1. Section Intro
2. The client WebSocket object - opening a WebSocket connection
3. Project introduction and overview
4. The HTML and CSS.html
5. WebSocket Demo - building the HTML
6. WebSocket Demo - building the CSS
7.1 WebSocket Demo - Starting HTML & CSS.rar
7. Starting files.html
8. WebSocket Server Code - Part 1 - Creating the HTTP server
9. WebSocket Server Code - Part 2 - Importing the websocket module using NPM
10.1 3. WebSockets.rar
10. WebSocket Server Code - Part 3 - Spinning up our WebSocket server
11. WebSockets on the server.html
12. Project The WebSocket API - Establishing a WebSocket connection
13. Why do you have to use the new keyword to open up a WebSocket connection.html
14. WebSockets are HTTP compatible
15. Example a server can run multiple socket connections simultaneously
16. Recap on WebSockets vs HTTP.html
17. WebSocket API - binaryType and bufferedAmount
18. WebSocket API - extensions and protocols
19. Introduction to the readyState property
20. Establishing a WebSocket connection.html
21. Project code - disable button when clicked, and add dynamic status update
22. Project listen for the OPEN EVENT
23. The onopen event object is rather simple.html
24. Using the onopen event to change text dynamically
25. WebSocket Messages and Data - Introduction
26. Project listening for the MESSAGE EVENT
27. Styling our table element
28. Project listening for the CLOSE EVENT
29. The Close event - did you know.html
30. Project listening for the ERROR EVENT
31. The Error event - did you know.html
32. Closure codes and the wasClean property
33. The error event object, and closure details are designed to be vague.html
34. Examining all 4 values of the readyState property
35. WebSocket API Methods - send() and close()
36. The WebSocket API is simplistic.html
37. The CloseEvent and MessageEvent interface
38. Summary of CloseEvent and MessageEvent interfaces.html
39. Timeout.html
40. Project using the send() method to send data to the server
41. Sending data using WebSockets.html
42. Closing a connection
43. The closing handshake.html
44. Project using the close() method to close the WebSocket connection
45.1 WebSockets - final code.rar
45. The reason argument to the close() method
46. Examining the closing handshake at the TCP & WebSocket level
47. WebSocket protocol vs WebSocket API.html
48. Challenge I want you to improve project code
49. Solution amending our project code to handle different closure types
50. Using the switch expression to improve our code
51.1 5. Live Server.rar
51. Fun lecture - examining Live Server WebSocket code
52.1 4. WebSockets v2.rar
52. Outro and project code.html
53. WebSockets API Quiz.html