1. Windows Process Analysis
2.1 02- Basic Malicious Process Hunting with Splunk.txt
2. Basic Malicious Process Hunting with Splunk
3.1 03- Parent and Child Process Tree.txt
3. Parent and Child Process Tree analysis with Splunk
4.1 04- Hunting Malicious Windows Process CommandLine.txt
4. Hunting Malicious Windows Process CommandLine
5.1 05- Fake Windows Processes Hunting.txt
5. Fake Windows Processes Hunting
6.1 06- Process Injection Hunting.txt
6. Process Injection Hunting
7. What is LSASS Process
8.1 08- Create Remote Thread Into LSASS.txt
8. Create Remote Thread Into LSASS
9.1 09- Access LSASS Memory for Dump Creation.txt
9. Access LSASS Memory for Dump Creation
10.1 10- Credential Dumping through LSASS Access.txt
10. Credential Dumping through LSASS Access
11. What is Mimikatz
12.1 12- Hunting Mimikatz Using Sysmon and Splunk.txt
12. Hunting Mimikatz Using Sysmon and Splunk
13.1 13- Windows Mimikatz Binary Execution.txt
13. Windows Mimikatz Binary Execution Hunting with Splunk
14.1 14- Hunting Mimikatz with Powershell and Splunk.txt
14. Hunting Mimikatz with Powershell and Splunk