1.1 CLS metric page.html
1.2 Web vitals page.html
1. Getting deeper on web vitals metrics
2. How to know your web vitals metrics values
3. Talk about critical resources
4.1 gzip.html
4.2 Rollup.html
4.3 Terser.html
4.4 Uglify.html
4.5 Vite.html
4.6 Webpack.html
4. Optimizing Javascript
5.1 CSS stats.html
5.2 Maker Said - CSS performance testing.html
5.3 Project Wallace.html
5.4 Vite CSS minification.html
5.5 Webpack CSS minification.html
5. Optimizing CSS
6.1 ffmpeg.html
6.2 ImageMagick.html
6.3 Imagemin NPM package.html
6.4 imagemin-webp.html
6.5 Lazy loading images.html
6.6 Lazy Sizes.html
6.7 Lozad.html
6.8 Optimize your images - web.dev section.html
6.9 Sharp NPM package.html
6.10 SVGOMG.html
6.11 Vanilla Lazyload.html
6. Optimizing images
7. Getting deeper in lazy loading
8.1 Cache-control header.html
8.2 Frontend performance roadmap.html
8.3 PRPL pattern.html
8. Minimal changes you can do to improve the frontend performance
9.1 PWA Angular.html
9.2 PWA React.html
9.3 Vue 3 PWA.html
9. PWA a possible way to improve performance
10.1 Lighthouse guide.html
10. How to decrease your web vitals metrics, in case they are high
11.1 Performance analisys guide.html
11. Improving runtime performance with DevTools Performance tab
12. Optimizing frontend performance Quiz.html