1. Theories we should know before starting
2. Top 5 Data Types in python (Important)
3. Learning to use previous session datas in Coding
4. Changing Data Types to other Data Types
5. Data Types Part.2
6. Data Types Part.3
7. Input, Output, Eval
8. Scape Characters
9. Mathematics (+ - etc.)
10. Loops Part.1 (For Loop) (Extremely Important)
11. Loops Part.2 (While Loop) ( Extremely Important)
12. Exercise for For loop and while loop.html
13. Explaining Exercises about for loop and while loop
14. Condition Statement in Python (if, else, elif) (Extremely Important)
15. If, Else, Elif.html
16. F-string, args and kwargs
17. Functions (def)
18. Def.html
19. Explaining the Def Assigment
20. Lambda
21. Classes and objects (Extermely Important)
22. Class Exercise (Mini Project).html
23. Explaining the Mini Project about Classes
24. Try, Except, Else, Finally (Error Handling) (LAST SESSION)