وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

SEC554 2022

سرفصل های دوره

1. Blockchain Fundamentals
    1. What Is Blockchain
  • 1. Blockchain Fundamentals
  • 2. Meet The Author
  • 3. Course Roadmap 1
  • 4. Course Roadmap 2
  • 5. Objectives for Day 1 Blockchain Fundamentals
  • 6. Course Roadmap 3
  • 7. Definition
  • 8. Origin Story and the Bitcoin White Paper
  • 9. Distributed Ledger Technology
  • 10. How It Works
  • 11. Public Blockchains
  • 12. Private vs Permissionless Blockchains
  • 13. Tokenized vs Tokenless Blockchains
  • 14. Various Uses for Blockchain Technology
  • 15. Cryptocurrencies and PeerToPeer Payments
  • 16. Decentralized Finance DeFi
  • 17. dApps
  • 18. Privacy and Utility Tokens
  • 19. Dark Net Markets
  • 20. Consumer User Cases
  • 21. Supply Chains
  • 22. Authentication
  • 23. Education Diplomas and Certificate Validation
  • 24. Insurance
  • 25. Government Use Cases
  • 26. Proof of Ownership
    2. What Is a Smart Contract
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Definition
  • 3. Purpose
  • 4. Smart Contracts Brief
  • 5. Smart Contract Analogy Selling a House
  • 6. Supply Chains Use Case
  • 7. Decentralized Finance DeFi Use Case 1
  • 8. Decentralized Finance DeFi Use Case 2
  • 9. Gambling Use Case
  • 10. Social Networks Use Case
  • 11. Gaming Use Case
  • 12. Ethereum Platform
  • 13. EOSIO Platform
  • 14. Hyperledger Platform
  • 15. Corda Platform
  • 16. Other Examples of Smart Contracts
    3. Keys Wallets and Cryptography
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Fundamentals
  • 3. Hash Functions 1
  • 4. Hash Functions 2
  • 5. PublicAsymmetric vs Symmetric 1
  • 6. PublicAsymmetric vs Symmetric 2
  • 7. PublicAsymmetric vs Symmetric 3
  • 8. Elliptic Curve Technology
  • 9. Cryptocurrency Wallets
  • 10. Paper Wallets
  • 11. Hardware Wallets
  • 12. Software Wallets
  • 13. Brain Wallet
  • 14. NonDeterministic Wallet
  • 15. Deterministic Wallets
  • 16. Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets
  • 17. Mnemonic Keys and the BIP39 Standard
  • 18. Lab 11 Create a Hierarchical Deterministic Software Wallet
  • 19. Lab 11 Walkthrough
    4. Consensus Mechanisms
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Proof of Work Consensus Mechanism
  • 3. Bitcoin Mining The Golden Age
  • 4. Bitcoin Mining The Silver Age
  • 5. Bitcoin Mining The Modern Age
  • 6. So You Want to be a Crypto Miner
  • 7. Solo Mining
  • 8. Mining Pools
  • 9. Cloud Mining
  • 10. The Mining Process 1
  • 11. The Mining Process 2
  • 12. The Mining Process 3
  • 13. The Mining Process 4
  • 14. The Mining Process 5
  • 15. The Mining Process 6
  • 16. The Mining Process 7
  • 17. The Mining Process 8
  • 18. The Mining Process 9
  • 19. The Mining Process 10
  • 20. Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  • 21. Proof of Stake Consensus Mechanism
  • 22. Delegated Proof of Stake
  • 23. Blockchain Trilemma
  • 24. Lab 12 Join a Blockchain Mining Pool
  • 25. Lab 12 Walkthrough
    5. Blockchain Transactions
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Transactions Overview Bitcoin 1
  • 3. Transactions Overview Bitcoin 2
  • 4. Transactions Overview Bitcoin 3
  • 5. Transactions Visualization Bitcoin
  • 6. Transaction Script Types Bitcoin
