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WebSockets Protocol – Very Informative – 2024

سرفصل های دوره

Master WebSockets Without Libraries. A Complete Advanced WebSockets Course For Everyone

1. WebSockets Introduction
  • 1. Section intro
  • 2. How to approach this course.html
  • 3. What is the internet
  • 4. What is the HTTP protocol
  • 5. TCP - did you know.html
  • 6. Using Wireshark to prove TCP is persistent
  • 7. What is Wireshark.html
  • 8. HTTP - did you know.html
  • 9. AJAX and Comet
  • 10. WebSockets Introduction
  • 11. WebSocket history and specifications
  • 12. RFCs - did you know
  • 13. WebSockets - did you know.html
  • 14. WebSockets Specification.html
  • 15. WebSockets - use cases
  • 16. WebSockets are a communications protocol
  • 17. What are packets.html
  • 18. Examining the HTTP protocol using (1) Dev Console and (2) CURL
  • 19. cURL.html
  • 20. HTTP vs WebSockets.html
  • 21. Introduction to WebSockets, TCP and IP
  • 22. MTU and Maximum Segment Size
  • 23. WebSockets dont work in isolation.html
  • 24. Summary of TCP and IP
  • 25. IP - did you know.html
  • 26. WebSocket Fundamentals - Quiz.html

  • 2. WebSocket Networking
  • 1. TCP handshake introduction
  • 2. TCP - what is meant by a persistent connection.html
  • 3. TCP - did you know.html
  • 4. Examining the TCP handshake in Wireshark
  • 5. The TCPIP model (4 layer model)
  • 6. Summary - TCPIP model.html
  • 7. Layer 1 Application Layer
  • 8. Layer 1 Application Layer Summary.html
  • 9. Layer 2 Transport Layer Ports
  • 10. Difference between TCP and UDP.html
  • 11. What is a port.html
  • 12. Example creating a custom port number to establish a connection
  • 13. Layer 2 Transport Layer Segments and Headers
  • 14. Layer 3 Internet Layer
  • 15. What is the different between an IP and a Port.html
  • 16. Data over the internet is always electrical inputs.html
  • 17. What if you access the same website from 2 tabs in your browser.html
  • 18. Layer 4 Network Layer & MAC addresses
  • 19. MAC addresses - did you know.html
  • 20. Using Tracert to analyze hops, and Network layer summary
  • 21. The data transport process is complex.html
  • 22. Summary - WebSockets and the Network Layers
  • 23. Sockets vs WebSockets
  • 24. Sockets vs WebSockets Recap.html
  • 25. Networking (Packets, Sockets, etc).html

  • 3. WebSockets and Network Layers
  • 1. WebSocket Protocol Fundamentals.html

  • 4. Opening A WebSocket Connection
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. Opening a WebSocket connection
  • 3. The HTTP handshake process
  • 4. WebSockets over HTTP1.1, HTTP2 and HTTP3.html
  • 5. The WebSocket API in the Dev Console and the TCP handshake
  • 6. WebSocket is an event driven API
  • 7. End-to-end vs hop-by-hop HTTP headers
  • 8. Reverse Proxies & WebSockets.html
  • 9. The Upgrade and Connection headers explained
  • 10. Upgrade and Connection headers work together.html
  • 11. Upgrade header - did you know.html
  • 12. Sec-WebSocket- Headers Introduction
  • 13. Sec-WebSocket-Key Header
  • 14. You cant emulate WebSockets.html
  • 15.1 keycalc.zip
  • 15. Manually calculating Sec-WebSocket-Key
  • 16. Final words on Sec-WebSocket-Key
  • 17. Sec-WebSocket- Headers - Did you Know.html
  • 18. Base64 Encoding - intro
  • 19. Base64 Encoding - Summary and Example
  • 20. Clarification on Base64.html
  • 21. Fun Example How to encode the rocket emoji
  • 22. Sec-WebSocket-Accept
  • 23. Sec-WebSocket-Accept - why does the server heed to hash it.html
  • 24. Are WebSockets really at the application level.html
  • 25. Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
  • 26. Sec-WebSocket-Version & Sec-WebSocket-Extensions
  • 27. WebSocket API vs Custom.html
  • 28. Section Summary & Outro
  • 29. WebSocket Headers Establishing A Connection.html

