36 - Structure of database app
37 - Design Database
38 - Create new VB Project
39 - Add TableAdapter and datatable
40 - Deep diving TableAdapter datatable
41 - Add Students data entry form
42 - Design the top buttons
43 - Adding items to form
44 - Loading data in datagridview
45 - Bind the items to bindingsource
46 - Customize datagridview
47 - Enable and disable buttons
48 - VB code for NewEdit Delete buttons
49 - Save button VB code
50 - Cancel button VB code
51 - Fix some bugs
52 - Add photo column to sql db
53 - Photo browse button
54 - Search form design
55 - Search data by id and grade
56 - Search text columns in SQL
57 - Search last name in VB
58 - Search date columns in SQL
59 - Search date column in VB
60 - Load all data in VB
61 - Main form design
62 - Adding close button
63 - Show other forms
64 - Showing date and time
65 - Change background image
66 - Adding minimize button
67 - Load selected background
68 - Create user database in SQL
69 - Design the user form
70 - Coding the user form
71 - Protect the codes via errors
72 - Design the login form
73 - Coding the login form
74 - Saving login user in database
75 - Design the settings form
76 - Coding the settings form
77 - Design the about us form
78 - Adding shortcuts to main form
79 - Run calculator from menu