1. Download Android Studio.html
2. Setup Android Studio project and emulator
3.1 recycler view code.zip
3. Lets code!
4.1 mvvm code.zip
4. Setting up MVVM architecture. ViewModel and Repostory.
5.1 unit test code.zip
5. Introduction to unit tests
6.1 hilt code.zip
6. Dependency injection with Hilt
7.1 assets.zip
7.2 bottom navigation code.zip
7. Setup bottom navigation UI
8.1 implement navigation code.zip
8. Adding charts screen and implement navigation.
9.1 add currencies code.zip
9. Adding currencies to the list
10.1 multi modular prep code.zip
10. Lets prepare for multi modular app!
11.1 multi modul 1 code.zip
11. Multi modular app part1
12.1 multi modul 2 code.zip
12. Multi modular app part2
13.1 app bar code.zip
13. Setup app bar and back arrow navigation
14.1 retrofit 1 code.zip
14. Integrating retrofit part1
15.1 retrofit 2 code.zip
15. Integrating retrofit part2
16.1 fetch data code.zip
16. Fetching real rates from the web
17.1 fetch data 2 code.zip
17. Fetching real rates from the web part2
18.1 preferences code.zip
18. Store data with shared preferences
19.1 input amount code.zip
19. Input convert amount with bottom sheet
20.1 store amount code.zip
20. Store convert amount to preferences
21.1 currency flag code.zip
21.2 flags.zip
21. Building currency flag component with Glide
22.1 custom toolbar code.zip
22. Custom toolbar and UI polishing
23.1 calculator code.zip
23. Implementing calculator feature
24.1 filter search code.zip
24.2 icons.zip
24. Implementing filter and search feature for available currencies