  • 7. Lightning Network
  • 8. Bitcoin TX Example
  • 9. Ethereum Transaction Example
  • 10. Block Explorers Online Transaction Analysis
  • 11. Block Explorers Blockchair Example
  • 12. Block Explorers Etherscan Example
  • 13. Lab 13 Blockchain Transaction Analysis
  • 14. Lab 13 Walkthrough
    6. Blockchain Components
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. The Bitcoin Network
  • 3. Bitcoin Source Code Overview
  • 4. Bitcoin Nodes and Clients 1
  • 5. Bitcoin Nodes and Clients 2
  • 6. The RPCAPI
  • 7. Lab 14 Interact with the bitcoin RPCAPI
  • 8. Exercise Walkthrough 1
  • 9. Ethereum Quick Recap
  • 10. EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • 11. Ethereum Networks
  • 12. Ethereum Client Software
  • 13. Ethereum Client Software Metamask
  • 14. DeFi on Ethereum
  • 15. Swapping with DeFi Uniswap
  • 16. Lab 15 Use Metamask to Swap Ethereum on a DEX
  • 17. Exercise Walkthrough 2

2. Blockchain Security Attacks Defenses
    1. The Bitcoin Network and Security Overview
  • 1. Blockchain Security _Attacks Defenses
  • 2. Course Roadmap 1
  • 3. Course Roadmap 2
  • 4. Objectives for Day 2 Blockchain Security Attacks Defenses
  • 5. Course Roadmap 3
  • 6. Assumptions on Bitcoins Security 1
  • 7. Assumptions on Bitcoins Security 2
  • 8. Assumptions on Bitcoins Security 3
  • 9. Assumptions on Bitcoins Security 4
  • 10. Assumptions on Bitcoins Security 5
  • 11. Assumptions on Bitcoins Security 6
  • 12. Assumptions on Bitcoins Security 7
  • 13. The Security Model
  • 14. The Security Model Control Over Keys
  • 15. The Security Model Independent Transaction Validation
  • 16. A Chain of Trust 1
  • 17. A Chain of Trust 2
    2. Weakness and Vulnerabilities
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Types of Vulnerabilities to the Blockchain
  • 3. Network Attacks 51 Attack 1
  • 4. Network Attacks 51 Attack 2
  • 5. Network Attacks
  • 6. Network Attacks Case Study 1
  • 7. Network Attacks Case Study 2
  • 8. Network Attacks Sybil Attack
  • 9. Node Security Denial of Service
  • 10. Node Security Timestamp Hacking
  • 11. Node Security Code Bugs and CVEs
  • 12. Exchanges and Centralized Integration
  • 13. Exchanges and Centralized Integration Case Study 1
  • 14. Exchanges and Centralized Integration Case Study 2
  • 15. User and Personal Security
  • 16. User and Personal Security Phishing
  • 17. User and Personal Security Phishing Case Study
  • 18. User and personal Security SIM Swapping
  • 19. User and Personal Security SIM Swapping Case Study
  • 20. User and Personal Security Accidental Loss
  • 21. User and Personal Security Private Key Exposure
  • 22. Lab 21 Exploiting Private Key Exposure
  • 23. Lab 21 Walkthrough
    3. Attacks on Private Keys
  • 1. Course Roadmapp
  • 2. BIP32 Wallet Mnemonics
  • 3. The BIP39 Specification 1
  • 4. The BIP39 Specification 2
  • 5. The BIP39 Specification 3
  • 6. The BIP39 Specification 4
  • 7. The BIP39 Specification 5
  • 8. The BIP39 Specification 6
  • 9. The BIP39 Specification 7
  • 10. PBKDF2 1
  • 11. PBKDF2 2
  • 12. Attacking BIP32
  • 13. Attacking BIP32 Estimated Time to Crack
  • 14. Mnemonic Brute Forcing Case Study
  • 15. Lab 22 Brute Force a Mnemonic Seed Phrase
  • 16. Lab 22 Walkthrough
    4. Attacks on Privacy
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Overview 1
  • 3. Overview 2
  • 4. Overview 3
  • 5. Attacking Privacy
  • 6. Blockchain Based Attacks Heuristical Analysis
  • 7. Blockchain Based Attacks Change Address Detection 1
  • 8. Blockchain Based Attacks Change Address Detection 2
  • 9. Blockchain Based Attacks Transaction Graph
  • 10. Blockchain Based Attacks Amount
  • 11. Blockchain Based Attacks Forced Address Reuse
  • 12. Blockchain Based Attacks Timing and Spending Correlations
  • 13. NonBlockchain Based Attacks Traffic Analysis
  • 14. NonBlockchain Based Attacks Custodial Wallets
  • 15. NonBlockchain Based Attacks Wallet History Internet Use
  • 16. NonBlockchain Based Attacks Taint Analysis
  • 17. NonBlockchain Based Attacks Metadata Linkage
  • 18. Defenses for Privacy and Anonymity
  • 19. Avoid Address Reuse
  • 20. Multiple Transactions
  • 21. Change Avoidance Multiple Change Outputs
  • 22. Coinjoin 1
  • 23. Coinjoin 2
  • 24. Lightning Network
    5. Malicious Uses of Blockchain
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Malicious Use Cases of Blockchain 1
  • 3. Malicious Use Cases of Blockchain 2
  • 4. Financing Criminal Activity
  • 5. Ransomware Statistics and Overview
  • 6. Ransomware Wannacry
  • 7. Ransomware Case Study
  • 8. Hiding Financial Data
  • 9. Investment Scams and Ponzi Schemes
  • 10. Investment Scams and Ponzi Schemes Case Study
  • 11. Direct Theft on the Blockchain
  • 12. Cryptojacking
  • 13. Cryptojacking Coinhive
  • 14. Lab 23 Install a Cryptojacker Mining Agent
  • 15. Lab 23 Walkthrough
    6. Regulatory Compliance and Investigation
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. The Current Regulatory Environment
  • 3. Criminal Code Authorities
  • 4. Regulatory Authorities 1
  • 5. Regulatory Authorities 2
  • 6. Regulatory Authorities 3
  • 7. Tax Forms
  • 8. Dark Net Markets and TOR 1
  • 9. Dark Net Markets and TOR 2
  • 10. Operation Disruptor
  • 11. How They Find Criminals
  • 12. OSINT and Blockchain Forensics
  • 13. Why Monero
  • 14. Monero Overview
  • 15. Monero Key Terms
  • 16. Lab 24 OSINT to Discover Hidden Bitcoin Funds
  • 17. Lab 24 Walkthrough

3. Smart Contract Security Vulnerabilities Exploitation
    1. The Smart Contract Lifecycle
  • 1. Smart Contract Security Vulnerabilities Exploitation
  • 2. Course Roadmap 1
  • 3. Course Roadmap 2
  • 4. Objectives for Day 3 Attacking Exploiting Smart Contracts
  • 5. Course Roadmap 3
  • 6. Smart Contracts on the Blockchain 1
  • 7. Smart Contracts on the Blockchain 2
  • 8. Smart Contracts on the Blockchain 3
  • 9. Smart Contracts on the Blockchain 4
  • 10. Smart Contracts on the Blockchain 5
  • 11. Smart Contracts on the Blockchain 6
  • 12. Ethereum Networks
  • 13. Infura
  • 14. GanacheCLI
  • 15. GanacheUI
  • 16. Lab 31 Deploy a Private Ethereum Blockchain
  • 17. Lab 31 Walkthrough
    2. Solidity
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Introduction to Solidity Programming
  • 3. Structure of a Solidity Program
  • 4. Constructs and Syntax Value Types
  • 5. Constructs and Syntax Reference Types
  • 6. Constructs and Syntax Global Namespace
  • 7. Constructs and Syntax Access Levels
  • 8. Constructs and Syntax Functions
  • 9. Constructs and Syntax Function Modifiers
  • 10. Constructs and Syntax Events
