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Fast Track to MVP: Lean Strategies for Product Innovation

سرفصل های دوره

Accelerate Your Path to Market with Proven Lean Methodologies for your MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Course Overview Introduction
  • 1 - Part-1-1.Course-Overview.pdf
  • 2 - Part-1-2.Why-Startups-Fail.pdf
  • 2 - Why Do Startups Fail
  • 3 - Part-1-3.Why-New-Products-Launched-Fail.pdf
  • 3 - Why Do New Products Fail
  • 4 - 10 Reasons of Why New Products Fail
  • 4 - Part-1-3.1-10-REASONS-new-product-fail.pdf

  • 2 - Part 2 Fundamental Concepts in Lean Product Process Produce Development
  • 5 - Introduction to Product Market Fit PMF
  • 5 - Part-2-1.Product-Market-Fit.pdf
  • 6 - Part-2-1.1-The-Market.pdf
  • 6 - Understanding the MARKET aspect of Product Market Fit PMF
  • 7 - Part-2-1.2-The-Product.pdf
  • 7 - Understanding the PRODUCT aspect of Product Market Fit PMF
  • 8 - Part-2-1.3-The-Fit.pdf
  • 8 - Understanding the FIT aspect of Product Market Fit PMF
  • 9 - Case Studies of a Good Product Market Fit PMF
  • 9 - Part-2-1.4-Good-Examples.pdf
  • 10 - Case Study of a Bad Product Market Fit PMF
  • 10 - Part-2-1.5-Bad-Examples.pdf
  • 11 - Fundamentals of the Lean Product Process
  • 11 - Part-2-2.Lean-Product-Process.pdf
  • 12 - Part-2-3.Problem-vs-Solution.pdf
  • 12 - Understanding the role of Product Space vs Solution Space in the MVP Process

  • 3 - Who is your Ideal Target Customer Phase 1 of the Lean Product Process
  • 13 - 3.1-Introduction-to-Target-the-Right-Customer.pdf
  • 13 - Introduction to Targeting the Right Customers for your MVP
  • 14 - 3.2-How-to-Segment-your-Target-Market.pdf
  • 14 - Defining Markets and Segments
  • 15 - 3.2-How-to-Segment-your-Target-Market.pdf
  • 15 - How to Segment a Target Audience.txt
  • 15 - Learn How to Segment your Target Market for your MVP
  • 15 - Market Segmentation Definition Example Types Benefits.txt
  • 15 - Market segmentation Definition types benefits best practices.txt
  • 15 - Target market segmentation how to use it to your advantage.txt
  • 16 - 3.4-Technology-Adoption-Lifecycle.pdf
  • 16 - Learn How to Implement the Technology Adoption Lifecycle
  • 16 - Minimum Viable Productsuccess depends on technology maturity.txt
  • 16 - Technology-Life-Cycle-Template.pptx
  • 16 - When MVPs arent the most valuable how to approach markets with few early adopters.txt
  • 17 - 3.5-Personas.pdf
  • 17 - About MVPs and their link with personas.txt
  • 17 - How product managers should define customer personas.txt
  • 17 - HubSpot-Buyer-Persona-Templates.pptx
  • 17 - Ranger Determining the initial feature set using personas task analysis and process flows.txt
  • 17 - Use Personas as a Tool to Know your Customers Better
  • 17 - What are the best ways to use customer personas for MVP validation.txt

  • 4 - Discovering and Addressing Unmet Customer Needs Phase 2 Lean Product Process
  • 0 - 4.5-Prioritizing-customer-needs-and-product-features.pdf
  • 0 - How I Use The Importance and Satisfaction Framework On Google Sheets Like A Product Manager.txt
  • 0 - How To Prioritise Customer Problems Opportunities Like A Product Manager.txt
  • 0 - Opportunity scoring importance vs satisfaction.txt
  • 0 - Product Features How to Create Features For Customer Needs With Examples.txt
  • 0 - Understanding the Importance and Satisfaction Framework.txt
  • 18 - 4.0-Intro-identify-CN.pdf
  • 18 - Important But Underserved Customer Needs How to Identify.txt
  • 18 - Introduction to Identifying Underserved Customer Needs
  • 18 - Making Your Products Accessible to Underserved Markets.txt
  • 19 - 4.1-Case-Study.pdf
  • 19 - Case Study
  • 20 - 4.2-Customer-Discovery-Interviews.pdf
  • 20 - 13 Customer Discovery Questions to Ask for Valuable Insights.txt
  • 20 - Customer Interviews How to Recruit What to Ask and How to Synthesize What You Learn.txt
  • 20 - How to Do Customer Discovery Interviews and Questions to Ask.txt
  • 20 - The Comprehensive Guide to Customer Discovery Interviews.txt
  • 20 - Tool Customer Discovery Interviews
  • 21 - 4.3-Customer-Benefit-Ladder.pdf
  • 21 - Consumer Benefits Ladder A Useful Method to Build a Brand.txt
  • 21 - Tool Customer Benefits Ladder
  • 21 - Understanding the consumer benefit ladder.txt
  • 21 - What Is a Value Ladder Ultimate StepByStep Guide.txt
  • 22 - 4.4-Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs.pdf
  • 22 - Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs.txt
  • 22 - Maslows Hierarchy of Needs A framework for human motivation.txt
  • 22 - Maslows hierarchy of needs Uses and criticisms.txt
  • 22 - Maslow Pyramid Excel Spreadsheet Template.txt
  • 22 - Tool Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