  • 5. Using the WebSocket API
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. The client WebSocket object - opening a WebSocket connection
  • 3. Project introduction and overview
  • 4. The HTML and CSS.html
  • 5. WebSocket Demo - building the HTML
  • 6. WebSocket Demo - building the CSS
  • 7.1 WebSocket Demo - Starting HTML & CSS.rar
  • 7. Starting files.html
  • 8. WebSocket Server Code - Part 1 - Creating the HTTP server
  • 9. WebSocket Server Code - Part 2 - Importing the websocket module using NPM
  • 10.1 3. WebSockets.rar
  • 10. WebSocket Server Code - Part 3 - Spinning up our WebSocket server
  • 11. WebSockets on the server.html
  • 12. Project The WebSocket API - Establishing a WebSocket connection
  • 13. Why do you have to use the new keyword to open up a WebSocket connection.html
  • 14. WebSockets are HTTP compatible
  • 15. Example a server can run multiple socket connections simultaneously
  • 16. Recap on WebSockets vs HTTP.html
  • 17. WebSocket API - binaryType and bufferedAmount
  • 18. WebSocket API - extensions and protocols
  • 19. Introduction to the readyState property
  • 20. Establishing a WebSocket connection.html
  • 21. Project code - disable button when clicked, and add dynamic status update
  • 22. Project listen for the OPEN EVENT
  • 23. The onopen event object is rather simple.html
  • 24. Using the onopen event to change text dynamically
  • 25. WebSocket Messages and Data - Introduction
  • 26. Project listening for the MESSAGE EVENT
  • 27. Styling our table element
  • 28. Project listening for the CLOSE EVENT
  • 29. The Close event - did you know.html
  • 30. Project listening for the ERROR EVENT
  • 31. The Error event - did you know.html
  • 32. Closure codes and the wasClean property
  • 33. The error event object, and closure details are designed to be vague.html
  • 34. Examining all 4 values of the readyState property
  • 35. WebSocket API Methods - send() and close()
  • 36. The WebSocket API is simplistic.html
  • 37. The CloseEvent and MessageEvent interface
  • 38. Summary of CloseEvent and MessageEvent interfaces.html
  • 39. Timeout.html
  • 40. Project using the send() method to send data to the server
  • 41. Sending data using WebSockets.html
  • 42. Closing a connection
  • 43. The closing handshake.html
  • 44. Project using the close() method to close the WebSocket connection
  • 45.1 WebSockets - final code.rar
  • 45. The reason argument to the close() method
  • 46. Examining the closing handshake at the TCP & WebSocket level
  • 47. WebSocket protocol vs WebSocket API.html
  • 48. Challenge I want you to improve project code
  • 49. Solution amending our project code to handle different closure types
  • 50. Using the switch expression to improve our code
  • 51.1 5. Live Server.rar
  • 51. Fun lecture - examining Live Server WebSocket code
  • 52.1 4. WebSockets v2.rar
  • 52. Outro and project code.html
  • 53. WebSockets API Quiz.html

  • 6. WebSocket Data Frames
  • 1. Section intro
  • 2. How HTTP1.1 handles data
  • 3. Meaning of rn.html
  • 4. HTTP1.1 has no concepts of frames.html
  • 5. How HTTP2 handles data
  • 6. Binary joke - do you get it.html
  • 7. Capturing SSLTLS keys and configuring Wireshark to capture HTTP2 traffic
  • 8. HTTP2 Binary Frames - Intro to how the HTTP2 protocol is negotiated
  • 9.1 5. Frames.zip
  • 9. Project code.html
  • 10. WebSockets can use HTTP2.html
  • 11. HTTP2 Binary Frames - Intro to HPACK
  • 12. HTTP2 Binary Frames - What a FRAME looks like
  • 13. Frames - HTTP1.1 and HTTP2 and WebSockets.html
  • 14. WebSocket frames - the 6 types
  • 15. Examining a WebSocket closure frame - opcode 0x8
  • 16. Examining a WebSocket ping frame - opcode 0x9
  • 17. WebSockets - ping & pong.html
  • 18. WebSocket frame header size - min and max
  • 19. WebSocket data fragmentation
  • 20. Become a review ninja.html
  • 21. Fragmentation and streaming.html
  • 22. Question with no stream IDs, how does WebSockets guarantee orderly delivery.html
  • 23. What are WebSocket Reserved Bits used for
  • 24. Control and non-control frames
  • 25. Why is the distinction between control and non-control frames important.html
  • 26. Masking Bit
  • 27. Masking - introduction
  • 28. What does the WebSocket RFC say about masking.html
  • 29. Example of cache poisoning
  • 30. Why masking prevents cache poisoning.html
  • 31. Payload length bits
  • 32. WebSocket protocol has reserved the numbers 126 and 127 as flags.html
  • 33. EXAMPLE - what if payload is 128 bytes in length.html
  • 34. Maximum size of a WebSocket frame payload
  • 35. Practical limitations on WebSocket frame size.html
  • 36. What if a WebSocket frame is LARGER than the TCP maximum segment size.html
  • 37. Payload length header is variable in size.html
  • 38. HTTP vs WebSockets
  • 39. WebSockets are stateful.html
  • 40. WebSockets support broadcasting.html
  • 41. Outro
  • 42. WebSocket Data Frames.html

  • 7. WebSockets Advanced Concepts
  • 1. WebSocket Advanced Concepts.html

  • 8. AJAX, Polling, Server-Side Events and CORS
  • 1. Misconceptions about concurrent WebSocket connections
  • 2. Limits on concurrent WebSocket connections ONE client can make to a WS server.html
  • 3. Limits on concurrent WebSocket connections a SERVER can open.html
  • 4. Short Polling - an alternative to WebSockets
  • 5. Limitations on excessive short-polling.html
  • 6. Long Polling - an alternative to WebSockets
  • 7. Server-Sent Events - an alternative to WebSockets
  • 8. Server-Sent-Events vs HTTP long polling.html
  • 9. Server-Sent Events vs WebSockets.html
  • 10. Preface what is the CONNECT method.html
  • 11. WebSockets over HTTP2
  • 12. Summary of how to bootstrap WebSockets over HTTP2.html
  • 13. How browsers and servers decide to use HTTP2.html
  • 14. Does HTTP2 replace WebSockets
  • 15. HTTP2 is still a requestresponse model.html
  • 16. WebSockets over HTTP3
  • 17. How browsers and servers decide to use HTTP3.html
  • 18. The WebSocket API will handle the upgrade to HTTP2 and HTTP3 for you.html
  • 19. Does HTTP3 replace WebSockets.html
  • 20. CORS and WebSockets
  • 21. Scaling WebSockets
  • 22. Scaling WebSockets is no trivial task.html
  • 23. Scaling, CORS, AJAX, Polling and Server-Sent Events.html

  • 9. Outro
  • 1. Outro
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