001 Overview of the project
002 Three development stages of our project
003 Our starting code for this project
003 our-starting-code-for-this-project.zip
003 progdiary-starter.zip
004 Queries we'll need for the project to begin with
004 why-does-unix-time-start-at-1970-01-01-.zip
005 Write the database.py file
005 -ebook-using-context-managers-for-automatic-commit-and-rollback.zip
006 UPDATE changing data with SQL
006 the-sql-update-command-in-sqlite-official-documentation-.zip
006 -ebook-setting-movies-to-watched.zip
006 -ebook-update-updating-rows.zip
007 UPDATE exercises.html
008 Write our user menu and functions
008 how-to-work-with-dates-and-times-in-python.zip
008 watchlist-complete-stage-1.zip
009 Watched movies second approach
009 watchlist-complete-stage-2.zip
010 DELETE FROM removing rows with SQL
010 the-sql-delete-command-in-sqlite-official-documentation-.zip
011 DELETE FROM exercises.html
012 Stage 2 watching movies
013 Relational data primary and foreign keys
013 enabling-foreign-key-support-in-sqlite-official-documentation-.zip
013 -ebook-relational-data.zip
014 Relational data exercise.html
015 Watched movies final approach
015 watchlist-complete-stage-3.zip
016 Stage 3 adding new watched movies
016 destructuring-in-python.zip
017 Auto-incrementing row IDs
017 sqlite-autoincrement.zip
018 Auto-incrementing exercise.html
019 JOIN access two tables at once with SQL
020 Use JOINs to retrieve the movies a user has watched
021 Types of JOINs with examples.html
022 ORDER BY sort the returned table
023 LIMIT getting a certain number of rows
024 LIKE flexible searching
025 What is an index in SQL
026 Adding an index to our table for more efficient searching