001 Note about Introducing Node.html
002 Section 16 Introduction
003 MySQL and Other Languages
003 slides-for-this-section.zip
005 Introduction to JOIN US app
006 Note about Setting Up Cloud9 for Node.html
007 5 Minute NodeJS Crash Course
008 CODE 5 Minute Node Crash Course.html
009 Note about Faker install.html
010 Introduction to NPM and Faker
010 fakerjs-github-repo.zip
011 CODE Introduction to NPM and Faker.html
012 Introducing the MySQL Package
012 mysql-node-package-github-repo.zip
013 Note about connecting Node to MySQL.html
014 Connecting Node to MySQL
015 CODE Connecting Node to MySQL.html
016 Creating Our Users Table
017 CODE Creating Our Users Table.html
018 Selecting Using Node
019 CODE Selecting Using Node.html
020 Inserting Using Node
021 CODE Inserting Using Node.html
022 Some MySQLNode Magic
023 Bulk Inserting 500 Users - Finally!
024 CODE Bulk Inserting 500 Users.html
025 500 Users Exercises
025 slides.zip
026 500 Users Exercises Solutions
027 CODE 500 Users Exercises Solutions.html