1. 3.1 Family members
2. 3.1 Family members (Speaking Drill)
3. 3.2 Talking about the family make-up
4. 3.2 Talking about the family make-up (Speaking Drill)
5. 3.3 Pronunciation of vowels 2
6.1 3.4 Possessive adjectives.pdf
6. 3.4 Saying my, your, his, and her
7. 3.4 Saying my, your, his, and her.html
8. 3.5 Talking about family members
9. 3.5 Talking about family members (Speaking Drill)
10. 3.6 Talking about birthdays
11. 3.6 Talking about birthdays (Speaking Drill)
12. 3.7 The verb haben - to have
13. 3.7 The verb haben - to have.html
14. 3.8 Talking about animals
15. 3.8 Talking about animals (Speaking Drill)
16. 3.9 Saying you have more than one
17. 3.9 Saying you have more than one.html
18. 3.10 Saying what animals you have
19. 3.10 Saying what animals you have (Speaking Drill)
20.1 3.11 Nominative & accusative cases.pdf
20. 3.11 The nominative and accusative cases
21. 3.11 The nominative and accusative cases.html
22. 3.12 Using adjectives to describe people
23. 3.12 Using adjectives to describe people (Speaking Drill)
24. 3.13 Describing friends and family - character
25. 3.13 Describing friends and family - character (Speaking Drill)
26. 3.14 Pronunciation of final consonants
27. 3.15 Saying what colour things are
28. 3.15 Saying what colour things are (Speaking Drill)
29. 3.16 Describing eyes and hair
30. 3.16 Describing eyes and hair (Speaking Drill)
31. 3.17 A1 Unit 3 Review Lesson Part 1
32. 3.18 A1 Unit 3 Review Lesson Part 2