2 - Why Monte Carlo
2 - Why-Monte-Carlo-Lecture-2.pdf
3 - Mathematical concepts Probability density function PDF
3 - PDF-2
4 - Mathematical concepts CPF and ICPF
4 - Mathematical-concepts-CPF-and-ICPF-Lecture-4.pdf
5 - Practical examples Random sample generation through ICPFs
6 - Mathematical concepts STD SEM and CI
6 - Mathematical-concepts-STD-J-SEM-and-CI-Lecture-6.pdf
7 - Practical examples Commands for acquiring STD SEM and CI
7 - ci.zip
8 - Reliability Availability and Mantainability definitions TTF TTR MTTF MTTR
8 - Reliability-Availability-and-Mantainability-concepts-Lecture-7.pdf
9 - Practical examples Adjusting a sample to a probability density function
9 - fitmethis.zip
9 - fitmethis file exchange matlab central francisco de castro 2022 fitmethis httpswwwmathworkscommatlabcentralfileexchange40167fitmethis matlab central file exchange recuperado september 22 2022.zip
9 - plotfitdist.zip
9 - samples.zip
10 - Simulating an individual components on and off status switches over tmission 1
10 - Simulating-an-individual-component-Lecture-10.pdf
11 - Simulating an individual components on and off status switches over tmission 2
12 - Creating our first Monte Carlo RAM analysis code for an individual component
13 - How many simulations are enough
14 - Exponential probability density function memoryless function
14 - The-memoryless-function.pdf