  • 5 - Developing your Products Value Proposition Phase 3 Lean Product Process
  • 23 - 5.1-Introduction.pdf
  • 23 - Introduction to Building your Products Value Proposition
  • 24 - 5.2-Building-your-product-value-proposition.pdf
  • 24 - How Product Managers Can Write More Compelling Value Propositions.txt
  • 24 - How to Build your Products Value Proposition
  • 24 - How to create a value proposition.txt
  • 24 - Template-product-value-proposition.xlsx
  • 25 - 5.3-Predicting-product-value-proposition.pdf
  • 25 - Learn How to Predict your Products Future Value Proposition
  • 25 - Template-prediciting-the-future-value-proposition.xlsx

  • 6 - Set the Features Required for your MVP Phase 4 of the Lean Product Process
  • 26 - 6.1-Introduction.pdf
  • 26 - Introduction to Developing the PreMVP Required Features
  • 27 - 6.2-User-Stories.pdf
  • 27 - Agile User Story Example and Templates.txt
  • 27 - Develop User Stories to Demonstrate Features and Benefits of your preMVP
  • 27 - Effective User Stories 3Cs and INVEST Guide.txt
  • 27 - Mastering User Stories Techniques Templates and the 3Cs for Agile Development.txt
  • 27 - User Story Templates Examples To Perfect Your Process.txt
  • 27 - User Story Template How to write it with examples.txt
  • 27 - Using the INVEST method to write Agile user stories.txt
  • 27 - Writing meaningful user stories with the INVEST principle.txt
  • 28 - 6.3-Breaking-Features-Down.pdf
  • 28 - Learn How to Break Down MVP Features Identify its Most Valuable Pieces
  • 29 - 6.4-Methods-to-prioritize-features.pdf
  • 29 - FEATURE-PRIORITIZATION-template.pptx
  • 29 - Methods to Prioritize preMVP product features
  • 30 - 6.5-Deciding-on-your-MVP-Candidate.pdf
  • 30 - Deciding which Features to Include in your preMVP

  • 7 - Master the Prototyping Tools to Efficiently Develop Test your MVP Concepts
  • 31 - 7.1-Introduction.pdf
  • 31 - 7.2-Marketing-Prototype-Testing-Tools.pdf
  • 31 - 7.3-Product-Prototype-Testing-Tools.pdf
  • 31 - An Introduction to the Available Tools for developing your MVP Concept
  • 32 - Marketing Materials as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 33 - How You Can Use a Landing Page to Validate Your MVP.txt
  • 33 - How to Validate Your Startup Idea with a Landing Page.txt
  • 33 - How to successfully validate your idea with a Landing Page MVP.txt
  • 33 - Landing Pages as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 33 - Landing Page MVP How to Get Insightful User Feedback on the Product You Havent Built Yet.txt
  • 34 - Creating an Explainer Video MVP A StepbyStep Guide.txt
  • 34 - Explainer Video as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 34 - Video as MVP.txt
  • 35 - Adverting Campaigns as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 36 - How to quickly and efficiently conduct an AB testing.txt
  • 36 - Marketing AB Tests as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 36 - What Is AB Testing and How Can It Help Your Business.txt
  • 37 - Crowdfunding Fundraise for product development or production.txt
  • 37 - Crowdfunding as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 37 - Crowdfunding to test the Minimum Viable Product MVP.txt
  • 37 - How can you use crowdfunding to test your MVP.txt
  • 37 - The Benefits of Crowdfunding Testing.txt
  • 38 - Introduction to Product Prototyping Tools to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 39 - Sketches Product Prototyping as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 40 - Wireframes Product Prototyping as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 41 - Mockups Product Prototyping as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 41 - The Power of Mockups and MVPs in Startup Validation.txt
  • 42 - Interactive Product Prototyping as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 43 - Concierge Product Prototyping as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 43 - Concierge Testing A Powerful PrePilot for Your Business Model.txt
  • 43 - What is concierge MVP When is it the right approach.txt
  • 44 - Live Product Product Prototyping Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 45 - Fake Doors Product Prototyping as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept
  • 45 - Fake Door Testing The Benefits the Risks and How to Build Functional Tests.txt
  • 45 - Fake Door Testing The Complete Guide.txt
  • 45 - How to improve your product using the Fake Door method.txt
  • 45 - The Benefits of Fake Door Testing.txt
  • 46 - Product AB Product Prototyping as a Tool to Develop and Test your MVP Concept

