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Python Django: Build a Subscription Platform – 2024

سرفصل های دوره

Build a Subscription Platform with Django | Theory and Hands-on demonstrations | Deploy a Django Web Application

1. Course Introduction
  • 1. Course welcome!
  • 2. Course prerequisites - [Important]
  • 3. Course overview
  • 4. Course support
  • 5. Deployment cost guidance.html
  • 6. Thought process
  • 7.1 dev.zip
  • 7. Final project code - Important information.html

  • 2. Baseline Installation and setup
  • 1.1 Python - Website.html
  • 1. Python Installation and Setup - Windows
  • 2.1 Visual Studio Code - Website.html
  • 2. Visual Studio Code Installation and Setup - Windows
  • 3.1 Python - Website.html
  • 3. Python Installation and Setup - MacOS
  • 4.1 Visual Studio Code - Website.html
  • 4. Visual Studio Code Installation and Setup - MacOS

  • 3. Django Installation and setup
  • 1. Django project setup - Windows
  • 2. Django project setup - MacOS
  • 3. Migration management - [Important]

  • 4. Create a Custom User Model
  • 1. Default vs. Custom user model - [Theory]
  • 2. Explore the concept of AbstractUser vs AbstractBaseUser - [Theory]
  • 3. Create a Django app - (account)
  • 4. Terminal management - [Important]
  • 5. Build and customise the BaseUserManager - Part 1
  • 6. Build and customise the BaseUserManager - Part 2
  • 7. Create a CustomUser model as an AbstractBaseUser
  • 8. Add an additional field to your CustomUser model
  • 9. Set your custom user model in your settings
  • 10. Custom User Model - Demonstration test

  • 5. Initial structure and design
  • 1. Construct our URLs and Views
  • 2. Create and attach our templates
  • 3. Configure our static files
  • 4.1 Bootstrap - Navbar.html
  • 4.2 Bootswatch - Themes.html
  • 4.3 index.html
  • 4. Restructuring and styling our homepage
  • 5. Add basic CSS styling

  • 6. User creation and authentication
  • 1. Create a new user
  • 2. Integrate user authentication
  • 3. Add basic styling to our forms - Part 1
  • 4. Add Bootstrap (CrispyForms) to our forms - Part 2

  • 7. Initial app setup for Writers and Clients
  • 1. Create a Django app - (client)
  • 2. Create a Django app - (writer)
  • 3. Construct our URLs and Views
  • 4. Build and render our templates for authentication

  • 8. User logout and account view protection
  • 1. Logout of an account
  • 2. Protecting our views

  • 9. Writer - Interface base navigation and layout
  • 1. What is template inheritance
  • 2. Configure template inheritance for our Navbar - [Writer]
  • 3. Restructuring and styling our dashboard page - [Writer]

  • 10. Writer - CRUD management for articles
  • 1. Create and register our Article model
  • 2. Create an Article - [CREATE] - Part 1
  • 3. Create an Article - [CREATE] - Part 2
  • 4. Read an Article - [READ]
  • 5. The concept of a dynamic URL
  • 6. Update an Article - [UPDATE]
  • 7. Try and except error handling
  • 8. Delete an Article [DELETE]

  • 11. Writer - Account management
  • 1. Account management - Update our account details
  • 2. Account management - Delete our account
  • 3. Object cleanup and formatting
  • 4. Generate various articles for testing

  • 12. Client - Interface base navigation and layout
  • 1. Configure template inheritance for our Navbar - [Client]
  • 2. Restructuring and styling our dashboard page - [Client]

  • 13. Client - Subscription setup - Phase I
  • 1. Create and register our Subscription model
  • 2. Create a test subscription object
  • 3. Implement base browsing functionality for articles - Part 1
  • 4. Implement base browsing functionality for articles - Part 2
  • 5. Setup and add article restrictions
  • 6. Output the current subscription plan on the dashboard

  • 14. PayPal - Initial setup
  • 1. Important PayPal link(s) for this section - [NOTE].html
  • 2.1 Create a PayPal account - Website.html
  • 2. Sign up for a PayPal account
  • 3.1 Create a Sandbox account - Website.html
  • 3. Creating our Sandbox accounts
  • 4. Create a PayPal app
  • 5.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 5. Logging into our Sandbox accounts

  • 15. Client - Subscription setup - Phase II
  • 1. Important PayPal link(s) for this section - [NOTE].html
  • 2.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 2. Construct the subscription page structure
  • 3.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 3. Build and Integrate a standard and premium plan - Part 1
  • 4.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 4. Build and Integrate a standard and premium plan - Part 2
  • 5. Allow pop-ups from PayPal - [Important]
  • 6. Routing and navigation for subscription plans

  • 16. Client - Create a Subscription with PayPals API
  • 1. Important PayPal link(s) for this section - [NOTE].html
  • 2. Create a subscription - URL routing and view functionality
  • 3. Create a subscription - URL Invocation
  • 4.1 GetEmoji - Website.html
  • 4. Create a subscription - Template design
  • 5. Pre-testing - Object cleanup and formatting
  • 6.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 6. Create a subscription - Final demonstration

