1 -What is an embedded systems
1 -What is an embedded system
2 -What is a microcontroller
3 -What is a difference between a microcontroller and a microprocessor
4 -PIC16F877A a basic introduction
5 -Going through datasheet of PIC16F877A microcontroller
6 -MikroC for PIC a Basic introduction
7 -Setting up your PIC16F877A board for burning using PICKIT 3 programmer tool
8 -Blinking an LED with a PIC16F877A microcontroller
9 -Blinking LED in train formation using PIC16F877A microcontroller
10 -Interfacing a Button with a PIC16F877A microcontroller
11 -Using a button to turn LED onoff using PIC16F877A microcontroller
12 -Introduction to ADC Library of MikroC for PIC with Demo on PIC16F877A
13 -Introduction to LCD Library of MikroC for PIC with Demo on PIC16F877A
14 -Introduction to PWM Library of MikroC for PIC with Demo on PIC16F877A
15 -Introduction to UART Library of MikroC for PIC with Demo on PIC16F877A. part 1
16 -Introduction to UART Library of MikroC for PIC with Demo on PIC16F877A. part 2
17 -Make Temperature measurement system using LM35 ,PIC16F877A and Lm016 LCD
18 -Make darknesslight detection system using LDR, PIC16F877A and LM016 LCD
19 -Convert input of Potentiometer to pecentage and display on LCD using PIC16F877A
20 -PIC16F877As PWM based speed control of a DC motor using TIP-122 transistor
21 -Use push buttons to control the brightness of an LED using PIC16F877A
22 -Brightness control of an LED using PIC16F877A and a potentiometer
23 -DC motor speed control using a potentiomter, PIC16F877A and a TIP122 transistor
24 -Joystick based variable speed control of a DC motor using PIC16F877A