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React Interview Masterclass: Top 200 Questions (with PDF)

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React - Basics/ JSX/ Routing/ Lifecycle Methods/ Hooks/ Redux/ Typescript (with PDF/ PPT Revision Book)

1. Introduction
  • 1.1 react-code.zip
  • 1.2 Top-200-React-Interview-Questions-PDF.pdf
  • 1.3 top-200-react-interview-questions-tracker.zip
  • 1.4 Top-200-React-Interview-Questions.pptx
  • 1. Introduction

  • 2. React-Basics - I
  • 1. React-Basics - I - Introduction
  • 2. Q 1. What is React What is the Role of React in software development
  • 3. Q2. What are the Key Features of React
  • 4. Q3. What is DOM What is the difference between HTML and DOM
  • 5. Q4. What is Virtual DOM Difference between DOM and Virtual DOM
  • 6. Q5. What are React Components What are the main elements of it
  • 7. Q6. What is SPA(Single Page Application)
  • 8. Q7. What are the 5 Advantages of React
  • 9. Q8. What are the Disadvantages of React
  • 10. Q9. What is the role of JSX in React (3 points)
  • 11. Q10. What is the difference between Declarative & Imperative syntax

  • 3. React-Basics - II
  • 1. React-Basics - II
  • 2. Q11. What is Arrow Function Expression in JSX
  • 3. Q12. How to Setup React first project
  • 4. Q13. What are the Main Files in a React project
  • 5. Q14. How React App Load and display the components in browser
  • 6. Q15. What is the difference between React and Angular
  • 7. Q16. What are other 5 JS frameworks other than React
  • 8. Q17. Whether React is a Framework or a Library What is the difference
  • 9. Q18. How React provides Reusability and Composition
  • 10. Q19. What are State, Stateless, Stateful and State Management terms
  • 11. Q20. What are Props n JSX

  • 4. React Project - Main Files & Folders
  • 1. React Project - Main Files & Folders
  • 2. Q21. What is NPM What is the role of node modules folder
  • 3. Q22. What is the role of public folder in React
  • 4. Q23. What is the role of src folder in React
  • 5. Q24. What is the role of index.html page in React
  • 6. Q25. What is the role of index.js file and ReactDOM in React
  • 7. Q26. What is the role of App.js file in React
  • 8. Q27. What is the role of function and return inside App.js
  • 9. Q28. Can we have a function without a return inside App.js
  • 10. Q29. What is the role of export default inside App.js
  • 11. Q30. Does the file name and the component name must be same in React

  • 5. JSX
  • 1. JSX
  • 2. Q31. What is the role of JSX in React (3 points)
  • 3. Q32. What are the 5 Advantages of JSX
  • 4. Q33. What is Babel
  • 5. Q34. What is the role of Fragment in JSX
  • 6. Q35. What is Spread Operator in JSX
  • 7. Q36. What are the types of Conditional Rendering in JSX
  • 8. Q37. How do you iterate over a list in JSX What is map() method
  • 9. Q38. Can a browser read a JSX File
  • 10. Q39. What is Transpiler What is the difference between Compiler & Transpiler
  • 11. Q40. Is it possible to use JSX without React

  • 6. Components - Functional Class
  • 1. Components - Functional Class
  • 2. Q41. What are React Components What are the main elements of it
  • 3. Q42. What are the Types of React components What are Functional Components
  • 4. Q43. How do you pass data between functional components in React
  • 5. Q44. What is Prop Drilling in React
  • 6. Q45. Why to Avoid Prop Drilling In how many ways can avoid Prop Drilling
  • 7. Q46. What are Class Components In React
  • 8. Q47. How to pass data between class components in React
  • 9. Q48. What is the role of this keyword in class components
  • 10. Q49. Differences btw Functional components and Class components

  • 7. Routing
  • 1. Routing - Introduction
  • 2. Q50. What is Routing and Router in React
  • 3. Q51. How to Implement Routing in React
  • 4. Q52. What are the roles of Routes & Route component in React Routing
  • 5. Q53. What are Route Parameters in React Routing
  • 6. Q54. What is the role of Switch Component in React Routing
  • 7. Q55. What is the role of exact prop in React Routing

  • 8. Hooks -useState useEffect
  • 1. Hooks -useState useEffect
  • 2. Q56. What are React Hooks What are the Top React Hooks
  • 3. Q57. What are State, Stateless, Stateful and State Management terms
  • 4. Q58. What is the role of useState() hook and how it works
  • 5. Q59. What is the role of useEffect(). How it works and what is its use
  • 6. Q60. What is Dependency Array in useEffect() hook
  • 7. Q61. What is the meaning of the empty array [] in the useEffect()