  • 17. Client - Delete a Subscription with PayPals API
  • 1. Important PayPal link(s) for this section - [NOTE].html
  • 2. Delete a subscription - Setup the base url, view and template
  • 3. Delete a subscription - Obtain an access token from PayPal
  • 4.1 Subscriptions management - Website.html
  • 4. Delete a subscription - Integrate a PayPal cancellation function
  • 5. Delete a subscription - Invoke deletions on PayPal and Django
  • 6. Delete a subscription - URL Invocation
  • 7.1 GetEmoji - Website.html
  • 7. Delete a subscription - Template design
  • 8. Delete a subscription - API and template adjustment - [Important]
  • 9.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 9. Delete a subscription - Final demonstration
  • 10. Delete a subscription - Handle the Subscription ID for non-subs

  • 18. Client - Update a Subscription with PayPals API - [Optional]
  • 1. Subscriptions management - [Guide].html
  • 2. Important PayPal link(s) for this section - [NOTE].html
  • 3. Update a subscription - Setup the base url and view
  • 4. Update a subscription - Integrate a PayPal update function - Part 1
  • 5. Update a subscription - Integrate a PayPal update function - Part 2
  • 6. Update a subscription - Call and approve the HATEOAS link
  • 7. Update a subscription - URL Invocation to revise a PayPal subscription
  • 8. Update a subscription - Confirm updates from PayPal
  • 9.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 9. Update a subscription - Redirect to a success page via PayPal
  • 10.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 10. Update a subscription - Testing our success page and decorator setup
  • 11. Update a subscription - Obtain the users current subscription from PayPal
  • 12. Update a subscription - Confirm updates from Django
  • 13. Update a subscription - URL Invocation for final approval
  • 14.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 14. Update a subscription - Revise a subscription with a unified product
  • 15.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 15. Update a subscription - Create new plans with a linked product
  • 16.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 16. Update a subscription - Implementing our new Plan IDs
  • 17. PayPal - Update subscription - Please try again later message - [Important].html
  • 18.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 18. Update a subscription - Final demonstration - Part 1
  • 19.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 19. Update a subscription - Final demonstration - Part 2

  • 19. Client - Subscription workflow optimisation
  • 1. Prevent existing subscribers from re-subscribing
  • 2. Handle unique constraint errors - (Create a subscription)
  • 3. Handle does not exist errors - (Delete a subscription)
  • 4. Dynamically alter content on subscription events

  • 20. PayPal - Production mode
  • 1. Important PayPal link(s) for this section - [NOTE].html
  • 2.1 Login to your Sandbox accounts - Website.html
  • 2. Preparing for a live environment - Client ID and Secret ID
  • 3. Preparing for a live environment - Configuring API calls

  • 21. Client - Account management
  • 1. Account management - Update our account details
  • 2. Account management - Delete our account

  • 22. Account - Password management
  • 1.1 Setting up 2FA and creating an app password.pdf
  • 1. SMTP configuration - [Important]
  • 2. Reset our password - Part 1
  • 3. Reset our password - Part 2
  • 4. Password reset - Final demonstration

  • 23. User Interface Experience - Design
  • 1. UIUX design - General
  • 2. UIUX design - Password management
  • 3. UIUX design - Writer
  • 4. UIUX design - Client

  • 24. Account - Email verification - [Optional]
  • 1. Email verification - Configure our templates
  • 2. Email verification - Setup the base urls and views
  • 3.1 token.zip
  • 3. Email verification - Integrate a token generator
  • 4. Email verification - Tokenized link configuration - Part 1
  • 5. Email verification - Tokenized link configuration - Part 2
  • 6. Email verification - Styling our email verification templates
  • 7. Email verification - Navigation routing
  • 8. Email verification - Final demonstration

  • 25. Cloud Storage with Amazon S3
  • 1.1 AWS - Website.html
  • 1.2 Create an AWS account - FINAL.pdf
  • 1. Create an AWS account
  • 2. AWS Management Console - Introduction
  • 3. Create and set a designated budget on AWS
  • 4. IAM - Overview
  • 5. IAM - Create a user and a group
  • 6. IAM - Utilise our unique URL
  • 7. IAM - Secure your AWS accounts with MFA
  • 8. IAM - Generate access keys
  • 9.1 AWS CLI - Windows.html
  • 9. AWS CLI Installation and Setup - Windows
  • 10.1 AWS CLI - MacOS.html
  • 10. AWS CLI Installation and Setup - MacOS
  • 11. Amazon S3 - Overview
  • 12. Create and setup an S3 bucket
  • 13. Integrating S3 with our application

  • 26. Create a PostgreSQL database with Render
  • 1.1 GitHub - Website.html
  • 1. Create a GitHub account
  • 2.1 Render - Website.html
  • 2. Render - Introduction
  • 3.1 Render - Website.html
  • 3. Render - Sign up for an account
  • 4. Render - Create a PostgreSQL database instance
  • 5. Integrating a PostgreSQL database with our application

  • 27. Deployment to Render
  • 1. Installing Important packages
  • 2. Configure our environment variables
  • 3. Application security insights
  • 4. Create a requirements.txt file
  • 5. Deployment preparation
  • 6. Uploading our application to GitHub
  • 7. Create a web service on Render
  • 8. PayPal redirect url adjustment
  • 9. Final demonstration
  • 10. Custom domain name guidance on Render

  • 28. Resource cleanup
  • 1. Resource cleanup

  • 29. Additional functionality
  • 1. Send and receive emails from any email address.html

  • 30. Thank you!
  • 1. Thank you! - A final message
  • 2. Bonus lecture.html
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    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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