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Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along – React Web Development

سرفصل های دوره

Modern 2023 Next.js Industry Level - Build React Web Applications - Javascript - Web Development

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - What Is Next js and Web Development Basics
  • 2 - What are the essentials of Web Development For Beginners
  • 3 - Quick Note On Self Learning
  • 4 - What Is React For Complete Beginners
  • 5 - What Is Next JS Exactly And Its Usefulness Basics
  • 6 - How Websites and HTML Work For Complete Beginners

  • 2 - Build A Basic Website From Scratch
  • 7 - What is a Text Editor And How To Get VSC
  • 8 - Deploy Your First Website With Old School HTML and JS For Complete Beginners
  • 9 - Manipulate The DOM With JavaScript Web Basics
  • 10 - Imperative vs Declarative Programming and Web Development

  • 3 - Build A React Project From Scratch
  • 11 - Starter Code.html
  • 11 - starter-code.html
  • 12 - Convert Website Code To A React App Manually With Src Pointing
  • 13 - Introduction To Babel And JSX

  • 4 - Javascript Essentials For Mastering React
  • 14 - Download Node Js and what is Node Js
  • 15 - Setting Up Our Learning Environment
  • 16 - What Are Functions in Javascript
  • 17 - Example Of How Functions Work In JavaScript for Complete Beginners
  • 18 - 03-functions.zip
  • 18 - functions notes.html
  • 19 - What Are Function Expressions in Javascript
  • 20 - JavaScript Interview Question Trick With Function Expressions And Utility Fun
  • 21 - 05-job-interview-function-expressions.zip
  • 21 - Job Interview Function Expressions.html
  • 22 - 06-function-hoisting.zip
  • 22 - Function Hoisting.html
  • 23 - What is Function Hoisting in JavaScript
  • 24 - 07-function-scope.zip
  • 24 - Functionscope.html
  • 25 - How Scope Works in JavaScript
  • 26 - Closures Part 1.html
  • 27 - What Are Closures and An Example with JavaScript Explained
  • 28 - 09-advanced-closure-example-data-privacy.zip
  • 28 - Advanced Closure Example Data Privacy Notes.html
  • 29 - Advanced Closure Module Pattern with Data Privacy Encapsulation
  • 30 - 10-how-do-arrow-functions-work-in-react-and-next.zip
  • 30 - How Do Arrow Functions Work in React and Next.html
  • 31 - What Are Arrows Functions And Usefulness In React
  • 32 - Destructuring Solutions.html
  • 33 - Destructuring With JavaScript

  • 5 - React Code Along From Scratch Step by step learning React
  • 34 - How To Write Components in React
  • 35 - 00-Starter-Code.html
  • 35 - Starter Code.html
  • 36 - How The Component Tree Structure in React Works and Nested Components
  • 37 - How Props Work In React
  • 38 - Mapping Through Lists In React
  • 39 - What Are React Hooks And State In react

  • 6 - Introduction To Next JS For Professional Development
  • 40 - 00-Starter-Code.html
  • 40 - Starter Code.html
  • 41 - Migrating From React To Next Js

  • 7 - Higher Level Next Js Core Concepts
  • 42 - Development Environment And Build vs Production Build with Next Js
  • 43 - Introduction To The Next Js Compiler
  • 44 - Demystifying What is meant by Next Js Compiler
  • 45 - What is Minification in Next Js
  • 46 - What is Bundling in Next Js
  • 47 - What is Code Splitting in Next Js
  • 48 - Build Time vs Run Time Basics
  • 49 - What is the client and what is the server in Web Applications Basics
  • 50 - What is Rendering in Next Js
  • 51 - What is Pre rendering in Next Js
  • 52 - What is CSR Client Side Rendering with Next Js
  • 53 - How Server Side Rendering Works As A Deeper Dive
  • 54 - What is SSG in Next Js
  • 55 - What Are CDNs and The Edge in Next Js and Vercel

  • 8 - Build A Next JS App From Scratch Bootcamp Code Along Zero to Hero
  • 56 - Introduction and Quick Note About The Upcoming Final Project
  • 57 - How to start a Next Js Template Locally
  • 58 - Next Js Template File Structure Overview
  • 59 - How Pages work in Next Js
  • 60 - Prefetching and Codesplitting with Link And CSN Client Side Navigation in N

  • 9 - Working with Metadata and Assets in Next Js
  • 61 - Download The CSS Starter Kit Project From Next Js Official
  • 62 - How Images Optimize with Next Js
  • 63 - Scripts and Header Data and Props with Next Js
  • 64 - CSS Modules and Next Js Optimizations with Layout
  • 65 - Global Styling with Next Js
  • 66 - Customizing Utility Styles with Next Js
  • 67 - Metadata For SEO and Social Media with Next Js
  • 68 - Writing Dynamic Layout Components with Next Js
  • 69 - How to use Children and Props in React and Next Js

  • 10 - Prerendering and Data Fetching with Next Js
  • 70 - Starter Code.html
  • 70 - starter-code.zip
  • 71 - Pre Rendering Tests with Next Js
  • 72 - What is Static Generation vs Server Side Rendering with Next Js
  • 73 - Static Generation with Data in Next Js
  • 74 - Concise Basic Algorithms For Next Js Practice And Data Processing
  • 75 - Static Generation and GetStaticProps with Next Js
  • 76 - When to use GetStaticPropsServer with Next Js
  • 77 - SSR Versus CSR and GetServerSideProps with Next Js

  • 11 - Dynamic Routes with Next JS
  • 78 - Starter Code.html
  • 78 - starter-code.zip
  • 79 - How to Create Dynamic Routes with Next Js
  • 80 - getStaticPaths with Next Js Implementation
  • 81 - Mastering Dynamic Static Rendering with Next Js
  • 82 - Rendering Markdown and Security Vulnerabilities with Injected HTML
  • 83 - Polishing The Dynamic Post Pages
  • 84 - Polishing a Next Js Component with Styling
  • 85 - Fetching Data and Database Querying Plus ISR with Next JS
  • 86 - API Routes with Next Js

  • 12 - How To Deploy A Next JS Application from Scratch
  • 87 - What is Github and how to get started with it
  • 88 - How to push your Next Js App to Github
  • 89 - Deploy Your App to Vercel and Commit Changes with Github
  • 90 - Real World Multi Branch Feature Building on Github with React
  • 91 - Pull Requests and Merging Code Reviews with Github Automatic Vercel Deploymen
  • 54,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 24200
    حجم: 5389 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 608 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 13 آذر 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید