1. JavaScript Essentials for React
2. Q156. What are variables What is the difference between var, let, and const
3. Q157. What are the types of conditions statements in JS
4. Q158. What is Error Handling in JS
5. Q159. What is the difference between Spread and Rest operator in JS
6. Q160. What are Arrays in JS How to get, add & remove elements from arrays
7. Q161. What is Array Destructuring in JS
8. Q162. What are Functions in JS What are the types of function
9. Q163. Difference between named and anonymous functions When to use what
10. Q164. What is function expression in JS
11. Q165. What are Arrow Functions in JS What is it use
12. Q166. What are Callback Functions What is it use
13. Q167. What is Higher-order function In JS
14. Q168. What are Pure and Impure functions in JS
15. Q169. What are template literals and string interpolation in strings
16. Q170. What are Objects in JS
17. Q171. What is the difference between an array and an object
18. Q172. How do you add or modify or delete properties of an object
19. Q173. What is asynchronous programming in JS What is its use
20. Q174. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming
21. Q175. What are Promises in JavaScript
22. Q176. How to implement Promises in JavaScript
23. Q177. What is the purpose of async await Compare it with Promises
24. Q178. What are Classes in JS
25. Q179. What is a constructor
26. Q180. What is the use of this keyword