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PHP Mastery 2024-Basics to Advanced with 8 Hands-on Projects

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The Ultimate PHP Experience: Dive into Projects, Challenges, and Theory for All Skill Levels. Your One-Stop Course!

1. Welcome ,Welcome ,Welcome to Course
  • 1.1 PHP Course Complete Demo.pdf
  • 1. Course Demo
  • 2. Thank you for enrolling
  • 3.1 Projects Walkthrough.pdf
  • 3. Projects Walkthrough
  • 4. PHP useful Websites.html

  • 2. Course Content Walkthrough
  • 1. Video Settings
  • 2. Course Walkthrough
  • 3.1 Watch before you start.pdf
  • 3. Watch before you start
  • 4. Provide Your Feedback

  • 3. [OPTIONAL] Basics of HTML
  • 1.1 HTML Basics.zip
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 01 HTML Introduction.pdf
  • 2. What is HTML
  • 3. Tags In HTML
  • 4. Elements in HTML
  • 5. Attributes in HTML
  • 6. HTML Table
  • 7. HTML Lists
  • 8. HTML Form
  • 9. Semantic HTML
  • 10. HTML Structure

  • 4. All you need to know about PHP
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 01 PHP Analogy.pdf
  • 2. Analogy to understand PHP
  • 3.1 02 PHP Introduction.pdf
  • 3. Introduction to PHP
  • 4.1 03 Client Server Model.pdf
  • 4. Client Server Model
  • 5.1 04 What PHP can do.pdf
  • 5. What can be done using PHP
  • 6.1 05 Advantages of PHP.pdf
  • 6. Advantages of using PHP
  • 7.1 06 PHP is not programming Language.pdf
  • 7. Is PHP not a programming Language
  • 8. List of Companies using PHP.html

  • 5. Section 5 PHP and Environment Setup
  • 1.1 What is XAMPP.pdf
  • 1. What is XAMPP
  • 2. Install XAMPP
  • 3. Code Editor Setup
  • 4. VS code PHP useful Extension Installation.html
  • 5. File Structure in XAMPP
  • 6. PHP File
  • 7. First PHP Website- Hello World Program

  • 6. Basics of PHP
  • 1.1 PHP Basics - Section Intro.pdf
  • 1.2 Source code Files.zip
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. Echo vs Print
  • 3. Usage and Types of comments
  • 4. HTML in PHP
  • 5. JavaScript in PHP
  • 6. Whitespace in PHP
  • 7. Escape Characters in PHP
  • 8. include files in PHP
  • 9. require files in PHP
  • 10. include once and require one in PHP
  • 11. Exercise to master basics of PHP

  • 7. !IMPORTANT - Knowledge Require for PHP Projects
  • 1.1 Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 Database system.pdf
  • 2. Database System
  • 3.1 Database.pdf
  • 3. What is Database
  • 4.1 What is MySQL.pdf
  • 4. Understanding MySQL
  • 5. Connecting to MySQL via Command Prompt
  • 6. Connecting to MySQL via Graphical User Interface(GUI) - phpmyadmin
  • 7.1 SQL.pdf
  • 7. Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • 8. Exploring phpmyadmin- Creating users inside phpmyadmin
  • 9.1 Different datatypes.html
  • 9. Creating Database and Table
  • 10. Commands - Walkthrough
  • 11. Project Code Files
  • 12. Connecting to Database (mysql and mysqli)
  • 13. Imp functions of mysqli mysqli connect() mysqli connect error() mysqli close()
  • 14. Arrays and Associative arrays
  • 15. Form attributes
  • 16. Connect Database in all files
  • 17. Global variable - $ GET (get method)
  • 18. Global variable - $ POST (post method)

  • 8. !IMPORTANT [PROJECT #1] - PHP CRUD Operation
  • 1.1 PHP CRUD Project Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 01 PHP CRUD Operation.zip
  • 2. Project Demo
  • 3. Accessing values from Form
  • 4. Insert Data into Database
  • 5. Reading single data from Database
  • 6. Reading all data of Database
  • 7. Display Data in table
  • 8. Update data - Part 1
  • 9. Update data - Part 2
  • 10. Update data - Part 3
  • 11. Redirecting to specific page
  • 12. Delete Data from Database
  • 13. Display number in series
  • 14. Fixing Header, if no records
  • 15. Important Function revision