  • 9. Hooks - useContext useReducer
  • 1. Hooks - useContext useReducer
  • 2. Q62. What is the role of useContext() hook
  • 3. Q63. What is createContext() method What are Provider & Consumer properties
  • 4. Q64. When to use useContext() hook instead of props in real applications
  • 5. Q65. What are the similarities between useState() and useReducer() hook
  • 6. Q66. What is useReducer() hook When to use useState() and when useReducer()
  • 7. Q67. What are the differences between useState() and useReducer() Hook
  • 8. Q68. What are dispatch & reducer function in useReducer Hook
  • 9. Q69. What is the purpose of passing initial state as an object in UseReducer

  • 10. Hooks - useCallback useMemo useRef useLayoutEffect
  • 1. Hooks - useCallback useMemo useRef useLayoutEffect
  • 2. Q70. What is the role of useCallback() hook in React
  • 3. Q71. What parameters does the useCallback hook accept & what does it returns
  • 4. Q72. What is the role of useMemo() Hook
  • 5. Q73. What is the role of useRef() Hook
  • 6. Q74. What useLayoutEffect() Hook Compare it with useEffect() hook.
  • 7. Q75. When to use useLayoutEffect() Hook

  • 11. Hooks - Best Practices Short Answer
  • 1. Hooks - Best Practices Short Answer
  • 2. Q76. What are the Rules or Best Practices for hooks implementation
  • 3. Q77. What are Custom Hooks
  • 4. Q 78- Q83
  • 5. Q84. What are the uses of all the Hooks in React

  • 12. Components LifeCycle Methods - I
  • 1. Components LifeCycle Methods - I
  • 2. Q85. What are Component life cycle phases
  • 3. Q86. What are Component life cycle methods
  • 4. Q87. What are Constructors in class components When to use them
  • 5. Q88. What is the role of super keyword in constructor
  • 6. Q89. What is the role of render() method in component life cycle
  • 7. Q90. How the State can be maintained in a class component
  • 8. Q91. What is the role of componentDidMount() method in component life cycle

  • 13. Components LifeCycle Methods - II
  • 1. Components LifeCycle Methods - II
  • 2. Q92. What is the role of componentDidUpdate() method in component life cycle
  • 3. Q93. What is the role of componentWillUnmount() method in component life cycle
  • 4. Q94 - Q98

  • 14. Controlled & Uncontrolled Components
  • 1. Controlled & Uncontrolled Components
  • 2. Q99. What are Controlled Components in React
  • 3. Q100. What are the Differences btw Controlled & Uncontrolled Components
  • 4. Q101. What are characteristics of controlled components
  • 5. Q102. What are the advantages of using controlled components in React forms
  • 6. Q103 - Q106

  • 15. Code Splitting
  • 1. Code Splitting
  • 2. Q107. What is Code Splitting in React
  • 3. Q108. How to Implement Code Splitting in React
  • 4. Q109. What is the role of Lazy and Suspense methods in React
  • 5. Q110. What are the Pros and Cons of Code Splitting
  • 6. Q 111 - Q114

  • 16. React - Others
  • 1. React - Others
  • 2. Q115. What is a Higher-Order Component in React
  • 3. Q116. What are the 5 ways to Style React components Explain Inline Styles
  • 4. Q117. What are the differences between React & React Native
  • 5. Q118. What is GraphQL
  • 6. Q119. Ways to achieve state management When to use what in React
  • 7. Q120. How can you Implement Authentication in a React application
  • 8. Q121. What is the use of React Profiler
  • 9. Q122. What is the difference between fetch & axios for api calls in React
  • 10. Q123. What are the popular Testing Libraries for React
  • 11. Q124. How can you Optimize Performance in a React application
  • 12. Q125. Explain Reactive Programming with example
  • 13. Q126. In how many ways can we implement Reactive Programming in React
  • 14. Q127. How to pass data from child component to parent Component in React

  • 17. Redux - Component Action Store Reducer
  • 1. Redux - Component Action Store Reducer
  • 2. Q128. What is the role of Redux in React
  • 3. Q129. When to use Hooks and when to use Redux in React applications
  • 4. Q130. What is the Flow of data in React while using Redux
  • 5. Q131. How to install Redux for React application
  • 6. Q132. What are Action Creators in React Redux
  • 7. Q133. Difference between Action Creators, Action Object & Action Type
  • 8. Q134. Explain React Component Structure while using Redux
  • 9. Q135. What is the role of Store in React Redux
  • 10. Q136. What is the role of Reducer in Redux

