وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Self Driving and ROS 2 – Learn by Doing! Odometry & Control

سرفصل های دوره

Create a ROS2 based Self-Driving robot and learn about Robot Localization and Sensor Fusion using Kalman Filters

1. Introduction
  • 1. Course Motivation
  • 2. The Self-Driving Program
  • 3. Course Presentation
  • 4. Meet your Teacher
  • 5. [EXTRA] Boost your Robotics Software Developer Career.html
  • 6. Get the Most out of the Course
  • 7. Course Material.html

  • 2. Setup
  • 1. Install Ubuntu on Virtual Machine.html
  • 2. Install Ubuntu on Dual Boot.html
  • 3. Install ROS 2
  • 4. Configure the Development Environment

  • 3. Introduction to ROS 2
  • 1. Why a Robot Operating System
  • 2. What is ROS 2
  • 3. Why a NEW Robot Operating System
  • 4. ROS 2 Architecture
  • 5. Hardware Abstraction
  • 6. Low-Level Device Control
  • 7. Messaging Between Process
  • 8. Package Management
  • 9. Architecture of a ROS 2 Application
  • 10. LABCreate and Activate a WorkspaceLAB
  • 11. PYSimple PublisherPY
  • 12. C++Simple PublisherC++
  • 13. PYSimple SubscriberPY
  • 14. C++Simple SubscriberC++

  • 4. Locomotion
  • 1. Robot Locomotions
  • 2. Mobile Robots
  • 3. Friction Effects
  • 4. Robot Description
  • 5. URDF
  • 6.1 STL Gazebo.zip
  • 6. LABCreate the URDF ModelLAB
  • 7. Rviz 2
  • 8. Parameters
  • 9. PYParametersPY
  • 10. C++ParametersC++
  • 11. LABROS 2 Parameter CLILAB
  • 12. LABVisualize the RobotLAB
  • 13. Launch Files
  • 14. LABVisualize the Robot with Launch FilesLAB
  • 15. Gazebo
  • 16.1 bumperbot.urdf.zip
  • 16.2 Solidworks URDF Exporter.html
  • 16.3 Solidworks URDF Exporter Tutorial.html
  • 16. LABSimulate the RobotLAB
  • 17. LABLaunch the SimulationLAB

  • 5. Control
  • 1. ROS 2 Control
  • 2. Control Types
  • 3. LABros2 control with GazeboLAB
  • 4. YAML Configuration File
  • 5. LABConfigure ros2 controlLAB
  • 6. LABLaunch the ControllerLAB
  • 7. LABros2 control CLILAB

  • 6. Kinematics
  • 1. Robot Kinematics
  • 2. Pose of a Mobile Robot
  • 3. Translation Vector
  • 4. LABIntroduction to TurtlesimLAB
  • 5. PYTranslation VectorPY
  • 6. C++Translation VectorC++
  • 7. Rotation Matrix
  • 8. PYRotation MatrixPY
  • 9. C++Rotation MatrixC++
  • 10. Transformation Matrix

  • 7. Differential Kinematics
  • 1. Differential Kinematics
  • 2. Velocity of a Mobile Robot
  • 3. Linear Velocity
  • 4. Angular Velocity
  • 5. Velocity in World Frame
  • 6. Differential Forward Kinematics
  • 7. Simple Speed Controller
  • 8. PYSimple Speed ControllerPY
  • 9. C++Simple Speed ControllerC++
  • 10. LABLaunch the Simple ControllerLAB
  • 11. LABTeleoperating with JoystickLAB
  • 12. LABUsing the diff drive controllerLAB

  • 8. TF2 Library
  • 1. The TF2 Library
  • 2. Operations with Transformations
  • 3. Static and Dynamic Transformations
  • 4. PYSimple TF2 Static BroadcasterPY
  • 5. C++Simple TF2 Static BroadcasterC++
  • 6. PYSimple TF2 BroadcasterPY
  • 7. C++Simple TF2 BroadcasterC++
  • 8. ROS 2 Services
  • 9. PYService ServerPY
  • 10. C++Service ServerC++
  • 11. PYService ClientPY
  • 12. C++Service ClientC++
  • 13. PYSimple TF2 ListenerPY
  • 14. C++Simple TF2 ListenerC++
  • 15. Angle Rapresentations
  • 16. Euler Angles
  • 17. Quaternion
  • 18. PYEuler to QuaternionPY
  • 19. C++Euler to QuaternionC++
  • 20. LABTF2 ToolsLAB

  • 9. Odometry
  • 1. Where is the Robot
  • 2. The Local Localization Challenge
  • 3. Wheel Odometry
  • 4. Differential Inverse Kinematics
  • 5. PYDifferential Inverse KinematicPY
  • 6. C++Differential Inverse KinematicC++
  • 7. Wheel Odometry - Position
  • 8. Wheel Odometry - Orientation
  • 9. PYWheel OdometryPY
  • 10. C++Wheel OdometryC++
  • 11. PYPublish Odometry MessagePY
  • 12. C++Publish Odometry MessageC++
  • 13. PYBroadcast Odometry TransformPY
  • 14. C++Broadcast Odometry TransformC++

  • 10. Probability for Robotics
  • 1. Motivation
  • 2. Random Variables
  • 3. Conditional Probability
  • 4. Probability Distributions
  • 5. Gaussian Distributions
  • 6. Total Probability Theorem
  • 7. Bayes Rule
  • 8. Sensor Noise
  • 9. PYAdding Noise to Robot MotionPY
  • 10. C++Adding Noise to Robot MotionC++
  • 11. LABLaunch Noisy ControllerLAB
  • 12. LABOdometry ComparisonLAB

  • 11. Sensor Fusion
  • 1. Advantages of having Multiple Sensors
  • 2. Gyroscope
  • 3. Accelerometer and IMU
  • 4.1 bumperbot.urdf.zip
  • 4. LABSimulate IMU SensorIMU
  • 5. Kalman Filter
  • 6. PYFilter InitializationPY
  • 7. C++Filter InitializationC++
  • 8. Measurement Update
  • 9. PYMeasurement UpdatePY
  • 10. C++Measurement UpdateC++
  • 11. State Prediction
  • 12. PYState PredictionPY
  • 13. C++State PredictionC++
  • 14. LABLocalization with Kalman FilterLAB
  • 15. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
  • 16. PYIMU RepublisherPY
  • 17. C++IMU RepublisherC++
  • 18.1 ekf.zip
  • 18. LABSensor Fusion with robot localizationLAB

  • 12. Conclusions
  • 1. Recap
  • 2. Whats Next
  • 3. BONUS Lecture.html
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 24261
    حجم: 9305 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1244 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 13 آذر 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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