1. Creating the react app
2. Installing TailwindCSS and importing Google fonts
3. Installing the dependencies
4. Excplaining the dependencies wee installed
5. Creating the Redux store
6. Register user and Utilities folder
7.1 Register.zip
7. Register Component part 1
8. Register component part 2
9. Login a user
10.1 Login.zip
10. Login Component part 1
11. Login component part 2
12. Logout a user
13. Fetch user Details
14. Save a product like
15. Unsave a product dislike
16. Get subscription prices from stripe
17. Send email Action and Controller
18. Stripe checkout sessionwindow creation
19. Update stripe subscription after successfull payment
20. Customer portal window access
21. Fetch all users
22. Update user password
23. Send password reset url to email
24. Reset password after clikcing Reset Link
25. Send verification url link
26. Verify account after clikcing verification link
27. Update user field
28. Subscription update after cancel
29. Subscription update after renewal
30. Create products slice and Create product action
31. Fetch all products
32. Fetch free and paid products
33. Fetch tiktok, facebook and google ads products
34. Fetch single product and free products
35. Update product fields
36. Delete single and all products
37.1 Navbar.zip
37. Navbar part 1
38.1 Ternary operator documentation.html
38. Navbar part 2
39.1 Homepage.zip
39. Homepage component
40.1 WhatWeeOffer.zip
40. What wee offer component and navbar fix
41.1 Stats.zip
41. Stats component
42. Pricing component part 1
43. Pricing component part 2
44.1 faq, guarantee, reviews components.zip
44. FAQ, Guarantee, Reviews components
45.1 Footer.zip
45. Footer component
46.1 about and calltoaction components.zip
46. About page
47.1 Pricing.zip
47. Pricing Page and Navbar fix
48.1 Features.zip
48. Features page
49.1 Contact.zip
49. Contact page
50.1 ProductsFree.zip
50. Free products page
51.1 productDetailsComponents.zip
51.2 ProductDetailsFree.zip
51. Free product details page
52.1 CreateProduct.zip
52. Create product page
53.1 PaidProducts.zip
53. Premium product page
54.1 ProdDetails.zip
54. Premium product details page
55.1 Profile.zip
55. Profile page
56.1 SavedProducts.zip
56. Save product page
57.1 ChnagePassword.zip
57. Change password
58.1 ResetPasswordNew.zip
58.2 ResetPasswordSend.zip
58. Reset Password
59.1 VerifyEmail.zip
59. Verify account
60.1 legalpages.zip
60. Legal Pages
61.1 stripepages.zip
61. Stripe success and cancel pages