  • 8 - User Experience UX Principles
  • 47 - 8.1-Introduction.pdf
  • 47 - UX Principles Introduction
  • 48 - 8.2-What-is-a-Great-UX-Design-Introduction.pdf
  • 48 - What is a Great UX Design
  • 49 - 8.2.1-What-is-a-Great-UX-Design-USABILITY.pdf
  • 49 - What is a Great UX Design Focus on USABILITY Principles
  • 50 - 8.2.2-What-is-a-Great-UX-Design-DELIGHT.pdf
  • 50 - What is a Great UX Design Focus on DELIGHT Principles
  • 51 - 8.3-UX-Design-Process-Introduction.pdf
  • 51 - UX Design Process Introduction
  • 52 - 8.3.1-UX-Design-Process-Conceptual.pdf
  • 52 - UX Design Process Conceptual Design Principles
  • 53 - 8.3.2-UX-Design-Process-Information-Architecture.pdf
  • 53 - UX Design Process Information Architecture Principles
  • 54 - 8.3.3-UX-Design-Process-Interaction-Interface.pdf
  • 54 - UX Design Process User Interaction Interface Design Principles
  • 55 - 8.3.4-UX-Design-Process-Visual-Design.pdf
  • 55 - UX Design Process Visual Design Principles

  • 9 - Introduction to UX Design Laws Principles and Methodologies
  • 56 - 8.4-UX-Design-Principles-Methodologies.pdf
  • 56 - Introduction to UX Design Laws Principles and Methodologies
  • 57 - A Neuropsychological Theory of Positive Affect and Its Influence on Cognition.txt
  • 57 - Heuristic Aesthetic Usability Effect
  • 57 - The AestheticUsability Effect.txt
  • 57 - The AestheticUsability Effect Why beautifullooking products are preferred over usablebutnotbeautiful ones.txt
  • 57 - The Aesthetic Usability Effect and Prioritizing Appearance vs Functionality.txt
  • 58 - Fittss Law The Importance of Size and Distance in UI Design.txt
  • 58 - Fittss Law and Its Applications in UX.txt
  • 58 - Fitts Law In The Touch Era.txt
  • 58 - Heuristic Fitts Law
  • 59 - Designing for motivation with the goalgradient effect.txt
  • 59 - Goal-Gradient-Illusionary-Goal-Progress.pdf
  • 59 - Heuristic Goal Gradient Effect
  • 59 - How Uber uses psychology to perfect their customer experience.txt
  • 59 - Moving the Finish Line The Goal Gradient Hypothesis.txt
  • 59 - The importance of percentdone progress indicators for computerhuman interfaces.txt
  • 60 - Design principle Hicks Law quick decision making.txt
  • 60 - Heuristic Hicks Law
  • 60 - Hicks Law Making the choice easier for users.txt
  • 60 - The Choice Overload Effect Why simplicity is the key to perfecting your experience.txt
  • 60 - The Psychology Principles Every UIUX Designer Needs to Know.txt
  • 61 - Heuristic Jakobs Law
  • 61 - Jakobs Law of Internet User Experience.txt
  • 61 - The Power Law of Learning Consistency vs Innovation in User Interfaces.txt
  • 62 - Design Principles for Reducing Cognitive Load.txt
  • 62 - Heuristic Millers Law
  • 62 - The Magical Mystery Four How is Working Memory Capacity Limited and Why.txt
  • 63 - Heuristic Parkinsons Law
  • 63 - Parkinsons Law Why Constraints Are The Best Thing You Can Work With.txt
  • 63 - Parkinsons law Calculate the Time Consume of User.txt
  • 63 - This is why you cant finish early.txt
  • 64 - Principle Doherty Threshold
  • 64 - The Economic Value of Rapid Response Time.txt
  • 64 - This 70s UX gem still applies today.txt
  • 65 - Complexity Bias Why We Prefer Complicated to Simple.txt
  • 65 - Designing with Occams Razor.txt
  • 65 - How to Use Occams Razor Without Getting Cut.txt
  • 65 - Occams Razor The simplest solution is always the best.txt
