1. Installation of Intellij, Java, Maven
2. Create Project and add cucumber plugin
3. Adding cucumber dependencies in our project
4. Adding Selenium dependency
5. Adding web driver manager
6. Creating folder structure inside the project
7. Adding feature files in the Project
8. Introduction to the Page Object Model framework
9. Adding Pages to our project
10. Adding step definitions in our project
11. Invoking Web driver manager
12. First Test - feature ( Logged in view ) of Ace Online Shoe Portal Application
13. fix the failure in the First Test
14. First Test - completing the first Test
15. Second Test - feature (New Registration view) of Ace Online Shoe Portal Appln
16. Configuring and running Test Runner files - this is required in BDD
17. Starting the Third Test - feature ( General View ) of Ace Online Shoe Portal
18. Continuing the Third Test (General View) of Ace Online Shoe Portal
19. Completing the Third Test (General View)
20. a quick look at the cucumber.json report that got generated
21. Adding Xray annoitation in the feature file