وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

The Expert’s Guide of Selenium with Python | BDD Framework

سرفصل های دوره

1 - Introduction to Selenium Setup Selenium
  • 1 - Learning Roadmap of Selenium and Python
  • 2 - Course Introduction with Structure and Best practices to use while learning
  • 3 - Selenium Introduction with AdvantagesDisadvantages Components in Selenium
  • 4 - Setup Selenium IDE on Firefox Chrome for Record Playback
  • 5 - What is Selenium IDE How to Record Play script using Selenium IDE
  • 6 - Download Code Use it while learning.html

  • 2 - Environment Setup Python Pycharm PIP Libraries
  • 7 - Installation Roadmap Python Pycharm PIP Library
  • 8 - Step 1 Setup Python on Windows Machine with Environment Variable
  • 9 - Step 2 Setup Pycharm Editor fort Python Programming
  • 10 - Step 3 Setup PIP Package Manager for Python
  • 11 - Step 4 Install Libraries using PIP Selenium Other Libraries
  • 12 - Document Statement to Install packages using PIP.html
  • 13 - Solution Installed Library but not able to use on Pycharm

  • 3 - Getting start with basic PYTHON Programming
  • 14 - Download Code Use it while learning.html
  • 14 - PythonBasicProgramming-Basics.zip
  • 15 - Python-basics-converted.pdf
  • 15 - Why as a Tester we need to learn Python What all places we can use Python
  • 16 - First Python Code Create Python File Comments Print on Console
  • 17 - How to take user input and use it in programming
  • 18 - How to Declare and use Variables in Python
  • 19 - Constants and Type Casting in Python
  • 20 - Standard datatypes in Python Number String List Tuple Dictionary
  • 21 - Programming Exercise 1 User Input with Concatenation with solution.html
  • 22 - Programming Exercise 2 User Input with Type Casting with solution.html
  • 23 - Document Notes for Students Reference.html

  • 4 - Control Execution using Condition Handling Practical Examples and Exercise
  • 24 - Download Code Use it while learning.html
  • 24 - PythonBasicProgramming-Conditon.zip
  • 25 - Condition Handling using If Handle Single Condition
  • 26 - Condition Handling using If Handle 2 Conditions
  • 27 - Condition Handling using If Handle Multiple Conditions
  • 28 - Condition Handling using Nested Conditions
  • 29 - Condition Handling with Logical OR and Logical AND
  • 30 - Condition Handling Task 1 Find Largest and Lowest among 3 numbers
  • 31 - Condition Handling Task 2 Find number is complete divisible
  • 32 - Condition Handling Task 3 Find number of days in a month
  • 33 - Condition Handling Task 4 Find triangle EQUILATERALSCALENEISOSCELES
  • 34 - Condition Handling Task 5 Find Grade by calculating percentage
  • 35 - Condition Handling Task 6 Check number is EVEN OR ODD
  • 36 - Solution of Given Programming Exercise.html

  • 5 - Do Execution with Loops For While Break and Continue
  • 37 - Introduction of Loops Why and Where to use Loops
  • 38 - For Loop with Final Range Run code until the given conditionvalue reach
  • 39 - For Loop with initial and final range Run code between given range
  • 40 - For loop with increment value Run code with different increment value
  • 41 - For loop with decrement value Run code with different decrement value
  • 42 - For loop with list Running a loop on the List of values
  • 43 - While Loop with increments How to use while loop with increment condition
  • 44 - While loop with decrement How to use while loop with decrement condition
  • 45 - Break Statement When Loop inbetween when a given condition match
  • 46 - Continue Statement Skip remaining part of Loop when condition match
  • 47 - Else Statement Execute some code once the loop is completed

  • 6 - Programming for Realtime Work Interview Preparation
  • 48 - Practical Programming 1 Take 2 input from user and interchange variable value
  • 49 - Practical Programming 2 Print Rectangle
  • 50 - Practical Programming 3 Print table where only display selective numbers
  • 51 - Practical Programming 4 Write program to find factorial of a number
  • 52 - Practical Programming 5 Write program to Generate Fibonacci series
  • 53 - Practical Programming 6 Write program to check Number is Prime or Not
  • 54 - Programming Solutions.html

  • 7 - How to do String Handling Must for Interview Preparation Real Automation Work
  • 55 - What is String How to Define String Perform operation like Concat Repeat
  • 56 - String Fetch Substring By giving Start and End index values
  • 57 - Common String Functions Length Capitalize Upper and Lower
  • 58 - Common String Functions lStrip rStrip and Strip
  • 59 - Common String Functions Replace Data Find Data and Split Data
  • 60 - Compare 2 Strings in Python with Practical Examples

  • 8 - Complex Data Types Work with List Tuples and Dictionary
  • 61 - What is List How to Insert Fetch Update and Remove data from List
  • 62 - Common List function Concatenate String and Find Length of String
  • 63 - What is Tuple Difference between List and Tuple
  • 64 - Tuple advance operations Count Values Display Value and Merge Tuples
  • 65 - What is Dictionary How to define and use Dictionary in Python
  • 66 - Dictionary Methods Find all Keys Value

  • 9 - Functions in Detail Learn how to write functions with different arguments
  • 67 - What is Function Why to write Function How to create functions
  • 68 - Basic thumb Rules to create functions with example
  • 69 - Different types of functions With Arguments and Without Arguments
  • 70 - Write Functions with return value Get output from functions
  • 71 - Different types of arguments Required Keyword and Default

  • 10 - Class in Python How to implement Class Constructors Class Method and Objects
  • 72 - What is Class How to Write Class and Members Access members using Object
  • 73 - Functions in Class Class Methods Access by using Class object
  • 74 - Code for Reference Class ObjectCode.html
  • 75 - Constructors What is Constructor How to write Constructors
  • 76 - Constructors practical implementation Why and Where we use constructors
  • 77 - Access Class and Members in Different File using Class object

  • 11 - Modules What is Module How to create Modules Where to use Modules
  • 78 - What is Module How to write Module and Module Members
  • 79 - How to Use Modules with Practical Implementation
  • 80 - Creating Project Structure Define Folder Structure of Python Projects
  • 81 - Difference between import and fromimport in Python

  • 12 - File Handling in Python Read data from TXT CSV and Other files
  • 82 - Read Data from Filetxt Open file in Read Write or Append mode
  • 83 - Read character by character and line by line
  • 84 - Write data to Filetxt Overwrite and Append mode
  • 85 - Common file methods

  • 13 - Exception Handling in Python Must for Practical Automation Interviews
  • 86 - What is Exception and Exception Handling in Python
  • 87 - Handle Exception using try exception and finally

  • 14 - Read data from configuration files Define and Use config files
  • 88 - Prepare configuration files Config file structure
  • 89 - Read data from config file by passing key and fetch value

  • 15 - Object Oriented Programming OOPS Concepts and Practical Implementation
  • 90 - Inheritance Transfer Property of a class to another class
  • 91 - Types of Inheritance Single Inheritance AB
  • 92 - Types of Inheritance Multilevel Inheritance ABC
  • 93 - Types of Inheritance Multiple Inheritance Have multiple parent class
  • 94 - Inheritance Constructor in Parent and Child Class Interview Question
  • 95 - Polymorphism Data Overriding Override Parent Class Methods

  • 16 - Working with Excel Files Most important section for automation and interview
  • 96 - Why to read data from excel XLRD and XLWT
  • 97 - Read data from excel to use in Automation
  • 98 - Read All Rows and Columns Optimize way by running loop
  • 99 - Write data to Excel File

  • 17 - Read Write Excel DataXlsx file OpenPyXl package Advance Library
  • 100 - Install Module Move to Sheet Level
  • 101 - Read one Cell Data
  • 102 - Read All Rows Cells Data
  • 103 - Write Data to Excel

  • 18 - WebScaping using Python Navigate Web pages
  • 104 - WebScraping Introduction What we can do with WebScrapping
  • 105 - Pick compete page data Display on Console
  • 106 - Pick complete page data save to File output file
  • 107 - Fetch data using BeautifulSoup

  • 19 - Work on CSV File Read and Write data to CSV file
  • 108 - Read Data from CSV
  • 109 - Write Data to CSV
  • 110 - CSV ReadWrite Code.html
  • 111 - Compare Data
  • 112 - Nested Dictionary
  • 113 - Nested DictionaryCode.html

  • 20 - Work with JSON Data Must for working on API testing Creating Config files
  • 114 - JSON Basic Understanding How to write and understand Json
  • 115 - Fetch values from JSON JSON Path Basics
  • 116 - Fetch values from JSON JSON Path Advance
  • 117 - Work with JSON
  • 118 - Fetch Validate JSON Response
  • 119 - Parse JsonAPI Code.html

  • 21 - Code Coverage Download code and take it reference while practice
  • 120 - Code for next few sections.html

  • 22 - Learn Element Locators
  • 121 - LocatingWebElements-Final.pdf
  • 121 - Section Introduction Practice Target
  • 122 - What is Element Locators Why we use Element Locators
  • 123 - Understand basics of HTML to Fetch Element Locators
  • 124 - Locate or Search Element uniquely on the Page using ElementID
  • 125 - Locate or Search Element uniquely on the Page using ElementName
  • 126 - Locate or Search Element uniquely on Page using ElementLink textinner text
  • 127 - Locate or Search Element uniquely on the Page using ElementClass Name
  • 128 - Locate Element by CSS Syntax 1 using ID Tag with ID
  • 129 - Locate Element by CSS Syntax 2 using Class Name Tag with Class Name
  • 130 - Locate Element by CSS Syntax 3 using any attribute Tag with attribute
  • 131 - Locate Element by CSS Syntax 4 using ID with attribute Tag with ID attrib
  • 132 - Locate Element by CSS Syntax 5 using Class Attribute

  • 23 - Learn How to use Xpath Best Practices Techniques to Write Xpath
  • 133 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 1 Use Single Attribute
  • 134 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 2 Use Multiple Attributes with OR condition
  • 135 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 3 Use Multiple Attributes with AND condition
  • 136 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 4 Use on place Attributes
  • 137 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 5 Use Innertext of Element
  • 138 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 6 Use Partial Innertext of Element
  • 139 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 7 Use Partial Attribute of Element
  • 140 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 8 Navigate through Parent Axis
  • 141 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 9 Navigate through ChildAxis
  • 142 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 10 Navigate towards SiblingNext Previous
  • 143 - Locate Element by Xpath Syntax 11 Use Parent Child Sibling

  • 24 - Lets Start Writing Test Case in Selenium WebDriver Must for Everyone
  • 144 - How to Setup Selenium Library on Python using PIP
  • 144 - SeleniumPythonBasicCode-master.zip
  • 145 - Write First TestCase Open Browser Enter URL Maximize
  • 146 - Work on TextBox Enter data into textbox
  • 147 - Work on Radio Button Checkbox Link Button
  • 148 - Work on Dropdown or List Select values from list of Dropdown
  • 149 - Execute Test Case on Firefox Browser Cross Browser Testing

  • 25 - Keyboard Mouse Operations ActionChains Class
  • 150 - Perform Keyboard Operations Press Single Key Multiple Keys
  • 151 - Perform Mouse Operations Left Click Right Click Double Click Drag and Drop

  • 26 - Fetch Data at Runtime from Application and Elements
  • 152 - Fetch Page Title Page URL Page HTML Source code
  • 153 - Fetch Element TextInner text Attribute Value
  • 154 - Fetch Values from dropdown or list

  • 27 - PyTest Unit Testing Framework for Python Use to Execute Test Cases
  • 155 - PyTest Introduction What is Pytest and How to use Pytest
  • 156 - Write Test Case in Pytest format and Execute using Pytest
  • 157 - Skip Test Cases Execute test cases conditionally
  • 158 - Grouping Test Cases and Execute any specific group
  • 159 - Fixtures What is Fixture and How to implement it
  • 160 - Assertions Compare Actual Result with Expected Result
  • 161 - Write End to End Test Case in PyTest format

  • 28 - Waits in WebDriver Page Load Timeout Implicit Wait Explicit Wait
  • 162 - Forced Wait Page Load Timeout
  • 163 - Implicitly Wait Wait for Searching of an Element
  • 164 - Explicit Wait Wait for condition to be True

  • 29 - Advance Selenium Concepts Logs Snapshot Multi Window Hanlding
  • 165 - Take Screenshot at Runtime Take and Save screenshot for reference
  • 166 - Execute JavaScript at Runtime Handle complex HTML scenario
  • 167 - MultiWindow Handling Handle Popups
  • 168 - MultiWindow Handling Handle Tabs
  • 169 - MultiWindow Handling Handle Frame iFrames
  • 170 - Documentation Generate Logs.html
  • 171 - Generate Logs Files

  • 30 - Reporting with Allure Advance Level Reporting with Great GUI
  • 172 - Allure Introduction Setup
  • 173 - Generate JSON formatted reports
  • 174 - Generate HTML formatted reports

  • 31 - Formatted Project Structure Define Folder Hierarchy for Automation Projects
  • 175 - Create Project Structure
  • 176 - Create Base Files Save Common data to be used in all testcases
  • 177 - Create Read data from Config File Manage Configuration Data
  • 178 - Manage Element Locators in Config File
  • 179 - Multi Window Handling Handle Popup Tab
  • 180 - Page Object Model POM Its Advantages
  • 181 - Implement POM in Realtime Automation Project

  • 32 - FRAMEWORK DESIGNING Data Driven Testing Framework
  • 182 - Data Driven Testing with static data
  • 183 - Data Driven Testing with excel data source

  • 33 - FRAMEWORK DESIGNING Design BDD Framework
  • 184 - What is TDD Test Data Driven Concepts
  • 185 - Learn and Understand BDD Concepts Behavior Driven Development
  • 186 - Difference between TDD and BDD
  • 187 - Common Files to be created in BDD
  • 188 - Define Gherkin Feature File
  • 189 - Gherkin Feature Keyword
  • 190 - Gherkin Scenario Keyword Test Cases
  • 191 - Gherkin Given Step
  • 192 - Gherkin When Then Step
  • 193 - Gherkin Background Step
  • 194 - Gherkin Step Argument
  • 195 - Gherkin Scenario Outline
  • 196 - Gherkin Comments and Document String
  • 197 - Gherkin Tags

  • 34 - Start Creating BDD Framework using Selenium Webdriver Python
  • 198 - Create Project Structure
  • 199 - Create Feature File
  • 200 - Step definition file
  • 201 - Tags Control Execution using Tags
  • 202 - Environment File
  • 203 - Generate Report in BDD framework

  • 35 - CI CD Implementation in Selenium Python GIT Jenkins
  • 204 - Introduction
  • 205 - Introduction to Git GitHub
  • 206 - Setup Git and GitHub
  • 207 - Configure GIT with Username and Email
  • 208 - Create Local Repository
  • 209 - Undo Files from Stage to Untrack
  • 210 - Commit File to Local Repository
  • 211 - Check and Discard Changes
  • 212 - Push Code to Remote Repository
  • 213 - Clone Repository

  • 36 - Batch File and Share Code on GitHub
  • 214 - Create Batch File
  • 215 - Push Code to Remote Repository

  • 37 - Setup Jenkins on Windows Machine
  • 216 - Step 1 Setup Java
  • 217 - Step 2 Download Jenkins War Setup Plugins
  • 218 - Step 3 Configure Paths on Jenkins
  • 219 - Step 4 Setup Allure Reporting Options

  • 38 - Configure and Execution by Jenkins
  • 220 - Fetch Code from Github
  • 221 - Setup Environment Variable
  • 222 - Run batch file to install library
  • 223 - Execute Test Case using Pytest
  • 224 - Generate Allure Report Part 1
  • 225 - Generate Allure Report Part 2

  • 39 - FRAMEWORK DESIGNING Keyword Driven Framework Robot Framework
  • 226 - Introduction to Robot Framework
  • 227 - Test Libraries

  • 40 - Setup Instrctions on Windows Machine
  • 228 - Install Intellibot Plugin on Pycharm
  • 229 - Install Robot Framework and Selenium Package

  • 41 - Write First Code in Robot Framework
  • 230 - Create Project Structure
  • 231 - Start Writing Test Case

  • 42 - Work on Different Elements
  • 232 - Work on TextBox
  • 233 - Work on Radio Button Checkbox Link Button
  • 234 - Work on List or Dropdown
  • 235 - Write Keywords in Test Case With Argument Without Argument

  • 43 - Create Resource Files
  • 236 - User defined Keyword without Argument
  • 237 - User defined Keyword with Argument
  • 238 - User defined Keyword with Argument Return Value

  • 44 - Details with Keyword and TestCases
  • 239 - Add Documentations
  • 240 - Add Timeouts
  • 241 - Setup TearDown
  • 242 - Generate Relative Path for Files
  • 243 - Test Suites in Robot Framework
  • 244 - Write Before Suite After Suite for FolderSub Folder Test Suite

  • 45 - Tags Control Execution using Tags
  • 245 - Add Tags to Test Cases
  • 246 - Default Forced Tags
  • 247 - Execute Test Cases by Tags
  • 248 - Execute Test Cases by Tags Advance Options
  • 249 - Set Output Folder Report Folder Log Folder

  • 46 - Fetch Data at Runtime
  • 250 - Fetch Data at Runtime Part 1
  • 251 - Fetch Data at Runtime Part 2
  • 252 - Fetch Data at Runtime Part 3

  • 47 - User Defined Keywords using Python Scripting
  • 253 - User defined Keyword without Argument Part 1
  • 254 - User defined Keyword without Argument Part 2
  • 255 - User defined Keyword with Argument
  • 256 - User defined Keyword with Argument Return Value
  • 257 - Write Test Cases in BDD format
  • 258 - Read Locators from JSON File

  • 48 - CI CD Integration of Robot Framework Git Jenkins
  • 259 - Check Projects
  • 260 - Create Batch File for Libraries
  • 262 - Job to fetch code from Github
  • 263 - Set Environment variable and run batch file
  • 264 - Execute Jenkins job with Pytest
  • 265 - Generate Allure Report and Upload on Jenkins
  • 266 - Update Generate Allure Report

  • 49 - Complimentary Videos API Testing using Python
  • 267 - Request Package Installation
  • 268 - Making a GET request using python
  • 269 - Validate Status Code
  • 270 - Fetch Response Header Values
  • 271 - Fetch Response Content using Json Path
  • 272 - Fetch Response Content using Advance Json Path
  • 273 - Delete Resource
  • 274 - Create New Resource POST Request Part1
  • 275 - Create New Resource POST Request Part2
  • 276 - Update Resource on Server UPDATE Method

  • 50 - Legacy Content on Eclipse Python scripting
  • 277 - Why we need to learn python
  • 278 - What is Python

  • 51 - Legacy Content Setup Automation environment
  • 279 - Selenium IDE Firebug installation
  • 280 - JDK Setup
  • 281 - Eclipse Setup
  • 282 - Python and Pydev setup
  • 283 - Selenium Installation with Python

  • 52 - Legacy Content Python Programming Kickoff
  • 284 - Python programming kickoff
  • 285 - Python Coding guidelines
  • 286 - Variables in python
  • 287 - Working with String
  • 288 - Function in python
  • 289 - Python List
  • 290 - Tuple
  • 291 - Dictionary in python
  • 292 - Condition Handling
  • 293 - Loops

  • 53 - Legacy Content Advance Python Programming
  • 294 - Functions
  • 295 - File handling
  • 296 - Read data from excel
  • 297 - Write data to excel file
  • 298 - Exception handling in python
  • 299 - Class and Object
  • 300 - Module
  • 301 - Inheritance in Python
  • 302 - Overriding in python
  • 303 - Python Reading data from configuration file

  • 54 - Legacy Content Python Automation Case Study Generate Test data
  • 304 - Test data generation in python1
  • 305 - Test data generation in python2
  • 306 - Test data generation in python3
  • 307 - Test data generation in python4

  • 55 - Legacy Content KickOff Selenium Webdriver
  • 308 - Webdriver Introduction
  • 309 - First selenium test case with FirefoxDriver
  • 310 - Selenium test case with ChromeDriver
  • 311 - Selenium test case with IEDriver
  • 312 - Selenium test case with UnitTest

  • 56 - Legacy Content Selenium Webdriver Advance
  • 313 - Working with Checkbox Radio button and Dropdown
  • 314 - Apply inheritance in test cases
  • 315 - Implement Page Object modelPOM
  • 316 - Manage Element Locators
  • 317 - Create Test Suite
  • 318 - Generate execution report

  • 57 - Step by Step Python Docs
  • 319 - String in Python.html
  • 320 - List Tuple Dictionary.html
  • 321 - Read Write Excel file.html
  • 322 - OOPS in Python.html
  • 323 - Navigating and Locating Webdriver element.html
  • 324 - Wait in Webdriver.html
  • 325 - String in Details.html
  • 326 - Database connectivity in Python MySql.html
  • 327 - File RedWrite Operations.html
  • 328 - Common Examples
  • 67,300 تومان
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