وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
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Python: The Complete Guide for Software Testers

سرفصل های دوره

Master Python for Testing: Automate Tests, Handle Exceptions, Explore OOP, and Dive into Python Libraries

1. Course Overview
  • 1. Introduction & Scope of the Python for testers Course
  • 2.1 Code for this course.html
  • 2. Accessing Course Materials Source Code Downloads
  • 3. How to Get the Most Out of This Course Important Tips

  • 2. Python Basics
  • 1. A Brief Introduction to Python Programming
  • 2.1 httpswww.python.org.html
  • 2. Installing Python A Step-by-step Guide
  • 3. Your First Python Program Hello, World!
  • 4.1 JetBrains PyCharm download.html
  • 4. Choosing and Setting up Your IDE
  • 5. Diving Deeper into PyCharm
  • 6. Quiz for Section 2 Python Basics.html

  • 3. Exploring Pythons Data Types & Structures
  • 1. Launching Your First Python Project
  • 2. Understanding Python Syntax The Basics
  • 3. Working with Python Variables
  • 4. Pythons Data Types An Overview
  • 5. Numeric Data Types in Python
  • 6. Handling Strings in Python
  • 7. Understanding Pythons Lists and Tuples
  • 8. Working with Dictionaries in Python
  • 9. Python Sets A Comprehensive Guide
  • 10. Booleans in Python A Complete Guide
  • 11. Quiz for Section 3 Exploring Pythons Data Types & Structures.html

  • 4. Mastering Python Operators & Control Structures
  • 1. Python Operators An In-depth Study
  • 2. Pythons Control Structures The Basics
  • 3. Using Conditional Statements in Python
  • 4. Homework Practicing Conditional Statements
  • 5. Loop Structures in Python A Detailed Overview
  • 6. Control Statements within Loops
  • 7. Homework Practice Your Loop Knowledge
  • 8. Quiz for Section 4 Mastering Python Operators & Control Structures.html

  • 5. Functions and Scope in Python
  • 1. Introduction to Python Functions
  • 2. How to Pass Arguments to Python Functions
  • 3. Returning Values from Functions in Python
  • 4. Homework Enhance Your Function Skills
  • 5. Understanding Variable Scopes and Lifetime in Python
  • 6. Documenting Python Functions & Best Practices
  • 7. Section 5 Quiz Functions and Scope in Python.html

  • 6. Diving into Object-Oriented Programming with Python
  • 1. A Primer on Object-Oriented Programming
  • 2. Creating Classes & Objects in Python A How-to Guide
  • 3. Exploring Class Attributes & Methods in Python
  • 4. Python Constructors & Their Role in Initialization
  • 5. Mastering Inheritance in Python
  • 6. Hands-on Practice Inheritance in Python
  • 7. Understanding Encapsulation in Python
  • 8. Hands-on Practice Encapsulation in Python
  • 9. Exploring Polymorphism in Python
  • 10. Hands-on Practice Polymorphism in Python
  • 11. Practical Examples Python OOP in Action
  • 12. Homework Enhancing Your OOP Skills
  • 13. Section 6 Diving into Object-Oriented Programming with Python Quiz.html

  • 7. Advanced Python Concepts for QA Engineers
  • 1. Exceptions & Error Handling in Python
  • 2. File InputOutput Handling Files in Python
  • 3. Python Iterators Mastering Iteration in Python
  • 4.1 A list of all the format codes.html
  • 4. Working with Dates in Python
  • 5. Using Built-in Math Functions in Python
  • 6. Quiz for Section 7 Advanced Python Concepts for QA Engineers.html

  • 8. Leveraging Python Packages & Libraries
  • 1. Installing Python Packages with PIP
  • 2. Managing Dependencies with requirements.txt
  • 3. Understanding & Using Virtual Environments
  • 4. How to Create a Virtual Environment in Python
  • 5. Discovering Pythons Rich Library Ecosystem
  • 6. Section 8 Leveraging Python Packages & Libraries Quiz.html

  • 9. Software Testing with Python
  • 1. Introduction to Software Testing in Python
  • 2. Unit Testing with PyTest A Comprehensive Guide
  • 3. Your First PyTest A Hands-on Approach
  • 4. Homework Practice Your Testing Skills
  • 5. Advanced PyTest Features Enhancing Your Testing Abilities
  • 6. Bonus Lecture
  • 7. Quiz for Section 9 Software Testing with Python.html
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    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 21747
    حجم: 2766 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 510 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 8 آبان 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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