1. What Are Modules
2. The Standard Module Structure
3. Browsing Public Modules in the Terraform Registry
4. Exploring the AWS VPC Module GitHub Repository
5.1 Exercise File.html
5. [Exercise] Using the Public AWS VPC Module - Overview
6. [Exercise] Using the Public AWS VPC Module
7.1 Exercise File.html
7. [Exercise] Using the Public AWS EC2 Module - Overview
8. [Exercise] Using the Public AWS EC2 Module
9. Module Design Best Practices
10.1 Exercise File.html
10. [Exercise] Building Our Own VPC Module - Overview
11. [Exercise] Building Our Own VPC Module
12.1 Exercise File.html
12. [Exercise] Migrating to Object Variables - Overview
13. [Exercise] Migrating to Object Variables
14.1 Exercise File.html
14. [Exercise] Receiving Subnet Configuration via Variables - Overview
15. [Exercise] Receiving Subnet Configuration via Variables
16.1 Exercise File.html
16. [Exercise] Validating the Received Availability Zones - Overview
17. [Exercise] Validating the Received Availability Zones
18.1 Exercise File.html
18. [Exercise] Supporting Public and Private Subnets - Overview
19. [Exercise] Supporting Public and Private Subnets
20.1 Exercise File.html
20. [Exercise] Defining the Modules Outputs - Overview
21. [Exercise] Defining the Modules Outputs
22. [Demo] Populating the License and README Files
23.1 Exercise File.html
23. [Exercise] Testing the Module with EC2 Instances - Overview
24. [Exercise] Testing the Module with EC2 Instances
25. Publishing Modules in the Terraform Registry
26. [Demo] Publishing Our Networking Module