وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Python Programming Foundation

سرفصل های دوره

Learn Python Basics, OOPs Concepts, Looping, Functional Programming

1. Python Basics
  • 1. Background Part 1 (IO Devices, CPU and Memory)
  • 2. Background Part 2 (Computer Organization & Operating System)
  • 3. Why Do We Need Programming Languages
  • 4. Python Introduction
  • 5. Python Standard and Implementations
  • 6. How Python Programs are Executed
  • 7. Python Programming Terminology
  • 8. Python Installation and First Program
  • 9. Comments in Python

  • 2. Variable and Data types
  • 1. Variables in Python
  • 2. Swap two Variables
  • 3. Id() in Python
  • 4. Type() in Python
  • 5. List Introduction
  • 6. Tuples in Python
  • 7. Set in Python
  • 8. Dictionary in Python
  • 9. Type Conversion in Python

  • 3. Input and Output in Python
  • 1. print() in Python
  • 2. input() in Python

  • 4. Operators
  • 1. Arithmetic Operators in Python
  • 2. Logical Operators in Python
  • 3. Identity Comparison Operators in Python
  • 4. Membership Test Operators in Python
  • 5. Bitwise Operators in Python Part 1
  • 6. Bitwise Operators in Python Part 2
  • 7. Arithmetic Progression nth Term in Python
  • 8. Geometric Progression nth Term in Python
  • 9. Sum of Natural numbers
  • 10. Find Last Digit in Python
  • 11. Day Before N Days

  • 5. Flow Control
  • 1. if, else and elif in Python
  • 2. Even-Odd in Python
  • 3. Largest of three in Python
  • 4. Leap Year in Python
  • 5. Calculator Program in Python

  • 6. Loops
  • 1. Loops In Python
  • 2. While Loops in Python
  • 3. range() in Python
  • 4. For Loop In Python
  • 5. Table of A Number
  • 6. Break In Python
  • 7. Continue In Python
  • 8. Nested Loop in Python
  • 9. Square Pattern in Python
  • 10. Printing Triangle Pattern in Python
  • 11. Inverted Triangle in Python
  • 12. Pyramid Pattern in Python
  • 13. Count Digits
  • 14. Factorial in Python
  • 15. GCD in Python
  • 16. LCM in Python
  • 17. Fibonacci Numbers in Python
  • 18. Check for Prime in Python
  • 19. All Divisors Of A Number
  • 20. Optimizations of All Divisors and Prime

  • 7. Functions
  • 1. Functions in Python
  • 2. Applications of Functions
  • 3. How Functions Work
  • 4. Default Arguments
  • 5. Keyword Arguments
  • 6. Variable Length Arguments
  • 7. Parameter Passing in Python
  • 8. Returning Multiple Values in Python
  • 9. Global Variable in Python
  • 10. Find First Digit in Python
  • 11. Prime Factorization

  • 8. String
  • 1. Strings in Python
  • 2. Escape Sequences and Raw Strings
  • 3. Formatted String in Python
  • 4. String Operations Part (1)
  • 5. String Operations Part (2)
  • 6. String Comparison in Python
  • 7. Pattern Searching in Python
  • 8. Check For Palindrome In Python
  • 9. Reverse A String in Python
  • 10. Decimal to binary in Python
  • 11. Binary to Decimal Conversion

  • 9. List
  • 1. Slicing (List, Tuple And String)
  • 2. Get Smaller Elements
  • 3. Separate Even and Odd
  • 4. Comprehensions in Python
  • 5. Average or Mean of a List
  • 6. Count Distinct Elements in a List
  • 7. Check if a list is Sorted

  • 10. Object Oriented Programming ( OOPs )
  • 1. Introduction to OOPs
  • 2. Classes and Objects
  • 3. Encapsulation
  • 4. Class Instance Attributes
  • 5. Class Members Access
  • 6. Decorators
  • 7. Class Methods and Static Members
  • 8. Inheritance
  • 9. Types of Inheritance
  • 10. Multiple Inheritance
  • 11. Polymorphism
  • 12. Abstraction
  • 13. More Examples of Polymorphism
  • 14. Operator Overloading
  • 15. Abstract Class
  • 67,300 تومان
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    شناسه: 39122
    حجم: 14536 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 676 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 11 مرداد 1403
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