  • 18. Redux - Core Principles Pros-Cons Local & Redux State
  • 1. Redux - Core Principles Pros-Cons Local & Redux State
  • 2. Q137. Explain the Core Principles of Redux
  • 3. Q138. List 5 benefits of using Redux in React
  • 4. Q139. What are the differences between local component state & Redux state
  • 5. Q140. What are the challenges or disadvantages while using Redux

  • 19. Redux - Short Answer
  • 1. Redux - Short Answer
  • 2. Q141. What is Provider Component
  • 3. Q142. What is the role of Connect function in React-Redux
  • 4. Q143. What are the 4 Important Files in React-Redux project
  • 5. Q144. How to structure the project and maintain state in multiple components
  • 6. Q145. Explain the concept of immutability in the context of Redux
  • 7. Q146. Typical properties of an Action object in React-Redux project
  • 8. Q147. Difference btw mapDispatchToProps & mapStateToProps in the connect
  • 9. Q148. What is the meaning of Unidirectional Data Flow in Redux
  • 10. Q149. How does Redux handle communication between components
  • 11. Q150. What is Payload property in Redux

  • 20. Redux - Thunk Middleware Error Handling Flux
  • 1. Redux - Thunk Middleware Error Handling Flux - Introduction
  • 2. Q151. Difference between Regular Action creator & Thunk action creator
  • 3. Q152. Explain the concept of Middleware in React-Redux
  • 4. Q153. How can you handle Asynchronous Operations & side-effect in React-Redux
  • 5. Q154. How does Error Handling work in Redux
  • 6. Q155. What is the difference between Flux & Redux

  • 21. JavaScript Essentials for React
  • 1. JavaScript Essentials for React
  • 2. Q156. What are variables What is the difference between var, let, and const
  • 3. Q157. What are the types of conditions statements in JS
  • 4. Q158. What is Error Handling in JS
  • 5. Q159. What is the difference between Spread and Rest operator in JS
  • 6. Q160. What are Arrays in JS How to get, add & remove elements from arrays
  • 7. Q161. What is Array Destructuring in JS
  • 8. Q162. What are Functions in JS What are the types of function
  • 9. Q163. Difference between named and anonymous functions When to use what
  • 10. Q164. What is function expression in JS
  • 11. Q165. What are Arrow Functions in JS What is it use
  • 12. Q166. What are Callback Functions What is it use
  • 13. Q167. What is Higher-order function In JS
  • 14. Q168. What are Pure and Impure functions in JS
  • 15. Q169. What are template literals and string interpolation in strings
  • 16. Q170. What are Objects in JS
  • 17. Q171. What is the difference between an array and an object
  • 18. Q172. How do you add or modify or delete properties of an object
  • 19. Q173. What is asynchronous programming in JS What is its use
  • 20. Q174. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming
  • 21. Q175. What are Promises in JavaScript
  • 22. Q176. How to implement Promises in JavaScript
  • 23. Q177. What is the purpose of async await Compare it with Promises
  • 24. Q178. What are Classes in JS
  • 25. Q179. What is a constructor
  • 26. Q180. What is the use of this keyword

  • 22. Typescript
  • 1. Typescript - Introduction
  • 2. Q181. What is TypescriptDifference between Typescript and Javascript
  • 3. Q182. How to install Typescript and check version
  • 4. Q183. What is the difference between let and var keyword
  • 5. Q184. What is Type annotation
  • 6. Q185. Primitive and Non-primitive Types in Typescript
  • 7. Q186. What is any type in Typescript
  • 8. Q187. What is Enum type in Typescript
  • 9. Q188. What is the difference between void and never types in Typescript
  • 10. Q189. What is Type Assertion in Typescript
  • 11. Q190. What are Arrow Functions in Typescript
  • 12. Q191. What is Object Oriented Programming in Typescript
  • 13. Q192. What are Classes and Objects in Typescript
  • 14. Q193. What is Constructor
  • 15. Q194. What are Access Modifiers in Typescript
  • 16. Q195. What is Encapsulation in Typescript
  • 17. Q196. What is Inheritance in Typescript
  • 18. Q197. What is Polymorphism in Typescript
  • 19. Q198. What is Interface in Typescript
  • 20. Q199. Whats the difference between extends and implements in TypeScript
  • 21. Q200. Is Multiple Inheritance possible in Typescript
  • 22. END
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