  • 9. PHP Variables and Constants
  • 1.1 Variables and Constants.zip
  • 1.2 Variables Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 Variables in PHP.pdf
  • 2. What are Variables
  • 3. Defining and Declaring Variable
  • 4. Working with Data Types
  • 5.1 Rules of creating a variable.pdf
  • 5. Rules of creating a variable
  • 6. Use of Single and Double quotes
  • 7. Variable Typing
  • 8. Variables in Functions
  • 9. Built in functions are case sensitive
  • 10.1 PHP Scopes.pdf
  • 10. PHP Scope - 1. Local Scope
  • 11. PHP Scope - 2. Global Scope
  • 12. PHP Scope - 3. Static Scope
  • 13. Superglobal variables
  • 14. Variables of Variables
  • 15. Isset() in variables
  • 16. What are constants
  • 17. More on Constants
  • 18. Variables vs Constants
  • 19. Rules of creating constants
  • 20. Valid and Invalid constants
  • 21. Magic constants

  • 10. [PROJECT #2] Validating PHP Form
  • 1.1 Project Validation Form Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. Project Demo - Validating PHP Form
  • 3.1 02 Form Validation.zip
  • 3.2 Project Validation Form theory.zip
  • 3. Source Code Navigation
  • 4.1 html entities and htmlspecialchars.pdf
  • 4. htmlentities and htmlspecialchars Explaination
  • 5. htmlentities and htmlspecialchars implementation
  • 6. Username and Place validation
  • 7. Validating Username and Place str replace()
  • 8. Validating Username and Place ucfirst ( ) and strtolower( )
  • 9. Extra validation for Username and Place
  • 10. Assign validation message for Username and Place
  • 11. Display validation message for Username and Place
  • 12.1 Filter email.pdf
  • 12. filter var and FILTER VALIDATE EMAIL
  • 13. List of Filters.html
  • 14. Email Validation
  • 15. Assign and Display validation message for Email
  • 16. Phone Validation
  • 17. Required all Fields validation
  • 18. Username and Email Exist - Part 1
  • 19. Username and Email Exist - Part 2
  • 20. Username and Email Exist validation message
  • 21. MySQL blocked port error - FIXED
  • 22. Inserting only validated data
  • 23.1 mysqli real escape string.pdf
  • 23. mysqli real escape string
  • 24. Escape all field
  • 25.1 DOM (Document Object Model) course with project.html
  • 25. JavaScript Code - Clear Validation message

  • 11. Expressions and Operators
  • 1.1 Expression and Operators.zip
  • 1.2 Expression and operator Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 What is expression.pdf
  • 2. Expressions
  • 3.1 What is Operator.pdf
  • 3. Operators
  • 4.1 Types of operators.pdf
  • 4. Different types of Operators
  • 5. Arithmetic Operators
  • 6. Conditional Operator
  • 7. Comparison Operator
  • 8. Logical Operator
  • 9. Logical Operator-Difference between Logical AND and &&
  • 10. Logical Operator-Difference between Logical OR and
  • 11. Assignment Operator
  • 12. Increment Operators
  • 13. Decrement Operators
  • 14.1 bitwise operator.pdf
  • 14. Bitwise Operators
  • 15. Bitwise Operators Implementation
  • 16. Right Shift Operator
  • 17. Left Shift Operator
  • 18. Execution Operators
  • 19. Error control Operators
  • 20. Operator Precedence

  • 12. Data Types in PHP
  • 1.1 Data Types in PHP.zip
  • 1.2 Data Types Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 What are Data Types.pdf
  • 2. What are Data Types
  • 3.1 Scalar Data type.pdf
  • 3. Scalar Data Types
  • 4. Integer Data Type
  • 5. Float Data Type
  • 6. Boolean Data Type
  • 7. String Data Type
  • 8. Null
  • 9. Arrays
  • 10. Objects

  • 13. [Project #3] Text Transform Tool - PHP String
  • 1.1 PHP Strings Text Transform Tool Project.pdf
  • 1.2 PHP Strings.zip
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. What are Strings
  • 3. HEREDOC in String
  • 4. NOWDOC in String
  • 5. String Compare Function
  • 6. Project Demo- Text Transform Tool
  • 7.1 03 Text Transform Tool.zip
  • 7. Project Setup
  • 8. Get Input Details
  • 9. UpperCase and LowerCase
  • 10. Reverse String
  • 11. String Length
  • 12. String Explode Function
  • 13. String Implode Function
  • 14. Implement Explode and Implode
  • 15. Count Words in String
  • 16. Replace String
  • 17. Shuffle String
  • 18. Find Position in String
  • 19. Implement str pos in project
  • 20. Word Wrap in String
  • 21. Find Sub String
  • 22. Implement Sub String in Project

  • 14. Regular Expression
  • 1.1 Regular Expression Section Intro.pdf
  • 1.2 Regular Expression.zip
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 Regular Expression.pdf
  • 2. Regular Expressions
  • 3.1 preg match function.pdf
  • 3. preg match() function
  • 4.1 preg match all function.pdf
  • 4. preg match all() function
  • 5. Pipe Character
  • 6. Square Brackets [ ]
  • 7. Caret Operator ^ inside square bracket
  • 8. Range inside Brackets [ - ]
  • 9. Regular Expressions Tester
  • 10. Meta Characters
  • 11. Meta characters w and W
  • 12. Meta characters d and D
  • 13. Meta characters s and S
  • 14. Meta characters b and B
  • 15. Meta character dot (.)
  • 16. Meta character caret (^) and ($)
  • 17.1 Youtube Link.html
  • 17. Exercise URL Match
  • 18.1 Regular Expression Quantifier.pdf
  • 18. Different types of Quantifiers
  • 19. Asterix Quantifier ()
  • 20. Plus Quantifier (+)
  • 21. Question mark quantifier ()
  • 22. {n} ,{n,m} , {n,} Quantifiers
  • 23. Exercise - Email Validation
  • 24. Revisit Validation Project

  • 15. Arrays in PHP
  • 1.1 Arrays section Intro.pdf
  • 1.2 Arrays.zip
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 What are arrays.pdf
  • 2. What is an Array
  • 3. Different ways of Printing Array
  • 4. Update array elements
  • 5. foreach loop- Iterate Array Elements
  • 6. Empty array
  • 7. Mixed Array
  • 8. Indexed Array
  • 9. Associative Array
  • 10. Print Associative Array
  • 11. Iterate Associative Array
  • 12. Multidimensional Array
  • 13. Print Multidimensional Array
  • 14. Iterate Multidimensional Array
  • 15. Array Function unset
  • 16. Copy Array
  • 17.1 List of array methods.pdf
  • 17. List of array methods
  • 18.1 array methods 1.pdf
  • 18. Array Methods - Part 1
  • 19.1 array methods 2.pdf
  • 19. Array Methods - Part 2
  • 20.1 array methods 3.pdf
  • 20. Array Methods - Part 3
  • 21.1 array methods 4.pdf
  • 21. Array Methods - Part 4
  • 22.1 array methods 5.pdf
  • 22. Array Methods - Part 5
  • 23. IMPORTANT NOTE Visit Functions Section.html
  • 24. Array map method
  • 25. Array filter method
  • 26. Array reduce method

  • 16. Functions in PHP
  • 1.1 Functions in PHP.zip
  • 1.2 Functions Section Objective.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 What are Functions.pdf
  • 2. What are Functions
  • 3. Defining and Calling a Function
  • 4.1 Rules of creating a function name.pdf
  • 4. Rules of creating a Function Name
  • 5.1 Function with parameters.pdf
  • 5. Function with Parameters
  • 6. Default and Optional parameters
  • 7.1 Validating Input parameters.pdf
  • 7. Validate input parameters
  • 8. Read Functions Library
  • 9.1 return value.pdf
  • 9. Return Value from Functions
  • 10. Exercise Find totalmarks and percentage
  • 11. Function calling other functions
  • 12. Exercise Find Area and Perimeter of Rectangle
  • 13.1 pass by reference.pdf
  • 13. Passing Arguments by reference
  • 14. Pass by Reference Example
  • 15. Dynamic Function Calling Variable Function
  • 16. Anonymous Function
  • 17.1 Recursive Function.pdf
  • 17. Recursive Function
  • 18. [OPTIONAL] Visit Global and Local Scope

