variable assignment
  • 11. Challenge #1
  • 12. Challenge #2
  • 13. Challenge #3
  • 14. Challenge #4
  • 15. Challenge #5
  • 16. Challenge #6
  • 17. Challenge #7
  • 18. Challenge #8
  • 19. Challenge #9

  • 6. Looping Through Types
  • 1. Styles of loops
  • 2. Looping over Tuples
  • 3. The Structure of a recursive loop
  • 4. map Loops in Typescript
  • 5. filter Loops in Typescript
  • 6. reducer Loops in Typescript
  • 7. Challenge #1
  • 8. Challenge #2
  • 9. Challenge #3
  • 10. Challenge #4
  • 11. Challenge #5
  • 12. Challenge #6
  • 13. Challenge #7

  • 7. Template Literals in Typescript
  • 1. Template Literals Basics
  • 2. Templates containing primitive types
  • 3. Templates and union types
  • 4. Helper functions
  • 5. Templates and object properties
  • 6. Pattern matching
  • 7. Ambiguous patterns
  • 8. Accessing the last chunk of a string
  • 9. Transforming strings with Recursive Types part #1
  • 10. Transforming strings with Recursive Types part #2
  • 11. Challenge #1
  • 12. Challenge #2
  • 13. Challenge #3
  • 14. Challenge #4
  • 15. Challenge #5
  • 16. Challenge #6

  • 8. Union Types
  • 1. The Power of Union Types
  • 2. How Union Types Work
  • 3. The Distributive Nature of Union Types
  • 4. Union Types and Conditional Types
  • 5. Everything in Typescript is a union
  • 6. never
  • 7. Mapping over union types
  • 8. Unions of Objects
  • 9. Filtering Union Types
  • 10. Helper Functions
  • 11. Distributed Conditional Types Rule
  • 12. Preventing Distribution
  • 13. Challenge #1
  • 14. Challenge #2
  • 15. Challenge #3
  • 16. Challenge #4
  • 17. Challenge #5
  • 18. Challenge #6
  • 19. Challenge #7
  • 20. Challenge #8
  • 21. Challenge #9
  • 22. Challenge #10

  • 9. Mapped Types
  • 1. Intro
  • 2. Deciphering Mapped Types
  • 3. Combining in with keyof
  • 4. Generic Mapped Types
  • 5. Filtering object keys
  • 6. Arrays, Tuples and Mapped Types
  • 7. The optional property modifier
  • 8. The readonly modifiers
  • 9. Preserving property modifiers
  • 10. Key remapping
  • 11. Advanced Key remapping
  • 12. A useful pattern
  • 13. Filtering Objects By Values
  • 14. Mixing Property Modifiers
  • 15. Debugging Mapped Types
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38489
    حجم: 2826 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 440 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 22 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید