1.1 Python essentials Libraries - pandas PPT.pptx
1. Introduction
2. What is an API
3. How to request for historical data
4. Step 1 Build a connection between research notebook and QuantConnect
5.1 Example 1.txt
5. Step 2 Request QuantConnect for access to data for a stock
6.1 Example 2.txt
6. Step 3 Request historical data for a stock
7. Introduction to QuantConnects API reference page
8. How to access the column of a dataframe
9.1 Example 3.txt
9. Example 3 Access column of dataframe using square brackets
10. How to access a specific value from a column
11.1 Example 4.txt
11. Example 4 Index first and last value from a column
12.1 Example 5.txt
12. Example 5 Use len() to count number of rows in dataframe before indexing
13.1 Example 6.txt
13. Example 6 Use len() to count number of values in a column before indexing
14. How to convert the column of a dataframe into a list
15.1 Example 7.txt
15. Example 7 Convert the column of a dataframe into a list
16. How to access a dataframes index
17.1 Example 8.txt
17. Example 8 Print index of dataframe
18. How to isolate the time index from a QuantConnect historical data dataframe
19.1 Example 9.txt
19. Example 9 Isolate time index
20. How to loop through a dataframe
21.1 Example 10.txt
21. Example 10 Loop through dataframe and print indexes
22.1 Example 11.txt
22. Example 11 Loop through dataframe and print time isolated indexes
23.1 Example 12.txt
23. Example 12 Loop through dataframe and print rows
24. How to access the values of each row during a for loop
25.1 Example 13.txt
25. Example 13 Access close prices of each row during a for loop
26. How to create a dataframe that has multiple columns
27.1 Example 14.txt
27. Example 14 Create pandas dataframe
28. How to create a dataframe that has only 1 column
29.1 Example 15.txt
29. Example 15 Dataframe with single column
30. Introduction to the methods of dataframes
31. How to find the average of a column
32.1 Example 16.txt
32. Example 16 Find average of a column
33. How to find the average of a selection of values from a column
34.1 Example 17.txt
34. Example 17 Find average of last 5 values of a column
35. How to find the sum of a column
36.1 Example 18.txt
36. Example 18 Find sum of a column
37. How to find the average of a row
38.1 Example 19.txt
38. Example 19 Find average of row
39. How to create a column that has the average of each row in the dataframe
40.1 Example 20.txt
40. Example 20 Column with mean of each row
41. How to create a column that has the average of select columns
42.1 Example 21.txt
42. Example 21 Column with mean of open, high, low and close columns
43. How to access historical data for multiple stocks
44.1 Example 22.txt
44. Example 22 Historical data for AAPL and TSLA
45. How to retrieve the historical data of a stock from a combined dataframe
46.1 Example 23.txt
46. Example 23 Retrieve historical data of AAPL from combined dataframe
47. How to code an indicator
48. Coding an SMA indicator
49.1 Example 24.txt
49. Example 24 30-period SMA
50. What are NaN values
51.1 Example 25.txt
51. Example 25 Count NaN values
52. Why does the SMA column have NaN values
53. What does it mean to warm up an indicator
54. Coding an EMA indicator
55.1 Example 26.txt
55. Example 26 10-period EMA
56. Coding a MACD indicator
57.1 Example 27.txt
57. Example 27 MACD with settings (12, 26, 9)
58. Tip on searching for indicator code to copy online
59. How to plot an indicator in QuantConnects research notebook
60.1 Example 28.txt
60. Example 28 Plotting SMAs
61. Why does the x-axis of the chart look messed up
62.1 Example 29.txt
62. Example 29 Fix x-axis of chart from example 28
63. Why is this the only chapter where well be plotting
64. How to utilize SMA crossovers to submit orders in the code
65.1 Example 30.txt
65. Example 30 Print index when fast SMA crosses above slow SMA
66. How does extended hours data affect indicators
67.1 Example 31.txt
67. Example 31 Request for historical data between 2 times
68.1 Example 32.txt
68. Example 32 Plot minute resolution SMAs with extended hours data
69.1 Example 33.txt
69. Example 33 Plot minute resolution SMAs without extended hours data
70. Why does the chart from example 32 look different from example 33
71. What is a historical data error
72.1 Example 34.txt
72. Example 34 Simulate historical data error
73. Why is historical data error a problem
74.1 Example 35.txt
74. Example 35 Check if stock Symbol string in dataframe index