  • 17. Super Global Variables
  • 1.1 Super global variable section intro.pdf
  • 1.2 Super Global Variable.zip
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 What are super global variables.pdf
  • 2. Super Global Variables
  • 3.1 GET variable.pdf
  • 3. [OPTIONAL] $ GET global variable
  • 4.1 POST variable.pdf
  • 4. [OPTIONAL] $ POST global variable
  • 5.1 REQUEST variable.pdf
  • 5. $ REQUEST global variable
  • 6.1 SERVER Variable.pdf
  • 6. $ SERVER global variable
  • 7.1 COOKIE variable.pdf
  • 7. $ COOKIE global variable
  • 8.1 Set cookie.pdf
  • 8. Set Cookies
  • 9. Calculate Expire Time
  • 10.1 Delete Cookie.pdf
  • 10. Delete Cookie
  • 11.1 Session variable.pdf
  • 11. $ SESSION global variable
  • 12.1 set and get session.pdf
  • 12. Set and Get Session
  • 13.1 Destroy session.pdf
  • 13. Destroy Session
  • 14. [OPTIONAL] $GLOBALS global variable
  • 15. $ FILE global variable

  • 18. [Project #4] Upload Image in Database
  • 1.1 Uppload image into database.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. Project Demo
  • 3.1 04 Profile Card.zip
  • 3. Project Setup
  • 4. Database and Table
  • 5. enctype = multipartform-data
  • 6. Image name Logic
  • 7. move uploaded file function
  • 8. Insert Image into database
  • 9. Display Error Message
  • 10. Display Image in Table
  • 11. Clean Code

  • 19. [Project #5] Task Manager Tool
  • 1.1 Project 5 Task manager tool section intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2. Project Demo
  • 3.1 05 Task Manager Tool.zip
  • 3. Project Setup
  • 4. Handling Form Options
  • 5. Work on Functions
  • 6. Display no task with session
  • 7. Add Task Function
  • 8. Task already added
  • 9. Display Logic
  • 10. Display Entire Task
  • 11. Filter Tasks Logic
  • 12. Sort Tasks Logic
  • 13. Complete Task Function
  • 14. Remove Task Function
  • 15. Clear All Task

  • 20. Control Structures
  • 1.1 Control Structures.zip
  • 1.2 Section Intro Control Structures in PHP.pdf
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 Control Structures.pdf
  • 2. Control Structures
  • 3.1 if statement.pdf
  • 3. if Statement
  • 4.1 if else Statement.pdf
  • 4. if else Statement
  • 5.1 elseif statement.pdf
  • 5. elseif Statement
  • 6.1 switch statement.pdf
  • 6. switch Statement
  • 7.1 for loop.pdf
  • 7. for loop
  • 8.1 while loop.pdf
  • 8. while loop
  • 9.1 dowhile loop.pdf
  • 9. do-while loop
  • 10.1 foreach loop.pdf
  • 10. [OPTIONAL]foreach loop
  • 11.1 break statement.pdf
  • 11. break Statement
  • 12.1 continue statement.pdf
  • 12. continue Statement
  • 13. return keyword
  • 14. goto Statement
  • 15. Exercise Display Multiplication Table
  • 16. Exercise Find odd numbers

  • 21. Handling Exceptions
  • 1.1 Exception handling section intro.pdf
  • 1.2 Exception Handling.zip
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 What is exception handling.pdf
  • 2. What is Exception Handling
  • 3.1 Syntax of Exception handling.pdf
  • 3. Syntax of Handling Exceptions
  • 4. Practical Implementation
  • 5. Handling Exception for Functions
  • 6.1 Basic use of Exception.pdf
  • 6. Basic use of Exception
  • 7. try and catch inside function
  • 8. Use Different Methods
  • 9. Finally block
  • 10. Create Custom Exception
  • 11. Throw Custom Exception
  • 12. Finally block- Another Example
  • 13. Capture Custom Exception
  • 14. Catch Multiple Exceptions
  • 15. Raise and Catch Errors
  • 16. Handle Errors
  • 17. Exercise - Find Odd Numbers

  • 22. MySQL with PDO
  • 1.1 PDO Section Intro.pdf
  • 1.2 PHP PDO.zip
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 What is PDO.pdf
  • 2. PHP PDO
  • 3.1 PDO Syntax.pdf
  • 3. Syntax of PDO
  • 4. Connect to Database
  • 5. Fetching Records
  • 6.1 Different fetch styles.pdf
  • 6. Different Fetch Styles
  • 7. Display Data using different Fetch Styles
  • 8.1 setAttribute Method.html
  • 8. setAttributes
  • 9. Fetch and FetchAll
  • 10. Display Data using fetchAll
  • 11.1 prepare statement.pdf
  • 11. MySQL prepare method
  • 12. Implement prepare method
  • 13. Pass Datatype in bindParam
  • 14. bindValue
  • 15.1 bind methods.pdf
  • 15. bindColumn
  • 16. colon placeholder
  • 17. Insert Query
  • 18.1 Advanced fetch style.pdf
  • 18. PDO Advance Fetch Styles
  • 19. PDO methods
  • 20. PDO with Exception Handling
  • 21.1 PDO Transaction.pdf
  • 21. PDO Transaction
  • 22. PDO Transaction Implementation
  • 23. 4th parameter for PDO object
  • 24. Assignment.html

