وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Python for Absolute Beginners 2023: Beginner to Advanced

سرفصل های دوره

Learn the fundamental concepts of Python through video lectures, reading code, building projects, and taking quizzes.

1. Welcome To The Course!
  • 1. Course Outline

  • 2. Python Development Environment Setup
  • 1. Windows Install Python 3
  • 2. Windows Install Visual Studio Code
  • 3. Linux Install Python and Visual Studio Code
  • 4. No install Python Development Option

  • 3. Basics Variables, Input, Output, and Syntax
  • 1.1 3 input output.zip
  • 1.2 Input Output.pdf
  • 1. The print() Function
  • 2.1 1 variables.zip
  • 2.2 Keywords.pdf
  • 2.3 Variables.pdf
  • 2. Python Variables
  • 3. Variables.html
  • 4. The input() Function
  • 5.1 2 syntax.zip
  • 5.2 Syntax.pdf
  • 5. Python Syntax
  • 6. Python Comments
  • 7.1 challenge 1 input.zip
  • 7. Challenge 1 Input.html
  • 8.1 solution 1 input.zip
  • 8. Input Challenge Solution

  • 4. Data Types Numeric Values
  • 1.1 4 data types.zip
  • 1.2 Built-In Data Types.pdf
  • 1. Pythons Built-In Data Types
  • 2. Data Types.html
  • 3.1 5 integers.zip
  • 3. Integers and Built-In Functions
  • 4.1 6 floats.zip
  • 4. Floating Point Numbers
  • 5. Numeric Data Types.html
  • 6.1 7 arithmatic operators.zip
  • 6.2 Arithmetic Operators.pdf
  • 6. Arithmetic Operators
  • 7.1 challenge 2 arithmetics.zip
  • 7. Arithmetic Operator Challenge.html
  • 8.1 solution 2 arithmetics.zip
  • 8. Arithmetic Operator Challenge Solution
  • 9.1 8 assignment operators.zip
  • 9.2 Assignment Operators.pdf
  • 9. Assignment Operators
  • 10.1 challenge 3 assignment op.zip
  • 10. Assignment Operator Challenge.html
  • 11.1 solution 3 assignment op.zip
  • 11. Assignment Operator Challenge Solution

  • 5. Data Types Strings
  • 1.1 9 strings.zip
  • 1.2 Strings.pdf
  • 1. Strings Introduction
  • 2. Strings Operators, Multi-line, and the len() function
  • 3. Strings Indexing and Slicing
  • 4. Strings Library Documentation and Built-In Methods
  • 5. Strings More Methods and Documentation
  • 6. Strings Even More Methods And Method Chaining!
  • 7.1 Escape Characters.pdf
  • 7. Strings Escape Characters
  • 8. Strings Formatting
  • 9. Strings.html
  • 10.1 challenge 4 madlib.zip
  • 10. Mad Lib Challenge.html
  • 11.1 solution 4 madlib.zip
  • 11. Mad Lib Challenge Solution
  • 12.1 10 casting.zip
  • 12. Casting Converting Data Types
  • 13. Casting.html

  • 6. Data Types Lists
  • 1.1 11 list.zip
  • 1.2 Lists.pdf
  • 1. Lists Introduction, Creation, and Adding Elements
  • 2. Lists Slicing, Indexing, and Removing Elements
  • 3. Lists Changing the Order of Elements
  • 4. Lists Multiple Dimensions
  • 5.1 12 list comprehension.zip
  • 5.2 List Comprehension.pdf
  • 5. Lists List Comprehension
  • 6. Lists.html
  • 7.1 challenge 5 lists.zip
  • 7. Lists Challenge.html
  • 8.1 solution 5 lists.zip
  • 8. Lists Challenge Solution

  • 7. Data Types Tuples
  • 1.1 13 tuple.zip
  • 1.2 Tuples.pdf
  • 1. Tuples Introduction
  • 2. Tuples Methods, Operations, and Packing
  • 3. Tuples.html
  • 4.1 challenge 6 tuples.zip
  • 4. Tuples Challenge.html
  • 5.1 solution 6 tuples.zip
  • 5. Tuples Challenge Solution

  • 8. Data Types Sets
  • 1.1 14 set.zip
  • 1.2 Sets.pdf
  • 1. Sets Introduction
  • 2. Sets Adding and Removing Elements
  • 3. Sets Set Methods
  • 4. Sets.html
  • 5.1 challenge 7 sets.zip
  • 5. Set Challenge.html
  • 6.1 solution 7 sets.zip
  • 6. Set Challenge Solution

  • 9. Data Types Dictionaries
  • 1.1 15 dictionary.zip
  • 1.2 Dictionaries.pdf
  • 1. Dictionaries Introduction
  • 2. Dictionaries Retrieve and Update Values
  • 3. Dictionaries Remove Elements
  • 4. Dictionaries More Methods and Comprehension
  • 5. Dictionaries.html

  • 10. Control Flow Decision Making
  • 1.1 16 boolean.zip
  • 1.2 Boolean Values.pdf
  • 1. Booleans Introduction
  • 2. Booleans Comparison Operators
  • 3. Booleans Logical Operators
  • 4. Booleans Is and In Operators
  • 5. Booleans Truthy and Falsy Values
  • 6.1 17 conditionals.zip
  • 6.2 Conditionals.pdf
  • 6. Conditionals Introduction
  • 7. Conditionals Nesting and Ternary Operations
  • 8. Booleans and Conditionals.html

  • 11. Control Flow Loops
  • 1.1 18 ranges.zip
  • 1. Range Data Type
  • 2. Loops Introduction
  • 3.1 19 while loops.zip
  • 3.2 While Loops.pdf
  • 3. Loops While
  • 4.1 20 for loops.zip
  • 4.2 For Loops.pdf
  • 4. Loops For
  • 5. Loops.html
  • 6.1 challenge 8 guess the number.zip
  • 6. Guess the Number Challenge.html
  • 7.1 solution 8 guess the number.zip
  • 7. Guess the Number Challenge Solution

  • 12. Functions Executing Code Blocks
  • 1.1 21 functions.zip
  • 1.2 Functions.pdf
  • 1. Functions Introduction
  • 2. Pass Keyword
  • 3. Functions Keyword Arguments, Optional Parameters, and Multiple Returns
  • 4. Functions Type Hinting and Docstrings
  • 5. Functions Packing Return Values and Unpacking Arguments
  • 6. Functions Args Syntax
  • 7. Functions Kwargs Syntax
  • 8. Functions.html
  • 9.1 22 generator functions.zip
  • 9. Functions Generators
  • 10. Generator Functions.html
  • 11.1 23 lambda functions.zip
  • 11. Functions Lambda
  • 12. Lambda Functions.html
  • 13.1 challenge 9 calculator.zip
  • 13. Calculator Challenge.html
  • 14.1 solution 9 calculator.zip
  • 14. Calculator Challenge Solution

  • 13. Scope Wheres My Variable
  • 1.1 24 scope.zip
  • 1.2 Scope.pdf
  • 1. Scope Introduction
  • 2. Scope Examples
  • 3. Scope.html

  • 14. Modules Reusable Code
  • 1.1 Modules.pdf
  • 1. Modules Introduction
  • 2.1 25 modules.zip
  • 2.2 import me.zip
  • 2.3 string utility.zip
  • 2. Modules Built-In and Custom Modules and name
  • 3. Modules Third-Party
  • 4. Modules.html

  • 15. Files Fundamentals Working With Data
  • 1.1 26 error handling.zip
  • 1.2 Error Handling.pdf
  • 1. Error Handling Introduction
  • 2.1 27 files rwax.zip
  • 2. Files Introduction
  • 3. Files Reading Data
  • 4. Files General Knowledge.html
  • 5.1 28 files csv.zip
  • 5. Files Reading and Writing to Comma Separated Value Files
  • 6. Files CSV.html
  • 7.1 challenge 10 todo list.zip
  • 7. ToDo List Challenge.html
  • 8.1 solution 10 todo list.zip
  • 8. ToDo List Challenge Solution

  • 16. Classes Creating and Using Objects
  • 1.1 29 classes.zip
  • 1.2 Classes.pdf
  • 1. Classes Introduction
  • 2. Classes Creating Classes and Working With Their Attributes
  • 3. Classes Class and Static Methods
  • 4. Classes Magic Methods
  • 5. Classes Inheritance
  • 6. Error Handling Raising Errors and Creating Custom Errors
  • 7. Error Handling.html
  • 8. Classes Polymorphism
  • 9. Classes.html
  • 10.1 challenge 11 card game.zip
  • 10. Card Game Challenge.html
  • 11.1 solution 11 card game.zip
  • 11. Card Game Challenge Solution

  • 17. Good Stuff To Know Random Gems
  • 1.1 30 naming convention.zip
  • 1.2 Naming Conventions.pdf
  • 1. Naming Conventions
  • 2.1 31 mutable immutable.zip
  • 2. Mutable Objects Shallow and Deep Copies
  • 3.1 32 pitfalls.zip
  • 3. Common Pitfalls
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 20972
    حجم: 3736 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 471 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 7 آبان 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید