1. Create Atlassian account
2. Setting up billing account and adding users
3. How to setup user access & roles within jira by admin
4. Verifying the billing and pricing details of jira by admin
5. Creating a team and profile setting including QA engineer
6. Creating a team and profile setting including QA engineer - continued
7. Issue types in Jira - structuring the Epics, Stories, Task, Bug including Test
8. Creating Issue types in jira as per the 'Ace Online Products' Project
9. Creating Issue types in Jira as per the 'Ace Online Products' Project continued
10. Polishing the epics, user stories, tasks
11. Test Task or user stories used to track testing - QA engineer view
12. Test Task or user stories used to track testing - QA engineer view
13. Creation of Product backlog and Sprint in Jira - Teams and QA engineer view
14. Creation of Product backlog and Sprint in Jira - Teams and QA engineer view - co
15. Sprint backlog, Tasks, Sprint Board - from QA engineer view