  • 23. [PROJECT #6] CRUD Operation using PDO
  • 1.1 PDO CRUD Operation Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. Project Demo
  • 3.1 06 PDO CRUD Operation.zip
  • 3. Project Setup
  • 4. Connect to Database
  • 5. Insert Data into Table
  • 6. Check if email exist
  • 7. Display Users
  • 8. Update Users - Part1
  • 9. Update Users - Part2
  • 10. Delete Users
  • 11. Assignment.html

  • 24. [PROJECT #7] Login and Registration System
  • 1.1 Registration and login system Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2. Project Demo
  • 3.1 07 PDO Registration and Login System.zip
  • 3.2 Login and Registration Form.zip
  • 3. Project Setup
  • 4.1 Enum Data Type.html
  • 4. Connect to Database
  • 5. Registering User - Inserting Data
  • 6. Trim and Stripslashes function
  • 7. Validating User Function
  • 8.1 Password Hash.html
  • 8.2 PDO password hash.pdf
  • 8. Password Hash
  • 9. Confirm Passwords
  • 10. Check if username or email exists
  • 11. Login to Page
  • 12. Verify Password
  • 13. Start Session
  • 14. Logout Session

  • 25. Date Time Math Numbers
  • 1.1 Date and Time.zip
  • 1.2 Date time math number section intro.pdf
  • 1.3 Math Functions.zip
  • 1.4 PHP Numbers.zip
  • 1. Section Intro
  • 2.1 date format.pdf
  • 2. Date Format
  • 3.1 timestamp.pdf
  • 3. Timestamp
  • 4. DateTime class Function
  • 5. date create method
  • 6. format method
  • 7. strtotime method
  • 8.1 Default Timezone.html
  • 8. date default timezone method
  • 9. sleep method
  • 10. Exercise Build Timezone Converter
  • 11. Math Functions - Part1
  • 12. Math Functions - Part2
  • 13. PHP Numbers Integers
  • 14. PHP Numbers Floats
  • 15. PHP Numbers Infinity and NaN
  • 16. isNumeric method
  • 17. Casting Strings and Floats

  • 26. PHP Files
  • 1.1 PHP Files Section Intro.pdf
  • 1.2 PHP Files.zip
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2.1 File System.pdf
  • 2. File System
  • 3.1 List of file system function.pdf
  • 3. List of File System Funcions
  • 4. Read File
  • 5. CopyRenameUnlinkDelete Files
  • 6. Make and Delete Directories
  • 7. Display File Information
  • 8.1 Different modes in file.pdf
  • 8. fopen modes
  • 9. Open and Read files
  • 10. Write Files
  • 11. File System is function
  • 12.1 File Permission.pdf
  • 12. fileperms and chmod
  • 13.1 File put content.pdf
  • 13. PHP File put content
  • 14.1 File Get contents.pdf
  • 14. PHP File get content
  • 15.1 glob function.pdf
  • 15. Glob Function
  • 16. Flags in Glob function
  • 17.1 Directory functions 1.pdf
  • 17. PHP Directory Functions- Part1
  • 18. PHP Directory Functions- Part2
  • 19. Read Configuration File
  • 20. Read and Write CSV File
  • 21. Assignment 1 Working on Directories.html
  • 22. Assignment 2 Read and Write Files.html

  • 27. [Project #8] Download PDF File
  • 1.1 Download PDF Section Intro.pdf
  • 1. Section Overview
  • 2. Project Demo
  • 3.1 08 Download PDf file.zip
  • 3. Project Setup
  • 4. View PDF File
  • 5. Pass File Attribute
  • 6. Input Validation
  • 7. Sanitization
  • 8.1 Headers.pdf
  • 8. Download Headers Explaination
  • 9. Download Headers Implementation

  • 28. The End!
  • 1.1 YouTube Channel.html
  • 1. Exploring Further Whats Next After Completing Your PHP Course.html
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