  • 65 - Principle Occams Razor
  • 66 - Principle Pareto Principle
  • 66 - Prioritize Quantitative Data with the Pareto Principle.txt
  • 66 - The 8020 Rule in User Experience.txt
  • 66 - The Pareto Principle and Your User Experience Work.txt
  • 67 - Nobody Wants To Use Your Product.txt
  • 67 - Principle Teslers Law
  • 67 - Teslers Law Designing for inevitable complexity.txt
  • 67 - Teslers Law This is why you cannot make UX any simpler.txt
  • 67 - Why Life Cant Be Simpler.txt
  • 68 - Design with Difficult Data.txt
  • 68 - Postels Law Designing for Robustness.txt
  • 68 - Postels Law in UX Design.txt
  • 68 - Principle Postels Law
  • 68 - Robustness and least power.txt
  • 69 - Design Principles Visual Perception And The Principles Of Gestalt.txt
  • 69 - Gestalt Law of Common Region
  • 69 - Gestalt principles.txt
  • 69 - The Principle of Common Region Containers Create Groupings.txt
  • 70 - Design Principles Visual Perception And The Principles Of Gestalt.txt
  • 70 - Gestalt Law of Proximity
  • 70 - Gestalt Principles of DesignProximity.txt
  • 70 - Laws of Proximity Uniform Connectedness and Continuation Gestalt Principles Part 2.txt
  • 70 - Proximity Principle in Visual Design.txt
  • 70 - The Psychology Principles Every UIUX Designer Needs to Know.txt
  • 71 - Gestalt Law of Pragnanz
  • 71 - The Laws of FigureGround Pragnanz Closure and Common Fate Gestalt Principles Part 3.txt
  • 71 - The Law of Pragnanz Designing for Simplicity.txt
  • 71 - The Law of Pragnanz in Gestalt Psychology and UX Design.txt
  • 72 - Gestalt Law of Uniform Connectedness
  • 72 - Laws of Proximity Uniform Connectedness and Continuation Gestalt Principles Part 2.txt
  • 72 - The Importance of Uniform Connectedness in UX Design.txt
  • 72 - The Power of Uniform Connectedness in Product Design.txt
  • 72 - What Is the Law of Uniform Connectedness.txt
  • 73 - Gestalt Law of Similarity
  • 73 - Gestalt Principles of DesignSimilarity.txt
  • 73 - Similarity Principle in Visual Design.txt
  • 73 - The Law of Similarity Gestalt Principles Part 1.txt
  • 74 - Cognitive Bias Peak End Rule
  • 74 - How do our memories differ from our experiences The peakend rule explained.txt
  • 74 - The PeakEnd Rule How Impressions Become Memories.txt
  • 74 - What Is the PeakEnd Rule How to Use It Smartly.txt
  • 75 - Cognitive Bias Serial Position Effect
  • 75 - Serial Position Effect How to Create Better User Interfaces.txt
  • 75 - The Serial Position Effect Why ABC and XYZ stand out the most among all the alphabets.txt
  • 76 - Cognitive Bias Von Restorff Effect
  • 76 - Superior pattern processing is the essence of the evolved human brain.txt
  • 76 - The Von Restorff Effect Your Secret Weapon for Unmissable Design.txt
  • 76 - The Von Restorff Effect in UX design.txt
  • 76 - Working Memory and Attention A Conceptual Analysis and Review.txt
  • 77 - Cognitive Bias Zeigarnik Effect
  • 77 - Endowed progress effect Give your users a head start.txt
  • 77 - The Zeigarnik Effect Why it is so hard to leave things incomplete.txt
  • 77 - Zeigarnik Effect Uncompleted tasks stick in your mind more than completed ones.txt
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 36593
    حجم: 2018 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 367 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 25 اردیبهشت 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید