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Consume Web API in ASP.Net Core MVC (step by step project)

سرفصل های دوره

Consume CRUD API with ASP .NET Core 2.2 MVC using HttpClient and Entity Framework. Project-based learning.

1. Introduction
  • 1. Demo of the Project
  • 2.1 API-Request-URIs.pdf
  • 2.2 BookAPI-start.zip
  • 2.3 BookAPIGUI-finish.zip
  • 2.4 ProjectResources.pdf
  • 2.5 UdemyDiscountCoupons.pdf
  • 2.6 WebsiteStructure.pdf
  • 2. Source Code, Help, Discounts, and Misc.html

  • 2. Creating and Setting Up Project
  • 1. MUST WATCH - Setting up the API
  • 2. Creating New Project
  • 3. Configuring StartUp.cs

  • 3. Creating Interfaces for HTTP GET Requests
  • 1. Why Use Interfaces
  • 2. Creating ICountry Interface
  • 3. HOMEWORK - Creating Interfaces
  • 4. Creating ICategory Interface
  • 5. Creating IReviewer Interface
  • 6. Creating IReview Interface
  • 7. Creating IAuthor Interface
  • 8. Creating IBook Interface

  • 4. Building HttpGet Requests for Country Object
  • 1. Implementing GetCountries Method
  • 2. Finishing Implementation of GetCountry Method
  • 3. Creating Index Action for Countries Controller
  • 4. Creating Index View for Countries Controller

  • 5. Adding Support for Tag Helpers and Bootstrap
  • 1. Adding Tag Helpers to the Project
  • 2. Using Tag Helpers in the Index View For Countries Controller
  • 3. Adding Bootstrap to the Project

  • 6. Finishing HttpGet Requests for Country Object
  • 1. Routing and Testing GetCountries API Request
  • 2. Implementing GetCountryById Method
  • 3. Creating GetCountryById Action
  • 4. Creating GetCountryById View
  • 5. Testing GetCountryById View
  • 6. Implementing GetCountryOfAnAuthor Method
  • 7. Implementing GetAuthorsFormACountry Method

  • 7. Building HttpGet Requests for Category Object
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Implement ICategory Interface, Actions, And Views
  • 2. Implementing GetCategories Method
  • 3. Implementing GetCategoryById Method
  • 4. Implementing GetAllCategoriesOfABook Method
  • 5. Implementing GetAllBooksForCategory Method
  • 6. Creating Index Action for Categories Controller
  • 7. Creating Index View For Categories Controller
  • 8. Creating GetCategoryById Action
  • 9. Creating GetCategoryById View
  • 10. Modifying GetCategoryById Action
  • 11. Creating CategoryBook ViewModel
  • 12. Adding ViewModel to GetCategoryById Action
  • 13. Adding ViewModel to GetCategoryById View
  • 14. Testing GetCategoryById Action and View

  • 8. Implementing IReviewer and IReview Interfaces
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Implementing Reviewer And Review Interfaces
  • 2. Implementing GetReviewers Method
  • 3. Implementing GetReviewerById Method
  • 4. Implementing GetReviewerOfAReview Method
  • 5. Implementing GetReviewsByReviewer Method
  • 6. Implementing GetReviews Method
  • 7. Implementing GetReviewById Method
  • 8. Implementing GetReviewsOfABook Method
  • 9. Implementing GetBookOfAReview Method

  • 9. Building HttpGet Requests for Reviewer Object
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Create Reviewers Controller and Actions
  • 2. Creating Index Action for Reviewers Controller
  • 3. Creating Index View for Reviewers Controller
  • 4. Creating ReviewerReviewsBooks ViewModel
  • 5. Creating GetReviewerById Action
  • 6. Finishing GetReviewerById Action
  • 7. HOMEWORK - Creating GetReviewerById View
  • 8. Creating GetReviewerById View
  • 9. Finishing GetReviewerById View
  • 10. Debugging Reviewer Actions

  • 10. Building HttpGet Requests for Review Object
  • 1. Creating Index Action for ReviewController
  • 2. Creating ReviewReviewerBook ViewModel
  • 3. Creating GetReviewById Action
  • 4. Creating Index View For Reviews Controller
  • 5. HOMEWORK - Creating GetReviewById View
  • 6. Creating GetReviewById View
  • 7. Testing GetReviewById Action and View

  • 11. Building HttpGet Requests for Author Object
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Implementing IAuthor Interface Methods
  • 2. Implementing GetAuthors Method
  • 3. Implementing GetAuthorById Method
  • 4. Implementing GetAuthorsOfABook Method
  • 5. Implementing GetBooksByAuthor Method
  • 6. Creating Authors Controller
  • 7. Creating Index Action for Authors Controller
  • 8. Creating AuthorCountryBooksCategories ViewModel
  • 9. Creating GetAuthorById Action
  • 10. Creating Index View for Authors Controller
  • 11. Creating GetAuthorById View
  • 12. Testing and Debugging GetAuthorById Action and View

  • 12. Improving Countries Controller Actions and Views
  • 1. Modifying GetCountryById Action
  • 2. Modifying GetCountryById View

  • 13. Building HttpGet Requests for Book Object
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Implementing IBook Interface
  • 2. Implementing GetBooks Method
  • 3. Implementing GetBookById Method
  • 4. Implementing GetBookRating Method
  • 5. Creating Home Controller
  • 6. Creating BookAuthorsCategoriesRating ViewModel
  • 7. Creating Index Action For Home Controller
  • 8. Creating Index View For Home Controller
  • 9. Finishing Index View For Home Controller
  • 10. Testing Index View And Action For Home Controller
  • 11. Creating CompleteBook ViewModel
  • 12. Creating GetBookById Action
  • 13. Finishing GetBookById Action
  • 14. Creating GetBookById View
  • 15. Finishing GetBookById View
  • 16. Testing GetBookById View And Action

  • 14. Improving Pages With CSS, Buttons, and Navigation using Partial Views
  • 1. Adding More CSS
  • 2. Creating Navigation Bar
  • 3. Creating WriteReview Button
  • 4. Creating Footer

  • 15. Structure of CRUD Actions and Views
  • 1. Overview Of Requirements and Structure of CRUD Actions and Views

  • 16. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Country
  • 1. Creating HttpGet CreateCountry Action
  • 2. Creating CreateCountry View
  • 3. Creating HttpPost CreateCountry Action
  • 4. Continuing Creating HttpPost CreateCountry Action
  • 5. Finishing HttpPost CreateCountry Action
  • 6. Testing Creating Country
  • 7. Creating HttpGet UpdateCountry Action
  • 8. Creating UpdateCountry View
  • 9. Creating HttpPost UpdateCountry Action
  • 10. Testing Updating of Country
  • 11. Creating HttpGet DeleteCountry Action
  • 12. Creating DeleteCountry View
  • 13. Creating HttpPost DeleteCountry Action
  • 14. Testing Deleting of Country

  • 17. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Category
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Create, Update, Delete Categories
  • 2. Creating HttpGet CreateCategory Action
  • 3. Creating CreateCategory View
  • 4. Creating HttpGet UpdateCategory Action
  • 5. Creating HttpPost UpdateCategory Action
  • 6. Creating UpdateCategory View
  • 7. Creating HttpGet DeleteCategory Action
  • 8. Creating HttpPost DeleteCategory Action
  • 9. Creating DeleteCategory View

  • 18. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Reviewer
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Create, Update, Delete Reviewers
  • 2. Creating HttpGet and HttpPost CreateReviewer Action
  • 3. Creating CreateReviewer View
  • 4. Creating HttpGet and HttpPost UpdateReviewer Action
  • 5. Creating UpdateReviewer View
  • 6. Creating HttpGet and HttpPost DeleteReviewer Action
  • 7. Creating DeleteReviewer View

  • 19. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Review
  • 1. Create, Update, And Delete Requirements For Reviews
  • 2. Creating Reviewer SelectList Model
  • 3. Creating ViewComponent for Reviewers List
  • 4. Creating Partial View For Reviewer ViewComponent
  • 5. Creating HttpGet CreateReview Action
  • 6. Creating CreateReview View
  • 7. Finishing CreateReview View
  • 8. Creating HttpPost CreateReview Action
  • 9. Finishing HttpPost CreateReview Action
  • 10. Testing Creating of Review
  • 11. Requirements for Updating Reviews
  • 12. Creating HttpGet UpdateReview Action
  • 13. Creating UpdateReview View
  • 14. Creating HttpPost UpdateReview Action
  • 15. Creating HttpGet DeleteReview Action
  • 16. Creating DeleteReview View
  • 17. Creating HttpPost DeleteReview Action

  • 20. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Author
  • 1. HOMEWORK - Requirements for Creating, Updating, and Deleting Authors
  • 2. Creating HttpGet CreateAuthor Action
  • 3. Creating Country SelectList Model
  • 4. Creating ViewComponent for Countries List
  • 5. Creating Partial View For Countries ViewComponent
  • 6. Creating CreateAuthor View
  • 7. Creating HttpPost CreateAuthor Action
  • 8. Testing Creating Of Author
  • 9. Creating HttpGet UpdateAuthor Action
  • 10. Creating UpdateAuthor View
  • 11. Creating HttpPost UpdateAuthor Action
  • 12. Testing Updating Of Author
  • 13. Creating HttpGet DeleteAuthor Action
  • 14. Creating DeleteAuthor View
  • 15. Creating HttpPost DeleteAuthor Action

  • 21. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Book
  • 1. Requirements for Creating, Updating, and Deleting Books
  • 2. Creating SelectListItem for Authors
  • 3. Creating SelectListItem for Selected Authors
  • 4. Creating SelectListItem for Categories
  • 5. Creating CreateUpdateBook ViewModel
  • 6. Creating HttpGet CreateBook Action
  • 7. Creating CreateBook View
  • 8. Creating HttpPost CreateBook Action
  • 9. Creating URI for Creating and Updating Book
  • 10. Continuing Creating HttpPost CreateBook Action
  • 11. Finishing HttpPost CreateBook Action
  • 12. Testing Creating Book
  • 13. Creating HttpGet UpdateBook Action
  • 14. Creating UpdateBook View
  • 15. Creating HttpPost UpdateBook Action
  • 16. Testing Updating of Book
  • 17. Creating HttpGet DeleteBook Action
  • 18. Creating DeleteBook View
  • 19. Creating HttpPost DeleteBook Action

  • 22. Conclusion
  • 1. What a journey! Now What
  • 2. Bonus Lecture.html
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    تاریخ انتشار: 31 مرداد 1402
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