  • 11. High Level Compiling and Deployment Process
  • 12. Compiler Solc
  • 13. Compiler ABI Application Binary Interface and EVM Bytecode
  • 14. EVM Opcodes
  • 15. EVM Opcodes Important Examples
  • 16. Remix IDE
  • 17. Etherscan
  • 18. Lab 32 Compile and Analyze EVM Code
  • 19. Lab 32 Walkthrough
  • 20. Deployment Fundamentals
  • 21. Deployment Options
  • 22. Deployment Options Metamask 1
  • 23. Truffle
  • 24. Truffle Basic Commands 1
  • 25. Truffle Basic Commands 2
  • 26. Truffle Basic Commands 3
  • 27. Contract Interaction Overview
  • 28. Web3
  • 29. Calldata 1
  • 30. Calldata 2
  • 31. Calldata 3
  • 32. Interact with a Contract Curl 1
  • 33. Interact with a Contract Curl 2
  • 34. Interact with a Contract OpenZeppelin CLI
  • 35. Interact with a Contract Web3js via OpenZeppelin CLI
  • 36. Lab 33 Deploy a Smart Contract
  • 37. Lab 33 Walkthrough
    3. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Security and Smart Contracts
  • 3. Overview of Vulnerability Classes
  • 4. Reentrancy Recusive Call Attacks
  • 5. Integer OverflowUnderflow Arithmetic Attacks
  • 6. Transaction Order Dependence
  • 7. Denial of Service with Block Gas Limit
  • 8. Unprotected Selfdestruct
  • 9. Timestamp Manipulation
  • 10. Delegatecall
  • 11. Inforgraphic of Vulnerability Classes and Causes
  • 12. Inforgraphic of Vulnerability Attacks and Consequences
  • 13. The DAO Hack
  • 14. The Parity Bug
  • 15. Types of Tools
  • 16. Mythril MythX
  • 17. Slither
  • 18. Manticore
  • 19. Echidna
  • 20. Solgraph
  • 21. IDAEVM in Development
  • 22. ZIION
  • 23. Honorable Mentions
  • 24. Published Research on Smart Contract Security Scanning
  • 25. Lab 34 Scan a Smart Contract for Vulnerabilities
  • 26. Lab 34 Walkthrough
    4. Attacking and Exploiting Smart Contracts
  • 1. Course Roadmap
  • 2. Exploiting Ehereum Smart Contracts 1
  • 3. The DAO Hack Case Study 1
  • 4. The DAO Hack Case Study 2
  • 5. The DAO Hack Case Study 3
  • 6. The DAO Hack Case Study 4
  • 7. The DAO Hack Case Study 5
  • 8. The DAO Hack Case Study 6
  • 9. The DAO Hack Case Study 7
  • 10. The DAO Hack Case Study 8
  • 11. The DAO Hack Case Study 9
  • 12. The DAO Hack Case Study 10
  • 13. The DAO Hack Case Study 11
  • 14. The DAO Hack Case Study 12
  • 15. The DAO Hack Case Study 13
  • 16. The DAO Hack Case Study 14
  • 17. The DAO Hack Case Study 15
  • 18. The DAO Hack Case Study 16
  • 19. The DAO Hack Case Study 17
  • 20. The DAO Hack Case Study 18
  • 21. Preventing the Exploit
  • 22. Exploiting Ehereum Smart Contracts 2
  • 23. Lab 35 Identifying a Smart Contract Exploit
  • 24. Lab 35 Walkthrough
  • 25. Security Exploitation Tools teEther
  • 26. Security Exploitation Tools Scrooge McEtherface
  • 27. Security Exploitation Tools Karl
  • 28. Another Parity Wallet Bug Case Study 1
  • 29. Another Parity Wallet Bug Case Study 2
  • 30. Another Parity Wallet Bug Case Study 3
  • 31. Another Parity Wallet Bug Case Study 4
  • 32. Lab 36 Exploit a Smart Contract
  • 33. Lab 36 Walkthrough
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تولید کننده:
شناسه: 8988
حجم: 8776 مگابایت
مدت زمان: 528 دقیقه
تاریخ انتشار: 13 فروردین 1402
طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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افزودن به سبد خرید