1. Introduction
2. Creating the Initial Setup
3. Preparing the Server
4. Connecting with Database and Creating Model
5. Adding Password Encryption with bcrypt
6. Creating the Register Route
7. Working with Register Controller
8. Creating the Login Route and Controller
9. Adding Routing to our React App
10. Adding Navigation bar and Landing Page
11. Creating Login and Register Pages
12. Completing Login Functionality
13. Completing Register Functionality
14. Modifying Navigation Options
15. Working on ToDo List Models and Routes
16. Adding Authentication Middleware
17. 17.later Checked out, todo app series continued
18. Testing our ToDo List Routes
19. Adding Frontend Services
20. Adding Task Creation Modal
21. Getting all the todo tasks
22. Adding the Update Functionality
23. Adding Delete Functionality
24. Completing The Status Update Functionality
25. Adding Complete and Incomplete Dropdown
26. Adding Search and Finishing the App