1 - Section 11 The Why An Overview
2 - Section 12 The Why Approaching Alignment
3 - Section 13 The Why Path to Purpose
4 - Section 21 Whats an OKR Framework Benefits
5 - Section 22 Whats an OKR Ideal Timeline
6 - Section 23 Whats an OKR OrgLevel Objectives
7 - Section 24 Whats an OKR Sample Objectives
8 - Section 25 Whats an OKR Individual Overview
9 - Section 26 Whats an OKR Cascading Connections
10 - Section 27 Whats an OKR QuarterinReview
11 - Section 31 OKRs Arent Perfect
12 - Section 41 OKRs 20
13 - Section 51 Guiding Conversations The Sketching Phase
14 - Section 52 Guiding Conversations Monthly Checkins
15 - Section 53 Guiding Conversations Reflecting on the Quarter
16 - Section 54 Guiding Conversations Preparing for the Coming Quarter
17 - Section 61 What can you do right now to move towards what you really want